‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World

Martena's Birthday Is On Monday.

[Abby's POV]

I woke up to the piercing cries and screams of Jenna and I put the pillow over my head, frustrated. It'd only been a day since Jenna was born and I was already tired of her crying. Keith never cried this much when he was first born.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled. I heard Keith begin to cry too. "Oh my God."

I stomped out of my room and went to go calm down my brother. My dad came in the room and turned the light on. We both closed our eyes, letting them adjust to the light and he yawned.

"I can get him."

"It's fine. Go get Jenna," I said, holding Keith. He was sucking his finger and I kept on bouncing him. Mom had to teach me many things of taking care of a child... although I swore I would never have one. Especially not after seeing what my mom went through last night.

After my dad got Jenna to stop crying, he said goodnight and went back to bed. Keith fell asleep in my arms and I put him back in his bed and went back to my room.

I woke up again a few hours later and could smell breakfast being made downstairs. The sun was shining through my window and I heard the birds chirping, even they annoyed me these days. I went downstairs and saw my mom sleeping on the kitchen table with Jenna in a small seat in front of her and a small spoon in her hands.

"Mom," I said, shaking her. "Wake up."

She sat up and said good morning then went back to feeding Jenna. My dad was making breakfast and he was about to fall asleep on the stove.

"Dad, do you want me to finish that? You look like you need to lay down."

Keith was already up and running around with his toys, making lots of noise. My parents both groaned when Keith's toys all collided against each other.

"It's fine," my dad said, handing me a plate. "Give this to your mom." He handed me another plate. "This one is yours."

"Thanks, dad."

I put the plate of eggs and bacon in front of my mom and she quickly devoured it all. I ate mine slowly, not being exhausted from the baby. After I was done, I called up Alice and asked if I could come over. Of course, I was allowed to.

"Mom, dad. I'm going to Alice's. I'll be back later," I said before heading out the front door.

[Billie's POV]

After breakfast, I grabbed Keith and fed him. Alyssa was sleeping in the living room with Jenna. Keith didn't want to eat.

"Come on, just eat it!" I begged. He would still turn away and didn't let me put the spoon in his mouth. Although he was almost two, I still spoon fed him because he wasn't aging as fast as he should. He was still little for his age. "Not even for daddy?" He shook his head. "Does mommy need to put you in time out?" Keith looked at me with big eyes and opened his mouth for me to feed him. I laughed and continued to feed my son.


I put the spoon and food down on the counter, grabbed Keith, and ran into the living room.


The only response I got was small snores coming from Alyssa. She was dreaming.

I grabbed Jenna and put her in her room upstairs. While I was up there, I put Keith in his room too. I went back into the living room and sat on the couch next to where Alyssa was sleeping. I lifted her feet so I could sit at the end and I put her feet back down on my lap and watched T.V.

Ten minutes later, I heard Jenna start crying. Alyssa shot up and started to get off the couch.

"No, you need to sleep some more," I said and pushed her back down.

"But... you're not good with babies!"

"I'm learning!"

She sighed and laid back down. I went upstairs and picked her up, 'shh-ing' her as best as I could. I walked around the room, bouncing her up and down gently. Jenna stopped crying and then turned her head facing my chest. From what I understood, she was thirsty.

"I'm not your mom," I laughed and took her downstairs. "Babe, I think you need to take this one."

"Why?" She asked, sitting up. Her eyes were a tinted red and her hair was a mess.

"I picked her up and she put her face in my chest."

Alyssa laughed and took Jenna from me. "She drinks from bottles now," she said, going into the kitchen. I sat on the couch, feeling like a helpless father. My girls came back in and sat on the couch next to me.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not being a good father," I sighed, leaning on her shoulder. She rubbed my head and kissed it.

"You're doing just fine." She began playing with my long hair.

[Alice's POV]

"How's the new baby holding up?" I asked Abby. We sat on the back balcony eating ice cream and tanning.

"It's a mess. She cries more than Keith ever did."

"I swear," I said before taking a bite of my ice cream and pointing my spoon at Abby. "I'm never having a child."

"Same here," she laughed. "I don't see how they do it! It looks so painful."

"I asked my mom about it once. She said she hated going through it."

"I don't doubt it."

"Is it awkward?" I asked.

"Is what awkward?"

"You know, having a brand new sister. Seeing your mom pregnant and stuff. Knowing how it all happens."

"It was at first, but now I just don't care."

"Why's that?"

"My parents... they do stuff and then they don't for a long time. It's weird."

"Same. When my parents do do things, it happens a few times a week."


