‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World

To Sing A Song of Love and Sorrow.

[Alyssa's POV]

I went downstairs after I woke up and took my shower to notice that the house was unusually quiet. I called for Billie and he came around the corner already dressed in his black skinny jeans, his black and white, and his necklaces. I held onto my silver heart necklace that he had bought me three weeks prior.

"Yes?" He smiled.

"Where are the kids?" I asked.

"I took them to your mom's two hours ago."

"But it's ten now."

"Don't worry, she didn't mind."

"No, why are they there?" I asked and went to get my car keys.

"Lyssa, wait..."

"What, Billie?" I sighed. He came up to me and gathered me in a hug.

"Happy anniversary," he said then looked at me, smiling. I kissed him.

"Sixteen years," I whispered, playing with his hair.

"Every year gets better," he said. "Let's go out."

"Is this why you took the kids to my mom's?" I asked as he dragged me out of the house. "Wait!" He let go.

I went back inside to grab my purse, keys, and phone. I ran out to catch up with him and saw that he was in the car as I was locking the house. I ran to the passenger seat and quickly got in.

"Yes, this is why I took the kids there. To spend the next three days with you," he said, putting his finger under my chin and bringing my head up to kiss me.

"Three?" I asked. He nodded and started the car.

"Let's go fuck shit up," Billie said as he pulled out of the driveway.

"Where are we going?" I laughed. "It sounds dangerous."

"Oh, just the boardwalk," he smiled. "Your favorite."

"Ah, my second favorite," I corrected him.

"What?! Then what's your first?"

"Golden Gate," I smiled. Billie sighed. "What?"

"I feel dumb."

"The boardwalk is just fine, babe." I kissed his face. He smiled.

"Are you sure?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Of course." I kissed his face, again.

"What did I tell you about doing that while I'm driving?" He laughed; I let out a long breath.

"Don't kiss me or touch me in any way so that I don't end up crashing the car," I mimicked him in a deeper voice.

"Good girl," he said and patted my leg then returned his hand to the steering wheel.

"I'm not a dog."

"I know you're not."

"Then don't treat me like one."

"God, I am so whipped," he said, shaking his head. I laughed.

"Only because you love me." I kissed his ear. It tickled him.

"So much, babe," he laughed.

"We're not even there yet and you're already being lovey-dovey!"

"It's your fault!"

Ten minutes later, we arrived at the beach and we slowly walked up to the boardwalk, taking our time.

"Remember when we came here when we first met?" I asked, reminicing.

"We left the restaraunt without paying," he smiled.

"I made you chase me to that place in the woods. That's where we had-"

"Our first kiss, I remember."

We reached the boardwalk and immediately people started waving to us.

"We got here and you insisted on changing into my clothes behind the car."

"No one was looking!"

Billie laughed and held my hand tighter. There was a group of teenagers about to walk past us, one had an 'American Idiot' shirt on. They all began hooting and hollering, saying 'happy anniversary' to us. We smiled and waved back.

"Let me see this," I said, taking Billie's hat and putting it on my head. I turned to him, smiling from behind my black sunglasses; him and I had the same kind.

"You look cute." He kissed me.

"You look better in it than I do," I said, taking it off.

"No! I need a picture!"

I groaned.

Billie pulled out his phone and took multiple pictures of me in his hat, doing different poses.

"Do something sexy," he said.

"No! Not here!"

"Oh, come on! Pose with that pole over there!" He said, pointing to a light post.


"Please?" He stuck his bottom lip out.

"Fine. Only because you made that face," I groaned and went to the pole, hugging it and then putting my leg around it. After he snapped the picture, I quickly ran back to him. "I can't believe you just made me do that."

"I have a nice, new background though," he smiled. "And I sent it to Miranda and Martena."

"Now I seem like a hoe!" I whined.

"My hoe," he whispered. I smacked him in the chest.

"No," I said and walked ahead of him.

"Babe!" He ran up and hugged my waist from behind, making sure I stopped. He kissed my face. "Let's go to the shore."

I turned and smiled at him. "I'll race you there."

"No thanks," he laughed, taking my hand. "I have to say, this is the best anniversary we've ever had." We were walking through the hot sand.

"Well, I'd have to agree," I said with a more 'proper' voice and smiled at him. "Here is fine." I dropped to the ground and pulled him down with me. Billie and I sat close to the shore but far enough away so that the tide wouldn't reach us.

"I love you," he whispered and kissed my neck. I laughed and pushed him away, causing him to lay in the sand. He reached his arms out for me. I gave in and laid next to him, keeping my head on his shoulder with his arm around me. "Well?"

