‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World


Christian's POV.

Holding onto Abby's hand while they put the cast on her was something that I enjoyed doing. Abby was a sweet girl and I would love to be her boyfriend, but what if she didn't like me back? I would just make a fool out of myself.

"Okay, Ms. Abigail," the doctor started. "You're all done here. Do you have a ride home?"

"No," I said at the same time she said, "yes."

"Which one is it?" The doctor asked. Neither of us said anything.

"Alright. I'm afraid I'm going to have to call your parents."

"N-" Abby's voice choked up. "O!"

"I have to, Ms. Armstrong," the doctor said, walking out of the room.

"This is it..." I whispered. She nodded her head.

Tre's POV.

I saw Alyssa and Marty go upstairs from the corner of my eye and I knew this was going to be bad. I ran upstairs and barged into the bedroom to Alyssa laying on Marty's lap and just staring, not doing anything.

"Did she hear all of it?" I asked.

"No," Marty sighed. "Just the last part after Billie yelled." I sighed and I held my head. Alyssa's going to be broken about this.

"Alyssa," I said and walked up to her. "Can you hear me?" Her eyes flickered up to mine. I smiled at her.

"Hey, listen to me," I started. "There's nothing you need to worry about. It was a long time ago. It was nothing recent. Billie loves you." Her eyes were still on mine.

"Blink if you heard everything I said," I told her. She blinked.

"Good," I said and smiled at her. I rubbed her head and she closed her eyes again.

"Take a deep breath if you understand what I said." She did what I asked.

"You're going to be just fine," I said and I heard the phone ring.

Billie's POV.

I got up and went to answer the phone, not even bothering to tell Adrienne to 'hold on' because she seemed to never want to do that for me.

"Hello?" I asked, trying my best to sound normal.

"Hello, this is the Oakland Hospital calling. Are you the father of Abigail Armstrong?"

My breathing stopped and I thought that I was about to hear the worst thing that a parent could ever hear.

"We have her with a broken ankle. She came in here with a boy and she got defensive when I told her that I had to call her parents. She's safe, don't worry Mr. Armstrong," the doctor told me.

"Can I come get her?" I asked, choking up.

"Yes you may, but there's also another thing that we need to talk about... your daughter. We found a case of drugs in her blood."

I closed my eyes tightly. "Yes, I found out earlier today that she's addicted to drugs... for ten months. She ran away from home two days ago."

"Ten months?" The doctor asked, choked. "She needs to get some professional help for that, Mr. Armstrong. Come pick her up, and her boyfriend and we'll talk."

"Boyfriend?" I asked, confused.

"The boy she came in with. He said his name was Christian." My eyes went wide.

"I'll be there in ten minutes," I said and hung up.

"Adrienne, you're coming with me to the hospital. And so is Alyssa," I said, putting my shoes on as fast as I could.

"Why?" She asked, confused and standing up.

"What's your son's name?" I asked, pointing at her.

"Um, Christian Nesser. Why?"

"Fuck! You're coming with me," I said and ran upstairs. "Alyssa, honey! Come down here please."

Abby's POV.

"I called your parents and I got a hold of your father," the doctor told me and I closed my eyes.

"What did he say?" I asked as Christian squeezed my hand.

"He'll be here in ten minutes," he said then walked out.

"There's nothing we can do, Abby," Christian told me.

"I know," I said and leaned my head on his arm. "I know."


Ten minutes later, there was my dad and my mom and another person, who Christian was calling his 'mom.'

"Oh, Christian," she said and hugged him, taking him away from me. "I've missed you so much."

"Mom! No, let go of me," he said and pulled away. "You're not my mom... not anymore." He said, backing away and holding my hand again.

"Abby..." my mom whispered and came to hug me. "Don't ever do that again." She began to cry.

"I'm sorry mom, I was being so stupid," I said and hugged her back. "But... who is this?" My mom stood up and looked at the other woman and looked down.

"Abby," Christian started. "This is my mom, Adrienne." He looked down at his feet.

"Dad, how do you know her?" I asked. My mom looked at him and it was my dad's turn to look down at his feet.

"She's my... ex- girlfriend," he said.

"And your dad is Christian's dad, too," Adrienne spat. I gasped and Christian and I looked at each other.

"You're my brother?" I asked and let go of his hand.

"You're my sister?" He asked. We both looked at each other, shocked. My mom looked at my dad with horror on her face and began to cry again.

"What?" She whispered, not being able to breathe or talk.

"Lyssa, I-" My dad tried to say. My mom shook her head and looked at me.

"I'm so sorry, Abby," she said with tears in her eyes. My mom gave one last look at my dad before storming out of the room.

Adrienne's POV.

I smiled to myself then grabbed my son's hand, but he quickly ripped it away. I gave him a stare, telling him to come with me.

"No, not this time," Christian said. I sighed and I looked at him one more time.

"I'm not doing this with you, Christian," I told him.