I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm used to it. My brother and I usually just go into his room and play Xbox or something."

"I have to put in my iPod..."

[Miranda's POV]

"Mike! I found something!" I yelled across the baby department. We were shopping for clothes to give to Alyssa and Billie. We didn't get a chance to give them anything at the baby shower. Mike came over to where I was and held up the baby clothes.

"It's so cute!" He squealed. I gave him a weird look. He was holding Jennifer in her car seat.

"Don't hit her with anything!" I yelled, holding the car seat still. Jennifer laughed and looked up at us.

"I think it looks great," Mike said with a smile. "Alyssa's going to love that."

I found a simple one piece for a new born and it was purple and had white and darker purple music notes on it. I thought it was perfect. One, purple is Alyssa's favorite color. Two, it matched Jenna's new room.

Half an hour later, we got to Billie and Alyssa's house to give them our late present. I knocked on the door and Billie answered.

"Hey! What's up?" He asked, closing the door behind me and Mike. He was still holding Jennifer.

"Mike and I got something for Jenna," I said, peeking around Billie. I saw Alyssa on the couch with a bottle in her right hand and Jenna laying in her left arm.

"She's... not too good right now," Billie sighed, scratching his head. "Come on in though. She'd be glad to see you two."

We walked into the living room and I sat next to Alyssa.

"Hey," I smiled. She looked over at me and smiled herself. "You look terrible."

Billie put his hand on his face and shook his head. Mike laughed and sat Jennifer down on the floor for her to crawl around.

"Thanks, Miranda," she mumbled. "It's not like I just had a baby or anything."

"I'm just kidding. I know how you feel."

"You've done it once. This is my third time."

"Whatever," I laughed. "Anyway, I came over to give you this" I held out a bag to her. She put Jenna on the corner of the couch so she would be held up with the cushions. Billie quickly grabbed her and continued to feed her with the bottle.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Just open it."

Alyssa opened the bag and pulled out the outfit. She smiled and held it up.

"It's perfect!"

"Yeah, we knew you'd like it."

"I want to put her in it," she smiled and looked at Billie. He handed Jenna back to her and Alyssa took off the outfit that Jenna was already wearing and went on to put her into the one that I bought. She held up her daughter and showed everyone.

"I love it so much!" She said and hugged her daughter. "I love my Jenna." Alyssa kissed her head and held her.

"What about me?" Billie whined, jokingly.

"I love my Billie too," Alyssa laughed. He hugged her and took their daughter back.

"You better," he said and kissed her face.

The phone started to ring and Mike went to answer it.

"Okay, Mike. You can start answering our calls now," Alyssa said. Mike glared at her then answered the phone.

"Hello?" He asked. "Yes, this Mike. Billie is busy holding his newborn daughter right now." He paused. "All of us? What about the baby? ...Fine. Bye."

"What was that all about?" I asked. He sat down in the recliner.

"We have an interview tomorrow. Everyone has to go and kids aren't allowed," I said, mumbling the last part.

"Are you serious?" Billie asked. "As soon as the baby comes, this happens. Of course." Him and Alyssa looked at each other. "I guess the kids are watching the babies again."

The next day, we all met up with each other at MTV Studios ready for the interview.

"Can this be quick? Billie and I need to get home to our newborn," Alyssa told the interviewer.

"Newborn? The both of you?" She asked, pointing to the couple. "How cute. What's it's name?"

"Her name is Jenna," Billie said with a smile.

"Adorable. Sure, I'll go as fast as I can."

[Third Person POV]

"Introduce yourselves," Jamie, the interviewer, told the band and their wives. Everyone was lined up and the mic started with Miranda.

"Miranda Pritchard, Mike's wife. We have a daughter named Jennifer. She's almost a year old."

The mic was passed to Mike. "Mike Dirnt." He then passed it down to the other four.

"Alyssa Armstrong. Billie and I have three kids, our youngest was born two days ago. Her name is Jenna. Our other two are Abby, 15; and Keith, 1 and a half."

"Billie Joe Armstrong."

"Martena Wright. Tre and I have two kids: Alice, 15; and Klaus, almost 13."

"Tre Cool."

"Wonderful," Jamie said. "Now, here are some questions... Have you guys started working on your next album? It's been over a year since '21st Century Breakdown' came out and I understand that the tour has just ended."

The mic was handed to Billie, but then he handed it to Mike. They all laughed.

"Well," Mike started. "Right now, we've all just been settling in. Of course, there are always songs that we make up while we're on the road and stuff. But with Billie having another kid, Tre and I are going to have to start writing stuff on our own."

