‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World

The Second Armstrong Child.

Billie's POV.

"Ow! That hurts!" Alyssa yelled to me as I was trying to bend her leg. "I fell down the steps, for Christ's sake!"

"I know!" I said, "I'm trying to make sure you didn't break anything."

I held onto her leg and bent it some more and she screamed.

"I'm sorry!"

"I think it's broken," she said with tears in her eyes. It was three in the morning and neither of us were in the greatest mood. First, the time. Second, we had to take Abby with us because we didn't trust her yet. Third, the nurse was just plain annoying.

"Billie," Alyssa whispered, almost frightened. "The baby." She held her stomach; Abby and I's faces completely changed expressions as our eye went wide.

"Doctor!" Abby called out as she ran into the hallway.

"Adrienne was right, I am going to have another miscarrage..." Alyssa whispered, looking straight ahead. I grabbed her hand.

"Hey, look at me," I said and she did. "She is wrong. The baby will be just fine." Just then a male doctor came in and put my wife in a wheelchair and rushed her into the ER. Abby and I followed and I texted Jason White because I knew he would be the only one up at 3:30 in the morning.

"Can you come down to the hospital to watch Abby for me?"

"Sure, what's going on?"

"I'll explain when you get here. Hurry."

"On my way."

The nurse wouldn't let us behind hte doors yet. But I found out that only I could go, not Abby.

"Abby, listen to me," I said and began to tear up. "Whatever happens tonight, we're still a family." She nodded and wiped my tear away.

Abby's POV. Waiting room.

My dad had gone back to be with my mom and now Uncle Jason was keeping me company.

"I hope Alyssa doesn't lose that baby," he said. "It's important." I looked at Jason and finally started to talk to him.

"Jason?" I asked. He looked at me. "Did you ever, at one time, have a thing for my mom?" I asked. He laughed and looked down at his feet with his hands on his knees.

"What?" I asked. "It's just a question."

"Your mom and I had a thing for each other back in high school... when she was single."

"How long did it last?"

"Oh, just two years."

It was silent. "Do you still have a thing for her?" I asked him.

"Sometimes," he confessed. "I mean, I love her as a close friend and all. But I'm still slightly attracted to her, yes."

"Do you miss her?"

"From time to time, Abby. She seems happy and that's all that matters."

"Does my dad know?" I asked. He looked at me.

"How many questions do you have?" He laughed, and so did I.

"Just a few more."

"Alright, keep going then," he laughed.

"Did you guys ever... you know..." I asked, not wanting to have to say it. Jason began to laugh and I couldn't tell what his answer was.

"Abby, that's something that a child doesn't need to know about their mom."

"What? My mom and Billie still do. Why do you think she's pregnant?" I asked with a slight grimace.



"Don't mock me."

"I'm not mocking you."

"Yes, you are."

"Just answer the question."

"You can't make me."

"Do you want me to ask my mom?" I threatened. He sat silent.

"No," he whispered.

"Is that the answer?"

"No, as in I don't want you to ask your mom."

"Then did you guys ever-"

"Just once!" He said with a raised voice. I smiled and I tried to hold back my laugh. Everybody in the waiting room looked at him, including the receptionists and they signaled him to quiet down. A few old people were glaring at us because we had disturbed them from reading their favorite Soap Opera magazine or their crossword puzzle.

"So just once, eh?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah..." Jason said and looked at his feet.

"You wanted more, didn't you?"

"Let's not go there."

"Was she your first?"

"...and only," he whispered. I suddenly felt terrible for the guy. I had completely brought this whole thing up and he didn't even want to. I leaned over and hugged him.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up," I whispered. I felt him put his arm around me too.

"No, it's fine. I havn't said anything about it in years."

"So, she never had a kid from you?"

"No, no, no," Jason laughed. "We made sure that didn't happen."

"That's gross, Jason. You didn't need to add that."

"You asked me!" He hissed. I shrugged my shoulders and put in my Ipod and began to listen to my dad's band; they were the best out of every band in my opinion. I knew all the words to all their songs and he would take mom and I on tour with him, so we'd be in the audience and watch him in the front row. I loved my dad.

Tre's POV.

I woke up and saw that it was still pitch black outside. I leaned over to look at the clock and saw that it was 4:30AM. I slammed my head back on the pillow with my left arm still under Marty from where I was holding her. I slowly slid my arm out and I went upstairs to use the bathroom. When I came out I walked past our bedroom and saw my phone lighting up on the table next to the bed.

"Who in the world could be trying to contact me at this hour?" I yawned to myself and went to grab my phone. There were two missed calls from Billie and a text message from Billie, Jason, and Abby also.

I texted Billie back and asked him what was going on. A few minutes later, all he said was to text Abby. I rolled my eyes and did as I was told.

"Why did your dad tell me to text you? What's going on?"

"He's in the ER with my mom."

"Is everything okay?!"

"Obviously not, dumbass. (:"

"You're pretty mean for a kid."

"Shut up. My mom fell down the steps and might have broke her leg."

"...That's it?"

"She's pregnant, remember?"

"Should we come down there?"

"That would be a good idea."

I ran downstairs and picked Marty up from the couch and left the blanket there too.

"What are you doing, Tre?" She mumbled into my chest.

"Get your shoes on, Love. We're going to the hospital."

"Why?" She groaned as she put on her all black hightops.

"Lyssa's down there. She fell down the steps."

"So...?" She asked with a smile.

"She's pregnant!" I said and grabbed her after I had my shoes on too. I dragged her to the car and put her in the passenger's seat.

"You seem to care more about her than I do," she said starting to wake up.

"I have to drag you. I'm the only one awake here," I said when we stopped at an intersection. "Oh shit! The kids!" I turned around quickly and drove home as fast as I could. Marty got out and ran inside. A few minutes later Alice was following her while holding onto Klaus' hand. We were all in the car this time and drove to the hospital.

Jason's POV.

"Finally, you're here!" Abby said once Tre, Marty, and their kids walked in. They all sat with us and Alice sat with Abby and they began gossiping about God knows what. I heard my name and I quickly looked over at them. Abby was smiling at me and mouthed to me that she was just kidding. I sighed and I turned back to my friends.

One hour later.

A nurse came out and was holding her hands together and her mask was off her face and dangling from her neck. She was dressed in her scrubs and she looked wide awake for it being five in the morning.

"Are you the family of Mrs. Armstrong?" She asked. Abby stood up.

"I'm her daughter," she said.

"Come with me, please," the nurse said and held Abby's shoulder. We all looked at eachother frightened. Abby and the nurse were around the corner, so we couldn't see what her expression was. But when she did come out, she looked sad.

"Guys..." she said and looked at her feet. We all got tears in our eyes and braced ourselves for the worse news.

"I'm having a baby brother," she said with a smile. We all glared at her at first but then hugged her and hugged eachother.

"You scared the shit out of me," Marty said, punching her leg. Abby stood up and punched her back, them being similar to eachother. They laughed and Abby returned to her seat next to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just updating for Martena. xD
It's her birthday today ! Wooooo.
I love you.

xoxo- Adie.