‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World

I've Got An Impulse So Impulsive That It Burns.

[The next day - Billie's POV]

I woke up and looked at the clock: 9:45AM. I groaned and looked at Alyssa. She was curled up in a ball and was sleeping peacefully. I kissed her head and got out of bed, getting a shower. Going back into the bedroom, I saw that she was still sleeping. I smiled, knowing she was mine. Even after the mistake I made last night.

I went to make coffee and saw Keith on the couch.

"Hey buddy, what are you doing up so early?" I asked, sitting next to him. He looked at me and had the remote in his hand. I laughed and turned the volume up for him. "What do you want to watch?" He just stared at me. "Your mom and I really need to teach you words." I said and put on Cartoon Network. I went back into the kitchen and finished making coffee.

Getting onto the computer, which I hardly did, I saw that a song that Green Day had played during one of our sound-checks was getting a lot of downloads. It's called, "Stay The Night." I had no idea that it had even been leaked. In a way, I wasn't mad. It was rather exciting. I saw all these comments from people saying how much I, or the band, meant to them and what we've done for them. It made me smile. I heard Alyssa come down the steps in a button-up shirt of mine; it was big on her. She yawned and was scratching her head.

"Hey," she whispered, putting her arms around my neck then sitting on my lap. "Sleep good?"

"Yeah." I kissed her. "Did you?" She nodded her head. Keith started laughing and she got up to go check on him. I sighed and turned the computer off, going to make breakfast.

[Tre's POV]

"This is so much fun!" Klaus said, typing back to Clever bot; he introduced it to me. It's this website that looks like Google and you can really fuck with this computer's head.

"What should we ask it?" Klaus shrugged his shoulders.

[Mike's POV]

I walked through the kitchen where Miranda was feeding Jennifer singing "It's Fuck Time".

"Oh, baby, baby. It's fuck time," I sang and started dancing as I made myself some lunch.

"Excuse you?" She asked. I stopped dancing and I spun around, looking at her. She gave me this pissed look, but confused.

"It's a Foxboro Hot Tubs song..."


"It's on YouTube!"

"Okay," she laughed. "Who wrote it anyways?"

"Who knows. Billie sings it pretty good though. Me, Kevin, Jason, and Tre are just jamming out to it."

"Those shows look dangerous. I need to go to one."

"They're extreme! Billie crowd surfs all the time and hangs upside down."

"You guys are insane."

"It's so fun though! You should come next time," I said and walked upstairs to the computer room.

The phone began to ring and I saw the Caller ID and rolled my eyes.

"Why must you always call me?" I asked. "Billie and Tre are free, too!"

"Mike, you guys have a show tonight."

"Green Day's done with the Breakdown tour..."

"Foxboro Hot Tubs."

"Awesome! What time?"

"7:00PM. Tell the guys," our manager said and hung up. Sighing, I called the guys.

[Tre's POV]

Klaus and I got bored with Cleverbot and switched to 'Call of Duty'.

"Yeah! Kill him!" He yelled as I shot the fucker in the face. My son and I high-fived for every kill. Martena came in the room.

"You have a call," she said. "It's Mike."

Klaus and I groaned and paused the game.

"Hello?" I asked. "A show? Tonight? At seven? See you then." I handed the phone back to her.

"Green Day has a show?" Klaus asked. I shook my head.

"Foxboro Hot Tubs does," I said. "It's five now. So I guess I'll be getting ready.

[Alyssa's POV]

After finding out that the guys had a show in two hours, Billie ran upstairs to get dressed and heard him turn the shower on. He turned it off and ran back downstairs in his other stage uniform; The Reverend Strychnine Twitch.

"You're not even wet...?" I asked, handing him a sandwich. He took a bite of it and then jumped on the couch, laying down.

"I forgot I already took a shower." I laughed.

[Martena's POV - At the show]

Foxboro Hot Tubs had a big crowd tonight. Of course Miranda, Alyssa, and I were all in the front but we got pushed to the middle. We didn't care; we just jumped and screamed with everyone else.

After "Broadway" was done, Billie announced that they'd be playing a new song. He was wasted off his ass.

"Oh my God," he said into the microphone. "Alright, we have a new song tonight called, 'It's Fuck Time'." The crowd went crazy and Tre began playing the drums as Kevin and Jason began playing the guitar. Billie began singing. You could really tell he was drunk but he kept in time with the song and held the right note.

