‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World

Scream, Scream, Scream!

Tre's POV.

"Billie!" I heard Alyssa say. It sounded like she had been crying. I looked up and saw my daughter. I got up and hugged her tightly.

"Why'd you leave, Alice?" I asked with tears streaming. Marty came rushing over and hugged her too.

"I had to find Abby," she said hugging the both of us. "But I can't find her anywhere. She won't answer her phone and I'm mainly scared because..." She looked up at Alyssa and so did the rest of us.

"Billie, come with me," Alyssa said and dragged him outside.

Billie's POV.

"What is it?" I asked her once we sat on the curb outside the police station. We had been here almost all day and I was exhausted.

"It's our daughter," she said and put her hand to her mouth about to breakdown.

"What happened to her?" I asked, feeling overwhelmed.

"She's been addicted to drugs... for ten months, Billie. What kind of parents are we?!" She said and put her head on my lap and brokedown. I leaned over on her and cried with her.

"We can't just sit around anymore and wait," I said crying. "We need to go out on our own and find her now. I'm not going to let my child die from that. I'm not going to let her take the path I took when I was her age."

"What do we do?" She asked, sitting up and wiping her face.

"We get in the car and start driving."

"Let me run back in and tell the others," she said and ran inside.

Alyssa came out a few minutes later and got in the driver's seat and I ran and sat in the seat next to her. Marty, Tre, and Alice all got in the other car and drove behind us.

Marty's POV.

Tre, Alice, and I all went to the Armstrong house to raid Abby's room because Alice already knew where everything was.

"You haven't been doing any of this, have you Alice?" I asked my daughter. She turned to me quickly.

"No, mom! I promise. I've actually tried talking Abby out of it several times, but she never wants to listen to me."

"Okay, I believe you," I said and patted her shoulder as we walked up the steps to Abby's room.

"It's this one," Alice said and held the door handle that was the second door down on the left. She waited for us to come up behind her then opened the door. I was shocked at how many posters were on the wall, and surprised that Green Day was hanging up. We laughed at that. Alice then went to a drawer that was on the bottom of a dresser.

"Are you sure you want to see this?" She asked us, getting tears in her eyes. We nodded our heads.

"You're doing the right thing, Alice," Tre said. We went up beside her and she opened the drawer slowly.

"Oh my God," I said and put my hand over my mouth. I leaned back and sat down on the floor shocked.

"Abby..." Tre sighed and shook his head. "I'm surprised that she's still alive."

Alice busted into tears and fell on the bed.

Alyssa's POV.

I looked at my phone and saw that Tre was calling me.

"Hello?" I asked, still looking around the streets frantically.

"We found her stash," Tre said. "Abby's loaded with stuff."

I put my hand over my face and then ran it through my hair.

"How much is there?" I asked, trying to hold together.

"I think you and Bill should see it for yourselves. Alice feels terrible for telling and is crying on Abby's bed. Marty's trying to comfort her and tell her that she did the right thing."

"Tell Alice that I really appreciate it, I've got to go," I said and hung up.

"Who was that?" Billie asked me.

"It was Tre," I said. "They found Abby's collection." Billie sighed. We were still in Oakland and he had turned around to come back home.

Abby's POV.

It was starting to get dark out, and I was getting scared and fidgety. Christian was still with me and he had one arm around my shoulders. We sat in another alley, planning on spending the night there. It was a real hidden spot behind some large crates and dumpsters. The thought of being in San Francisco scared me but thrilled me at the same time.

"Christian?" I asked. "Why are you so nice to me? I mean, you could of met a whole bunch of other runaways out here, but you picked me." I hoped for the answer that I thought he would say. Something like, 'because you're beautiful' or 'because I like you.'

"Because, Abby," he sighed. "I saw you shivering and I felt terrible. I knew that I couldn't just keep you there all alone." He smiled at me. I gave him a weak smile back.

I pulled out my phone and I looked at the calendar. There was only three more days until my fifteenth birthday.

"That thing is going to die eventually you know," Christian said, stating the obvious.

"I know, but I had to bring it anyways."

"Why? I thought you didn't want contact with anybody back at home."

"My best friend Alice, remember?" I said, wanting to be sarcastic. "Oh! I almost forgot. She left me a message. I need to listen to it."

I dialed my number and when it asked for my password I punched that in. 5523. The recorded woman voice told me that I had five unread messages. I listened to the first one. It was Alice, and my jaw dropped and tears began to welt up.

"Hey Abby! I don't know where you are, but I'm here at home with Klaus. say 'hi'' Klaus!" Alice said.

"Hi Abby!" Klaus' voice came through the phone.

"We really need you to come back home. Please," then it hung up.