"I love you more," I smiled, looking up at him. He shook his head.

"No. I love you more."

"Impossible," I said.


"Mission impossible."

"Tom Cruise."

"What the hell?! I just love you," I said and grabbed his face, kissing him hard. I pulled away and held onto the sleeves of his t-shirt. He smiled. "What?"

"You're really aggressive when you're frustrated."

"Yeah," I sighed, laying back down to the position I was in before.

"It's kind of hot..."

I groaned. "Way to always ruin the moment!"

"I'm not the one who said 'mission impossible'."

"It's a good movie!" I whined.

"It is," he agreed. I laughed at him. "Now what?"

"You're so cute with your bangs in your face like that," I said, moving them out of his eyes after taking his sunglasses off.

"I like it when your hair is pulled back," he said, putting my hair into a ponytail and leaving my bangs down along with a few extra strands of hair on the other side of my face. "I also like it when I can see you."

"Like this?" I asked, taking my shades. Billie nodded.

"You're so beautiful," he said and kissed me in a very 'loving' way, not too hard and not too soft.

"I really don't know what I'd ever do without you," he said and laid me back down on his chest. "I'm terrified of losing you."

"Don't say that," I whispered and rubbed his chest.

"I'm serious though."

"I'm not going anywhere, Billie. That was ten years ago." He stayed quiet. "And I was stupid."

He kissed me then took his hat back.

"I'd like to have this now," he smiled.

"Hey!" I whined, reaching for it. Billie lifted it in the air, causing me to stand on my knees. He laughed at me.

"Can you get it? Can you get it?"

"If you'd let me!" He put it on my head and I sat on him; his hands landed on my hips.

"Can we get arrested for this?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "Let's go somewhere else anyways."

I helped him up and we began walking to the car.

[Martena's POV]

Tre finally woke up and came into the living room where I was playing Mario.

"How's that hangover?" I asked, pausing the game to look at him. He groaned. "Same as the last time. Do you want coffee?"

"That makes it even worse," he groaned, again.

"You could have just said no," I said and grabbed my phone to text Alyssa.

"Hey! Happy 16! What are you doing?" I kept my phone open, she's a fast texter.

"Thanks! :) We're at the beach. Billie took the kids to my mom's early this morning."

"Aw, what a suck up. :)"


"Kidding, it's cute. Have fun. ;) I'll text you later."

"We will, lol. And trust me, there will be no sex tonight."

"That is such a lie."
I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe, maybe not. I'll let you know. ;)"

"Ew, no."

[Billie's POV]

Alyssa laughed as she closed her phone and put it in her pocket. We reached the car, got seated, and I started it up, pulling out of the driveway.

"Why are you laughing?"


"What about her?"

"Here," she said and let me read her texts when we were at the stoplight.

"No sex tonight?!" I asked, quickly throwing the phone in her lap and turning into an intersection and onto the next street.

"If you behave, maybe."

"If I beha- what?!"

"Just letting you know," she smiled and looked out the window.

I heard her phone vibrate and she snapped it open then gasped.

"What's wrong?" She hit me. "What?!"

"You really sent it to them?!"

"Sent what?"

"My picture!"

"Yeah, about that," I said nervously and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Oh well, just don't send it to anybody else." I looked at her, she did the same and I looked back onto the road. "Or did you?!"

"I didn't! I promise!" I held out my pinkie. She put her pinkie around mine and we both bit our thumbs. I grabbed her hand and kissed it, she did the same. It's something we've always done after a 'pinkie promise'. She smiled and looked down, keeping her head down for a minute.

"Huh," she said, letting go of my hand.

"What is it?"

"Billie, do my boobs look bigger to you?"

I almost choked on the gum I was chewing and cleared my throat.

"I can't really look right now. I'm driving."

"Feel them." She grabbed my wrist and I yanked my hand back, gripping the steering wheel. "I'm serious!"


"Come on, you've done it before."

"Not when I'm driving!"

"You know you want to."

"Of course I do." I reached over and she pushed me away. "The fuck?!"

"You were too slow." I groaned. "But really, I swear they're bigger."

"You just had a baby, that could be why."

"She uses bottles now, and I wouldn't be able to feed her anymore anyways."

"Good, it's gross."

"Shut up, I know."

"Then... I guess they are bigger," I smiled.

"Don't you be smiling, Billie. Dirty thoughts are not good."

"Oh, yes they are." She made a disgusted noise and didn't reply to me. "Coming from the one who wanted another baby."

"That's not dirty!"

