‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World

All I Really Believe In Is You.

[Alyssa's POV]

When I woke up the next morning, I saw a note that laid where Billie usually does; the note read that he'd be in the studio downstairs working on some new stuff. I yawned and slowly got up, forcing myself to get out of bed and take a shower. I turned on the hot water and stepped in, it was too hot and I was scared to reach in and cool it down but I did it anyways. As I was rinsing the shampoo out of my hair, I heard footsteps in the bedroom. I stopped and peeked around the shower curtain.

"Billie?" I called out; no response. I began breathing heavy and getting worried. "Billie!" He rushed into the bathroom.


"Oh, just you..." I said and went back to washing my hair. I heard him sit the toilet cover down and sit on it.

"Is everything okay?"

I wiped my eyes from running water and popped my head out from around the curtain and looked at him. "Yeah, I was just worried when you didn't respond the first time I called you." He nodded his head, standing up and then walked out. I went back to taking a shower.

Ten minutes later, I got out and wrapped a towel around me and made sure that it stayed up. I dried off my hair and walked out into the bedroom. Gathering my clothes for today, I put them all on and heard Billie's footsteps get closer and closer to the bedroom door.

"Don't come in here!" I yelled. The footsteps stopped. "I'm getting dressed!" They started again but slower. "Billie Joe!" He laughed and it went quiet. When I was done, I brushed my hair and went out into the hallway. Billie smiled and gathered me in a tight hug. I hugged him back.

"What's this for?" I laughed and kissed behind his ear.

"I just love you," he whispered.

"You came up here just to tell me that?" I stopped hugging and looked at him, holding his upper arms. He nodded his head; I kissed him. "Come on, I'll make some food. Have you eaten yet?"

"Yeah, there's some left overs on the stove."

"Aw, thanks," I smiled and ran down the steps, getting to the food. I heard the front door open and I ran out to see who it was. "Oh, it's you."

"Shut up," Martena said and followed me back into the kitchen. "You're up early."

"You're here early."

"I told you to shut up!" I gave a cheesy smile and put my food in the microwave. I turned around and leaned on the counter.

"Is that a hickey?!" We both yelled and pointed to each other. I pointed to her neck and she pointed to my thigh. The both of us started laughing.

"No, really." I kept my cool. "Is it?"

"Nah, I had a mosquito bite and I was scratching the fuck out of it. What about you?"

I looked at my thigh and saw a red spot just under my jean shorts.

"Nope. I ran into a table last night..."


"It hurt!"

"That's why you shouldn't be so clumsy anymore!"

"I can't help it," I whimpered and got my food from the microwave and took a bite. "Mmmm."

[Tre's POV]

"Get back here!" I yelled, grabbing Martena and flipping her over my shoulder. She screamed and repeatedly hit my back. I put her in the shower and turned it on. We both gasped at how cold it was and she changed it to warm. "That's what you get!"

"All I did was give you a wedgie!"

"And it hurt!" I yelled, holding her underneath the shower head. She fought and fought until she finally gave up. I turned it off and laughed silently at her. Martena glared at me and walked away. I grabbed her arm and forced her back here. "You know you liked it." She gave a look and tried not to smile.

"Fine," she mumbled. I smiled and kissed her. "Can I get into some dry clothes now?"

"Can I help you take them off?"

"Not this time," she laughed, leaving the bathroom.

"But it's your birthday!" I yelled. Martena stopped walking and turned around, looking at me.

"You remembered?" She asked, turning her face into the kind where she looked disappointed. I nodded my head.

"Of course, I remembered!" I said, following her into the bedroom. She groaned as she pulled out her dry clothes, I did the same. "Oh, hush. People are coming over in two hours."

"What?" Her tone was firm.

"I had to do something!" I said and put my hands in the air; she rolled her eyes and changed in the bathroom.

[Two hours later]

Billie and Alyssa showed up at the house with Jenna in her arms and the other two behind them. Keith ran between Billie's legs and hopped up onto the couch. Alyssa sat Jenna on the couch next to Keith and sat with her kids. Billie just stood.

"Now, guys..." I started.

"You told her last minute, didn't you?" Alyssa asked. I nodded my head. "Oh, why am I not surprised?"

"I didn't know when to tell her!"

"You didn't get her a present, did you?" Billie asked. I shook my head. "Good. You'd just make it worse."

"Thanks!" I said and rolled my eyes. Martena came down and hesitated coming into the living room. We all turned and looked at her. Alice came in and sat on the ground.

"Mike and Miranda are on their way," Alyssa said. Martena came out all the way and sat on the couch next to Alyssa.

Just a few minutes later, the other couple walked in with their child and she started crawling around.

"Hey guys," Miranda sighed, taking her shoes off and coming to sit on the ground. "I got you something!" She looked at Martena. Miranda started digging into her purse and pulled out a CD with the word 'Ludo' written on it.

"No way! This doesn't come out until August!" Martena squealed, grabbing the CD from Miranda's hand. "How'd you get this?!"