It asked me if I wanted to delete it, but I saved it instead. Then the next three were from her, too, saying that she was out looking for me and that she had run away from home to find me. I began crying even more, but not moving. The last one came up:

"Abby, it's me Alice again. Please answer your damn phone! You're making me worry. I don't know where you are or what you're doing or even if you're safe. Please don't get into something that I wouldn't do." Then the line went dead.

"Oh my God," I sighed then started crying on Christian.

"What is it?!" He asked, hugging me.

"Alice! She's gone out to find me! I have to go back home and get her," I said and got up, almost running down the alley. Then I stopped.

"Where's my bag?" I asked and turned to Christian. He shrugged.

"Fuck! I left it on the bus!" I said and stomped my foot on the concrete so hard that I felt a pop in my ankle. I gasped and I fell to the ground.

"Abby!" Christian yelled and came running to me. I was on my back and my legs were sprawled.

"What is it?!" He asked again, but more frantic.

"My ankle!" I gasped, cringing.

"We need to get you somewhere, I'm not letting you go through this," he said and picked me up.

Alice's POV.

"She's going to be so mad at me!" I said into the pillow, still crying. "I didn't want her to die though!"

"You're fine, Alice. You did the right thing. I'm sure Abby will understand after a few days," my mom told me and rubbed my back.

"Billie and Alyssa are coming back home, they can't find her anywhere," my dad said.

"Are they mad at me, too?" I asked, sitting up.

"No, no, no. Alyssa said that she's proud of you for telling," my mom said again, pushing my hair out of my face. I hugged my mom and cried on her again. I felt her look up at my dad.

About twenty minutes later, Billie and Alyssa were in here. Tre opened the drawer again and Alyssa gasped and ran to the bathroom and puked I'm guessing. Billie fell and cried in front of all of us. My dad went over and helped him.

"I'm a horrible dad," Billie said.

"No, you're not," my dad told him.

"When can we get Klaus, mom?" I asked.

"Don't let him come home yet, he's too young for this."

"Mom, he's twelve."

"Exactly, Alice."

Christian's POV.

"This is Abigail Armstrong, and she needs to be seen for a broken ankle," I told the receptionist.

"Do you know her address?"

"No, ma'am."

"How about her birthday?"

"My birthday is in three days," Abby said, clutching onto my shirt.

"How about her parents?" She asked. Abby looked up at me and I looked down at her, telling her that she needed to tell them the truth.

"Um," she started. "Billie Joe and Alyssa."

"And who is this?" She asked, nodding her head towards me.

"That's my brother, Christian." I let out a breath of relief.

"Okay, may I see your arm, ma'am?" She asked. Abby put her arm out and the receptionist looked at it and looked up at me with a concerned look then put the bracelet around her wrist.

"Do they know that you're here?" She asked us once we started to walk away.

"N- yes. Yes they do. But they're out doing jobs and some sort. I told them not to worry about it," Abby said, walking away.

"Why did you lie, Abby?" I asked, once we sat down at the chairs across the room. "What if they find out that we're not really brother and sister?"

"I don't want my parents even knowing where I am, Christian. And they're not going to find out."

"But you need to tell the truth," I sighed.

"Oh, and that coming out of your mouth?" She asked being cocky and stood up fast, but then gasped and fell forward. I caught her and made sure she didn't hit her head or anything. I stood up and sat her back down in the chair.

"You couldn't make it out here by yourself," I laughed. "Don't do that again."

Adrienne's POV.

Sitting in the living room with a beer in my left hand and a cigarette in my right as something that I did just about everyday. I had gotten off the drugs three months ago after being completely distraught that my son, Christian, was gone. It was all that damn Billie Joe Armstrong's fault for getting me knocked up that night. We were both wasted out of our minds though. We had started talking and drinking at the same time and one thing led to another. We were both married, ha! I bet he's still with that slut. She was so damn perfect. Hardly ever got drunk, didn't do drugs, had the best life. God knows what happened to them. Tom and I split up once I started ruining my life even more, day by day. His band didn't last too long. They split up a few years ago... so I heard on MTV News. Which I just happened to be watching at the moment. I was still sober and only had a few sips of my beer. There was a picture of Green Day so I turned up the volume.

""Lead singer and drummer of Green Day's children, Abigail Armstrong and Alice Wright, have been missing for 48 hours and there are still no signs of the two teens," the reporter said.

I let out a laugh and threw my head back.

"That's what the man gets for being a horrible father and husband," I said and put the cigarette up to my lips and inhaled the nicotine. I closed my eyes then blew the smoke out of my mouth.

"That's what you fucking get!" I yelled and grabbed a stuffed animal on the floor next to me and threw it at the TV. Though, I didn't know it was a stuffed animal until I had threw it. Then I started laughing at my own stupidity.

Alyssa's POV.