Billie was creating a rythem on the floor with his shoes and tapping a beat on this thighs, not paying attention. Alyssa nudged him in the side with her elbow. He looked up and stopped his tapping.

"Speaking of that, how's the new baby coming along?" Jamie asked. Alyssa and Billie both looked up at her and Mike handed them the microphone.

"Um, it's going great so far. All my make up is covering the tiredness I've had, but it's worth it," Alyssa started. "Billie?" She handed him the mic.

"I love it. Though, we all had quite a scare that night," he paused. Alyssa looked down. "But we're all very thankful that nothing bad happened." He grabbed her hand and kissed her face.

"Aw, that's adorable," Jamie said then looked at her clipboard. "Another question: your fans want to know if Green Day will be playing any other shows at festivals and stuff."

"Well, Jamie," Tre started. "We don't know yet, but we'd love to play whenever we can."

Martena saw a guy carrying a large jug of coffee on the other side of the glass wall and fell in love all over again.

"Coffee..." She whispered, about to jump out of her chair.

"Martena, do not fly through that glass wall and attack that man," Mike said, leaning over to look at her.

"I want coffee!" She yelled, forgetting they were on air. Everyone stared at her and some shook their heads. Miranda and Alyssa tried not to laugh. Jamie put her microphone towards her mouth.

"Can someone bring this lady a coffee?" She asked. A few seconds later, a man with headsets on him handed her a coffee and her eyes lit up. "Anyways. What are your guys' favorite song to play?"

The guys looked at each other and thought for a moment.

"I'd have to say 'Homecoming' or 'St. Jimmy'," Billie said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Because of all the thrusting you do," Tre coughed. Mike hit him and began laughing.

"No!" Billie yelled.

"Face it, Beej. He's got you beat," Alyssa said. He glared at her. "What! I'm just being honest."

"Mine is... 'Longview'," Mike said. "I made up the bass line when I was on acid one time... wait, was that too much information?"

"Mine is 'Jesus of Suburbia' because of all the sweet drumming I get," Tre announced.

"Now a question for the girls," Jamie started. "What are your husbands like at home?"

The girls laughed and looked at their men. The guys just scratched their heads and gave their wives odd looks.

"Tre's no different than when he's in public," Martena laughed. "So I can't really say."

"How about Mike?" Jamie asked Miranda.

"He's sweeter at home," she smiled. "He has this personality that he has at home and a personality he has in public. It's cute."

"Oh, shut up," Martena said. "Your cuteness is making me gag."

Miranda crossed her arms and shot her a mean look. Martena mimicked her.

"Billie's," Alyssa laughed. "He acts a lot like Tre at home. But he does know how to be a great husband."

"Thanks," he smiled at her. They kissed and the cameraman zoomed in on it.

"No zooming in!" Jamie said, getting out of her chair and hitting the guy. She sat back down in her chair.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute!" Martena yelled, sitting her coffee on the ground. "Lyssa, what do you mean by 'Billie acts a lot like Tre at home'?"

Alyssa glared at her and Martena only returned a smile and laughed at her genius self.

"From what I hear, Tre's quite the perverted one. Am I correct?" Jamie asked. Alyssa put her head in her hands, laughing.

"This is a mess," she laughed.

"Come on, Alyssa. Tell us," Martena encouraged. "We're all family here."

"Uh... I'd rather not share," she laughed. Billie shook his head, smiling. "Are we almost done?"

"Actually, we are done," Jamie said. The camera's were shut off and everybody got up. Alyssa ran and jumped on Martena's back, tackling her to the ground.

"You're going to pay for that one!" Alyssa yelled.

"Come on, Love," Billie said, pulling her off of her best friend. Martena went at her but Tre held her back. Alyssa couldn't keep a straight face anymore and ended up laughing. Martena stuck her tongue out before leaving.

[Alyssa's POV]

"Abby! We're home!" I yelled when I walked into our house.

"We're upstairs!"

Billie went into the kitchen to get Jenna and Keith's food while I ran up the steps. I went into Abby's room and saw her, Keith, and Jenna all on the bed. I took my small daughter and held her in my arms.

"How were they?" I asked.

"I had to change Jenna's diaper twice and Keith did fine. How was the interview?"

"A mess," I laughed. "You'll probably find it on the internet within the next couple days."


[Tre's POV]

"Do you want to go out for dinner?" I asked Martena as she looked through our cabinets for food. "I'll pay for you and the kids."

"Sure. Where?"

"Uh... I'm not sure."

"I'll go get the kids," she said before leaving the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just so you all know. :)
She's making me update.

xoxo- Adie.