"Oh, yeah. Right. I forgot a stork came to your front door and dropped off a random baby."

"Don't make fun of me!"

"And the baby just magically happens to look like the parents."


I laughed and turned into a parking lot.

"You have to be hungry. If not, you're crazy," I said, taking the keys out of the ignition. I got out of the car at the same time she did and we went into the restaurant hand in hand.

[Miranda's POV]

Mike was in the living room with Jennifer playing his bass. She'd giggle every time he played 'Mary Had A Little Lamb'.

"You two are so cute," I said, handing him a cup of coffee and her a sippy-cup with orange juice in it. Mike kissed my face. "Coming up with new stuff?"

"Sort of. I need to run it with Tre and Billie."

"Oh! Today's their anniversary!"

"Tre and Billie's?" He laughed.

"No, shut up," I laughed too.

[Alyssa's POV - That night]

"I'm wiped," I sighed as we walked through the door. After dinner, we had came across this carnival and he refused to pass it up. He closed the door and I jumped on the couch, sprawling out. He immediately went to the corner of the room and picked up his guitar and sat next to me. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to sing you a song," he smiled.

"No," I laughed, taking his guitar from him. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. I held his guitar as a shield and put it in front of me. "Carry me upstairs?"

"Sure," he whispered.

I put his guitar on the ground and he picked me up. I put my left arm around his neck and my right hand on his chest as he took me up the steps. He walked into the bedroom and I got down from his arms and I got some pajamas from the closet. He did the same and jumped on the bed. I laughed and looked at him.

"Why are you such a freak?" I asked, laying down next to him. He didn't respond, he just grabbed me and held me close. "What do you want?"

"You know what I want."

"I'm right here," I smiled, rubbing the side of his face.

"Not what I meant," he whispered and kissed me. "God, you're perfect."

I laughed. "I'm the farthest thing from perfect."

"Not to me." He kissed me again and put himself on top of me.

"Just because it's our anniversary doesn't mean we have to have sex."

"No, but it gives us a reason to."

"Doesn't mean I want to." He pouted at me. "We have three days to ourselves, Billie. You're fine."

"I suppose," he sighed, kissing me one more time and starting to get off of me.

"Hey, hey, hey. I never told you to lay down." He laughed and put himself back where he was. He put his elbows on the bed, propping himself up and I put my arms around him. He kissed me; I slowly tilted him to the side, making myself lay on top of him. I felt his hands go down my back and my sides, onto my hips and I put my hands in his hair. Although we wouldn't be doing anything, it was still fun to mess around. Neither one of us had pulled away and were breathing heavily through our noses. I stopped and proceeded to sit on top of him until he pushed me off. "What was that for?!"

"It's been almost a year since we've done anything and you stop!"

"Like, I said," I leaned over and put my face close to his. He stopped breathing. "We have three days." I grabbed my camera from the table and I laid down next to him. "Smile," I said before taking a picture of the both of us. I turned the camera and saw that he had stuck his tongue out at me. "No!"

"Sorry!" He said and took the camera from me. He pointed it at us and took a picture as he kissed my face. I, not being ready for the picture, had my mouth open in a big smile and I had scrunched my shoulder up. "Aw, look at us."

"Ew, look at me."

"You're gorgeous!"

"You're an idiot." He turned my face to kiss me and he snapped a picture. "Can we get a normal one?"

"Sure," he said. "How am I going to smile?"

"Teeth," I said with a smile. "It's cutest." I kissed his cheek. He groaned and I smiled at the camera, as did he. After the flash went off, we looked at the screen and it was the perfect picture. He groaned again.

"I hate smiling with my teeth."

"But it's adorable!" I said, turning the camera off and putting it back on the table, having to sit on top of him again. I quickly got off and laid down. He pulled the blankets over us and had me cuddle with him. He kissed me over and over again, causing me to laugh. After he pulled away for the last time, I yawned.

"Baby girl seems tired," he whispered, kissing my forehead.

"Since when did you call me that?" I asked, leaning away from him.

"Since now." I shrugged. "Do you not like it?"

"I think it's cute," I smiled, kissing him again and then laying my head down on the pillow. "Goodnight, love."

"Happy Anniversary, babe."
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: 'Anniversary Song' by Pinhead Gunpowder

^ I thought it'd be pretty relevant. :)

Yeah, I haven't updated in a long time. So I figured I'd get it over with and just write already. I just got back from Band Camp about a day ago; my feet and calves are swollen, I'm peeling badly from my sunburn, I got blisters on my feet for the first time, etc.

And that was my third Band Camp. Ugh.

xoxo- Adie