"I've been standing when you're holding your face. I'm gonna choke you til you're blue in the face. Pretty thoughts and a dirty mind." Then he moans into the microphone. We all started cracking up. It was our first time hearing such a song. "Oh baby baby, it's fuck time! You know I really wanna make you mine. Oh baby baby, it's fuck time. Do you wanna stay, yeah. When you look into my eyes. I wanna hold you til I'm paralyzed."

We laughed some more. Especially at the pelvic thrusts he was doing on stage. Jason and Kevin were back-to-back playing guitar; Mike was laughing at Billie; Tre was just going.

"This is actually a good song!" I yelled to Alyssa as we jumped up and down. Billie jumped into the crowd and he was passed around. He was on us and Alyssa gave him a quick kiss as he went by. He looked over and saw us then smiled as we waved. Everyone put him back on stage and he sang the second verse.

"Oh you're dirty and you slam the door. I'm gonna fuck you til I give you some more. Dirty thoughts and a dirty mind..." He did his little 'moan' again but said Alyssa's name along with it. I laughed really hard and she put her face in her hands. Miranda was poking her in her side and Alyssa tried running off and ended up pushing through a few people.

The song went on for another minute and Billie stage dived again then hung upside down on this pole that was hanging from the ceiling. Everyone began attacking him and he quickly let go and was brought back on stage as the song ended. We all cheered. Kevin handed Billie and Jason a 'Blue Pabst Ribbon' and then they sprayed it out onto the crowd.

[Miranda's POV - After the show]

Everyone was walking around and I saw Alyssa standing with Billie. She'd move out of the way whenever a fan wanted to get a picture with him. I walked up to her.

"Hey," she sighed, wiping her forehead. "Find Mike?"

"Yeah, but he had to go backstage for something so I came over here... hey, there's Mike!" I said and walked away.

[Alyssa's POV]

I found Billie standing alone and I went up behind him, putting my arms around his shoulders.

"Can I have your autograph, Billie?" I asked in a disguised voice. I let myself down on the floor and he started to turn around.

"Yeah, sure- hey!" He said and put his arm around me. "I didn't recognize you."

"I changed my voice and you're drunk," I said, taking his beer and drinking the rest of it myself then crushing the can, throwing it behind me. He yawned and sort of stumbled backwards. I held onto him and he could barely keep his eyes open. "You need to get home."

"The kids can't see me like this," he slurred.

"Babe, you're a rock star. They expect it," I laughed.

"Why can't we just find a hotel again?" He smiled, as did I.

"No." I poked his nose. "Just tough it out. You'll be fine."

"Where are the kids anyways?"

"With your mom," I shrugged.

"My mom?"

"After you guys left, I called her up." He nodded his head.

[Abby's POV]

I sat at home with Alice and Klaus, listening to our dad's band. It was on '21 Guns'. I had to admit, my dad was a fucking genius when it came to music. I heard the front door close and we all sat up and went to see if my parents were home.

"Hey," my mom sighed, keeping my dad standing. "You're dad's-"

"Wasted," I mumbled, going back to the living room and sat back down. Alice and Klaus followed me. I heard my parents bickering at each other, trying to get my dad upstairs.

[Tre's POV - The next day]

Today's the 4th of July; Martena's birthday is tomorrow. The whole gang was meeting and going on the Golden Gate Bridge to watch the fireworks. Neither of us have ever been on there for fireworks. Martena, the kids, and I were picking up Miranda, Mike, and Jennifer since we didn't have room for Billie, Alyssa, and their three kids.

"We ready?" I asked, taking the truck keys off the hook. Martena came down the steps behind the kids. Klaus got his jacket on and so did Alice.

On the way to Mike and Miranda's house, I saw single fireworks go off every few minutes. This was definitely my favorite holiday. Everyone gets together, I mean everyone, just for fifteen minutes of fireworks going off and then we all go home... or get wasted. It's always a good time to see people, you never know when you'll see them next. That one person that you stand next to... you may never see again. They could die the next day, the next week, the next month, or the next year. You just never know. It's sort of like when I meet a fan. I'm always up for getting a picture with them because that's one more person's dream made, one more person's heart stopping, breathless moment, that's one more person's life that Green Day may have saved... you just never know.

Pulling into the driveway, we saw them on their porch waiting. I flashed the car lights at them and Mike flipped us off; Martena gave it to him in return. Miranda opened the back door and put Jennifer in her car seat. The couple had their child in between the two of them and we were off. The drive from Berkeley to San Francisco was only twenty minutes, so to the bridge was shorter.