"Martena," she laughed. "We all have connections."

"Mike?" Martena asked, looking at him. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"I figured I'd do something nice for my friend," he said. She ran up and hugged him.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Now I get to give her mine!" Alyssa yelled, digging through her purse. She pulled out this giant box of condoms and threw them at her. Martena glared at her.

"I was running low on those!" I yelled, making things awkward. They all shifted their eyes at one another; the kids just put their hands on their faces. Of course, the babies had no clue. Martena opened the box and grabbed a handful, throwing them at Alyssa and Miranda.

"You guys need some," she said, laughing. Miranda put some in her pocket and kissed Mike's face. We all gave them a gross look and they just laughed.

"This just turned really awkward," Martena started. "Thanks, Alyssa. This is all your fault."

"You threw them at us!"

"You bought them," Martena fought back.

"Fine, I'll keep them then."


"You and Billie are quite the sex addicts," I said. The two of them glared at me.

"Oh, right. Coming from the one who was diagnosed with being addicted to sex. Have you taken your pills, Tre?" Billie asked loud enough for everyone to hear.

"There are no pills and doctor's can't prove shit!" I yelled, tackling Billie to the ground.

"As a matter of fact, Billie and I haven't had sex in..." Alyssa started to say. "I forget."

"Two days!" Billie yelled. Everyone in the room started laughing; Abby grabbed Keith and Jenna, taking them all upstairs. Alice followed.

"Yeah, that!" Alyssa said.

"That's so nice to know," Abby said as she walked up the steps. Alyssa sat back and bit her lips.

"Oops," she mumbled.

"Just let them be," Martena suggested. Alyssa nodded.

[That night]

"I told you it'd be fun," I said, laying next to Martena. She was cuddled in the blankets and had her eyes closed.

"Yeah, yeah," she mumbled. I hugged her and brought her close.

"Is it my turn?"

"For what?"

"To give you my present." She laughed.

"Tre, it'll be no different than any other night."

"That's not true!" I defended myself. "We can be as loud as we want; the kids are with Miranda and Mike."

"I'm not up for it."

"Oh, come on!"

"It's my birthday; I make the calls."

"Well, what do you want?" I asked and kissed her.

"I just want to lay here and cuddle with you," she said and made her way onto my chest and laid there. I found her hand and held it. "See, you can be cute when you have to be."

"What about when I don't have to be?" She laughed again.

"Then you're just a pervert." I smiled.

"That's pretty accurate."

[Alyssa's POV]

I laid myself on the couch as Billie took the kids to bed, tucked them in, etc. Today was a long day. Before the party, I went to the store and bought absolutely everything we needed. After that, Keith kept bugging me to take him to the park, which I told him would have to be tomorrow. Jenna was crying more than usual. It was just hectic.

"They're all in bed," I heard Billie say as soon I was about to fall asleep. I opened my eyes, having to rub them and saw him standing next to the couch. "Do you need help?" I nodded my head. I felt his arms go underneath my back and my knees. He lifted me up and the feeling of being carried made me even more sleepier. Billie laid me on the bed.

"Can you help me get my pajamas on?" I mumbled, half asleep.

"Sure," he laughed, taking my pants off.

"This isn't an opportunity for sex," I said, smiling. He laughed.

"I know, I know." A pair of pants hit my face and I put them on. "Do you need a shirt?" I nodded my head. He took my shirt off and threw a new one at me. I began to put the new one on and I felt his hands go behind my back.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I can get that myself," I said, pulling his hands away. He laughed and jumped in bed next to me. "You forgot the light."

"Fuck," he whispered, getting up and turning the light off and quickly laying back down.

[Abby's POV]

I kept tossing and turning as I tried to sleep. Hearing a vibration, I saw a light shine on my ceiling. I groaned as I reached for my phone, seeing I had a text from one of my old 'friends'.

"Hey Abby, what are you doing?"

Her name was Sarah. I texted back.

"Trying to sleep. You?"

I didn't know why I was talking to her. She's the one who always influenced me to do all the bad stuff I used to do.

"Oh, nothing. I'm walking around with Alicia and Kayla. We were wondering if you'd want to join us for some fun?"

I hesitated. As much fun as I used to have, I made a lot of progress and swore to myself and my parents that I wouldn't go back to that.

"I shouldn't. Sorry."

"Why? Are you too scared of mommy and daddy catching you?"

"Fuck off. I don't want to do your shit anymore."

"You're just too scared."

"You're a bitch."

Sarah was pissing me off now. I guess this was high school. I'm almost done though. I just have to finish this year and the next and I'm out.

"Fuck you and your dad. He makes shitty music anyways."

"Oh, shut up you whore. You loved his music before I told you he was my dad."

She didn't respond back. I punched the bed and put my phone down gently, restraining myself from throwing it across the room. Pissed off, I made myself comfortable and let sleep overcome me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Roshambo - The Network. <3

xoxo- Adie.