"You lied to me," he said in my face. "Look what you did to Abby's mom. This is all your fault. You created this mess."

Billie's POV.

Running after Alyssa wasn't the easiest thing to do. I ran out the sliding glass doors and I followed her up into the parking garage.

"Alyssa!" I called out. She looked back at me, turned around, and began to walk faster... and so did I. She reached the car and searched her pockets, not realizing that I still had the car keys. Her head swung back, and I knew that she realized it too. She leaned up against the car, and stared me down, shaking her head.

"Lyssa," I breathed and rested my arms on the car, putting them on either side of her.

"So, now I'm a step-mom?" She asked.

"That was when..."

"Spit it out, Armstrong."

"When I cheated on you," I said, closing my eyes and hanging my head low. She let out a deep breath and half laughed.

"So, you think you can just go around, knocking all these girls up, and expecting me to not care?" She asked, with a whole bunch of arm motions involved.

"Adrienne was the only one, and of course I expected you to care... I expected the worst out of you."

Alyssa was silent for quite sometime, and I didn't know what to do with myself. She had her hair up in a pony tail with only her bangs in her face, flowing in the wind that seemed to almost mess up the part in her hair.

"I love you, Alyssa," I said and kissed her neck gently. She pushed me away quickly.

"Don't do that," she said with a disgusted laugh. "If I would of known from the start that you got her pregnant... maybe this wouldn't be happening."

"I didn't know she was going to be pregnant."

"Bull shit you didn't. What do you think happens when people have sex? Exhibit A," she said, pointing to her stomach. We both began to smile and laugh to ourselves.

"I'm sorry, but I can't take what you just said seriously," I laughed and I walked closer to her. Alyssa wiped her smile off her face and crossed her arms. I extended my arms out and leaned in for a hug.

"Aren't you going to return the favor?" I asked. Her eyes flickered up at me and she gave me a weak smile that was barely noticeable.

"I love you too," she whispered into my neck and gently kissed it. I smiled and I hugged her tighter.

"It'll take me some time to get over this, you know?" I nodded my head. I put my arm around her shoulder and began to walk her back to the ER.

"We're here for Abby, not to argue," I said and kissed the side of her head.

Tre's POV.

"I wonder how things are holding up there," Marty said with Doritos in her mouth and sat down on the couch next to me.

"Can you say that in English please?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh shut up you heard me," she said and hit my shoulder. I laughed and hit her back. She turned to me quickly and gave me a death stare.

"You don't want to start this with me, Tre." I laughed and I put my head on her shoulder.

"I know, Love. I know."

Christian's POV.

"You're coming with me," my mom said as she grabbed me by my arm and pulled me out of the hospital room.

"Why didn't you tell me who my father was?" I asked, pissed off that I was forced to leave with her.

"Why did you run away?"

"You're a druggie, a drunk, and a horrible mom!"

"That isn't true," she hissed at me.

"Then why were you screaming at me the night I left that I was a horrible son and that I remind you so much of my father and that I'm stupid?"

"That isn't true..." she said as she unlocked her car door. While I had the chance, I slammed the door and I ran the opposite direction, running as fast as could and anywhere I could. I would be a homeless boy the rest of my life.

"Christian!!" I heard my mom scream and the car tires screech against the black pavement.

Abby's POV.

"We need to take you home, Abby," my mom said, coming back in.

"So you can do a drug test on me?" I asked.

"So we can help you, honey!"

I began to tear up. "It wasn't my fault..."

My dad grabbed a chair from behind him and sat down in it. There wasn't another one for my mom, so she sat on my dad's lap, which was awkward for me. I shifted a little in my spot on the hospital bed that they had put me in and my dad pretended to clear his throat in an awkward silence.

"So why isn't it your fault, Abby?" My mom asked, putting her hands on her knees.

"I snunk out one night when you two were in your room," I began to say. They looked at eachother and then looked at their feet. "I went to a party with one of my school friends that I hardly know and they gave us some beer and I thought I would try it, you know? So, I drank that then I began to laugh a lot and I was doing things that I don't remember doing." I said and started crying. "My friends told me that I went to a room with some guy that I didn't know," I said, crying even harder now. "I don't even remember doing that. I don't know what I did or what he did." My parents were starting to cry themselves. "So from there on, I became addiced to all these kinds of drugs and I don't want to live like that..."

My mom was silently but hysterically crying on my dad and he was trying to hold himself together as much as he could.

"Why didn't you tell us?" He asked me.

"I was too afraid to."

"But you told Alice?"

"She doesn't know about the party, dad..."

"We need to get you checked out. To make sure you don't have anything. We don't know what that boy did to you."

"When I met Christian... I was scared that he did the same thing to me."

My dad got infuriated and was gripping onto the sides of the chair and I thought he was going to have a heartattack. My mom brought her head up and told him to calm down. Reminding him about his anxiety.
♠ ♠ ♠

Poor Billie with his anxiety. :(

xoxo- Adie.