We arrived at the parking lot where the security was making everyone park. Once we found a spot, everyone got out and we started walking to the bridge. Mike called up Billie to see where he was.

"Sorry! We picked up the Jason's, Mike, Jeff, Ronnie, and Kevin."

"Wow. They're call coming? Even Kevin?"

"Yeah! He wasn't doing anything with Prima Donna, since it's the 4th, so he called to see what the band was doing."

"So where are you guy's at?" Mike asked.

"We're pulling into the parking lot now, jeez."

"We'll be on the bridge."

"Where at?" Billie asked. Mike could hear the sound of cars honking and people talking in the background. "Fucking shit!"


"This guy almost hit me," Billie said. Mike heard the window roll down. "Fuck you, man!" Mike laughed.

"We'll be at the entrance waiting for you," he said then hung up. He put the phone back in his pocket and we all stopped at the entrance. Minutes later, we saw Alyssa pushing Jenna in a stroller and Billie pushing Keith in another. Abby was walking with the rest of the guys and talking with them.

"She's in a stroller already?" Martena asked, pointing to Jenna. Alyssa shrugged.

"She's a little small, but I don't want to carry her around."

We all chuckled and found a good spot on the bridge where all of us could stand together.

"Don't let your child fall over the edge, Alyssa," Kevin said, leaning over to look at her. Alyssa had Keith and Jenna behind her still in her strollers. She held onto one and Billie held onto the other.

"They're not going to," she said, starting to freak out and she gave him a small smile.

"Calm down," Billie whispered, kissing her face. "You're freaking yourself out."

"I can't help it," she whispered back. He quickly kissed her then let her be.

We all stood there for a good fourty-five minutes, talking before the fireworks started. Jennifer began whimpering. Miranda picked her up and tried to 'shush' her to be quiet. Billie held Keith on his shoulders as Alyssa held Jenna in her arms. I looked at my friends that were all smiling. I held my wife close to me and gave her a kiss. I felt Klaus punch me in the back; I glared at him and he backed off. Alice went to stand with Abby and they hugged each other; they grew up with one another and now they're both sixteen. The Jason's, Ronnie, Jeff, and Kevin all stood next to each other, taking hits off the same cigarette and blowing it in each others faces then looking up to watch the fireworks. I heard some patriotic music in the background and that's when it hit me: I love my life. My friends, my family, my wife, my kids, the band... everything. I watched their faces light up every time a firework went off in the sky; blue, red, green, sliver, etc.

During the finale, I guess us guys all had the same idea considering we kissed our wives at the same time. We all looked at each other and had a huge grin on our faces.

[Alyssa's POV]

After the fireworks were over, the bridge lights came back on and we all looked around before we started walking back to the cars. Jenna had fallen asleep in her stroller, as did Keith. Billie and I got them in their car-seats and Abby sat between them. We went home and grabbed a few snacks from the fridge. I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Billie sighed, setting his food down. I speed walked in front of him and pushed him back.

"I will," I said and ran to the door. Opening it, I saw everyone else that was at the bridge with us. "Hey!"

"Can we all come in?" Jeff asked.

"Definitely," I said and moved out of the way. Everyone came in and immediately sat on the couches. Closing the door, I asked if they wanted a drink... everyone said the name of at least one different beer. "Sorry, we don't have any." They all looked at me. "What! We have a one month old daughter. No."

I went back into the kitchen. "Everyone's here," I sighed, leaning against the counter. He chugged the rest of his water. "They all want beer." Billie laughed and threw the bottle away.

"You told them we don't have any, right?" I nodded my head before he went back out into the living room. I grabbed the kids and put them in their cribs, kissing their heads and going back downstairs.

"Do I need to put Jennifer upstairs?" I asked. Miranda held her out to me and I laughed. "I take it that's a yes."

After I put Jennifer in Jenna's crib, I was walking through the long hallway and I glanced up at a picture that was taken of Billie and I shortly after we got married; the ones of us at our wedding are in our room. The both of us definitely looked younger. He slightly had a smaller face and was a bit shorter. I, on the other hand, was a few sizes smaller from not having kids yet. I had long black hair. Going down the hallway, I looked at the rest of the pictures and it progressed to where I found a picture of Abby when she was five. She was in a white dress holding a bouquet of flowers and she was smiling directly at the camera. It had taken us forever to get that pose. The last one was one of the whole family, minus Jenna.

I eventually went back downstairs to enjoy everyone.
♠ ♠ ♠
xoxo- Adie.

PS: Martena said, "hey motha fucker hey hi how ya doin'?"

.... yeah. ^