I let go of the sides of the toilet and I rolled over to sit and lean against the wall. I took deep breaths and tried not to think about the stash that my daughter had of multiple kinds of drugs in her drawer. It reminded me of yesterday, just yesterday, when Billie and I heard some drawers close and her rub her nose when the opened the door. The thought never occurred to me that it would be drugs she was hiding.

"Why her?" I asked myself. I sighed a few more times before Billie came rushing in.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, leaning against the door frame. I leaned my head to the left and looked at him and opened my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said and got up. Billie helped me up and walk me out of the bathroom and into the bedroom again.

"Let's see... we have OxyCotin, that's a horrible one, and we also have Heroin needles, there could be some proof of that on her arms, we also have in here some pills prescribed to Billie... it looks like it's his anxiety pills, there's also some Cocaine that would explain her rubbing her nose and sniffing a lot," Tre said once we got back in the room.

"I was looking for those!" Billie said, grabbing his anxiety medicine.

"Billie," I said, putting my hand on his chest. "We have more important things to worry about right now, I'm sorry."

Billie sighed, put the medicine down on the table, then pulled me into a hug.

Abby's POV.

"Abigail Armstrong?" I heard the receptionist call my name. Christian and I both stood up then walked over there. Well, I had to limp. Christian was holding onto me so I wouldn't fall.

"Right this way, do you need a wheel chair?" She asked me. I nodded my head.

"That would be nice, thank you," I said. She went over and grabbed a wheelchair, unfolded it, then brought it over to me. Christian went to go grab the handles when she stepped in front of him. Christian shrugged and followed behind us. We went into a triage and Christian sat in a chair next to me.

"How did you break your ankle?" The nurse asked once she came in.

"I stomped my foot because I got really mad," I said. Christian chuckled and I shushed him.

"I need to check up on you, do you know you're weight?"

"I'm 160 pounds."

"How about your blood pressure?"


"Let's check that then," she smiled. The nurse got out this thing that was hooked up to a machine and then put it around my upper arm.

Marty's POV.

"I'm going downstairs. Tre, come with me. You too Alice," I said and walked out the bedroom and the other two followed behind me.

"What was that for?" Tre asked as we walked down the steps.

"To give Billie and Alyssa time alone to talk things through and figure out what they're going to do," I said. "It is their daughter, you know."

I sat on the couch and saw that the news were talking about Alice and Abby being missing. I dialed the police station and they answered.

"Oakland Police Department, what's your emergency?"

"Hey, this is Martena Wright, I'm calling to let you all know that my daughter, Alice Wright, has been found and she is no longer missing. She is home safe and sound sitting next to me."

"Thank you, Mrs. Wright. Where did you find her?"

"Actually, she called my best friend and she told her to come pick her up. She was still here in Oakland."

"Do you know anything about the other girl, Abigail Armstrong?"

"Her mom is the one who picked up my daughter, sir."

"Do you know anything about Abigail, miss?

"No, I do not. I only know that she went missing yesterday, and that she had been addicted to drugs for ten months now. She has a stash here at home in her bedroom."

"Okay, we need to find her even faster now. We don't know what she could be doing at the moment. Thank you for calling us, Mrs. Wright."

I hung up and Tre smiled at me.

"I know you're happy that our daughter is back, but we also have Abby to worry about," I told him. "This isn't over yet."

Alyssa's POV.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Billie, sitting on Abby's bed.

"Just keep looking, I guess," he told me.

"You guess?!" I shouted, standing up. "Do you even care about her?!"

"Of course I care about her, Alyssa!" He yelled back.

"Then act like it!"

He grabbed my shoulders, turned my body, then pushed me up against a wall. I, shocked, couldn't breathe and began to get teary eyed.

"I do fucking act like it. Why do you think I tried to stop her from leaving?!" He shouted at me again. I felt my bottom lip quiver and I tried not to cry.

"The next time you try and blame something on me that isn't true, how about you make it more clear," he said and let me go. I held my hands up by my shoulders and I was shaking. Billie had never treated me like that. I began to cry and barely made any noise.

"Dammit, Alyssa!" Billie yelled with his hand on his forehead. He spun around and came kneeling in front of me.

"I'm sorry," he said a bit more calm then hugged me. I was still shaking and I didn't hug him back.

"Y- You scared me s- so much," I managed to get out. "That wasn't you."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." His voice was a lot more softer now and he wasn't as angry. "I just get too mad sometimes, and it's hard since I don't have my pills."

"B- But that's for your anxiety..."

"I know, but it makes me angry, you know?" I didn't know, but I just nodded my head like I understood him.

"Let's go," he said, grabbing my hand. "We can't sit here all day and expect our daughter to just walk in the front door."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's 3:51AM and I'm FORCED to update, lmfao.

xoxo- Adie.