‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World

But You Don't Belong To Me.

Billie's POV.

"So how'd it go?" I asked as I drove my wife and I home to our daughter who I needed to get home to as soon as I could.

"It was fun," she said and nodded her head then taking swig of her lemonade.

"You're going to have Health defects if you keep drinking lemonade like that," I warned.

"I don't even drink it that much anymore!"

I just laughed and pulled into our driveway. I stopped the car and we sat in silence.

"You guys didn't do anything right? If you did, you can tell me."

She looked out her window for a few minutes and played with the bottom of her tank top. I grabbed her hand and she looked at me.

"Can you please answer me?" I asked. She opened her mouth and said something but I didn't hear her.

"What?" I asked.

"N-No. We didn't do anything. Just talked the whole time." I let go of her hand and leaned against the door.

"That's a lie..."

"Billie Joe," she said firmly. "Would I ever lie to you?"

She seemed hurt so I didn't push it on her any further. I shook my head slowly and she gently kissed me then got out of the car.

"Wait! Let me help you," I said jumping out of the car and running to her side of the car.

Tre's POV.

"Mmm, Tre! Get away from me!" Marty growled and pushed me away. I laughed and bothered her again.

"Tre! It's eight in the fucking morning! You can't possibly have a boner this early!"

"Seriously. It's me. I can get a boner anytime of the day, Love. You never know when it's going to pop up."

"You are one sick man," she mumbled then went back to sleep. I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom.

"I guess I'm going to have to do this myself," I sighed.

Jason's POV.

I sat on my living room floor, not moving an inch. I had just kissed her, and now she probably doesn't ever want to look at me again.

"I fucked up," I whispered and leaned against the couch. I didn't know what to do. I hadn't felt anything all this time until I kissed her again, now I want to only be with her again, but I knew that I couldn't do anything about that. I ran upstairs and into my bedroom and rummaged through the closet. I kept all of our memories in a box. I quickly pulled it out and I began looking at all of the pictures of us. I laughed at some of them and some of them made me cry. There was one of us at prom. She still had her long black hair and she was smaller but she looked amazing in her black dress that had no straps but it was real poofy and her hair seemed to match it perfectly and her black make-up.

"That was the night..." I said to myself and smiled. We had gotten back to the hotel and couldn't stay off of eachother. She kept saying that it was wrong of what we were going to do, but I assured her that everything was okay. I had locked the hotel room door and she laughed everytime I did something when I walked over to the bed. She laid on it and was scared when I laid next to her.


"Jason!" Alyssa squealed as I kept trying to kiss her. "Stop it," she laughed.

"Nobody's in here but us," I whispered and kissed her ear. I put my hand on her back and tried to untie the straps that held her dress together. She laughed and put her hands on the back of my neck.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked. She looked up at me and kissed me quickly.

"I take it that's a yes," I smiled and kissed her neck.

There was a knock on the door and we heard some of our friends, drunk, yelling stuff.

"Go away, faggots!" I yelled behind me towards the door.

"Oh! We know what's going on in there! Jason's gettin' some!" Jimmy yelled.

"He's probably in the middle of it, we should go guys!" Josh said to Jimmy.

"I don't hear anything!" Raechel said, drunk also.

"Just ignore them," I whispered to Alyssa and kissed her again, trying to remove her dress.

"It's not really romantic," she whispered back, taking my shirt off.

"They'll go away in a few minutes."

"Come on guys! Let us in on it!" Jimmy yelled again.

"Guys, I really think we should leave them alone," Raechel told them. She was Alyssa's best friend. I looked down and saw her smiling at me.

"How did you become so beautiful?" I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders and we both laughed.

_____PRESENT DAY_____

I remembered Raechel, she was such a bitch to me. She always thought that I was trying to rape Alyssa or something whenever we were alone. I tried to remember everything after that but I decided to stop before I would get too excited...

"This was our first date," I whispered again. We were with a group of friends on a double date and she had her arms around my waist and we looked perfectly happy together.

Mike's POV.

"Mike! The phone's for you!" I heard Randi yell from upstairs. I slowly got off the couch and walked over to where the phone sat on the table.

"Hello?" I sighed, picking up the phone from the other phone.

"Hey! It's Jason," he said from the other line. "White."

"Oh! Hey," I said and sat back down on the couch. "What's up?"

"Uh... what would you do if you were falling for one of your best friend's wife for the second time?"

"What?!" I asked with a smile and sat on the edge of the couch like Jason was here talking to me in person.

"Just answer the question, will you Mike?"

"You have to tell me the story behind this first," I said, getting him into something he didn't want to be in.

"Guess who the guy is."

"Whoa! You're gay?!"

"No, Mike! Guess which friend it is! Then the answer will be obvious," Jason yelled.






"What the hell, Billie's!"

"You like Alyssa?!" I yelled and leaned back on the couch so hard that I hit the edge of it and it hurt my neck. "Aw, fuck!" I yelled and grabbed the back of my neck and rubbed it. "Since when did this happen?"

Jason sighed and I knew he didn't want to say anything. "High school. We met in high school and dated through out our last two years," he said.

"I didn't expect that," I said.

Billie's POV.

"Lyssa, I-" I started to say. We laid in bed and watched TV. It had been a long day already and I was tired.

"If this is about Jason, then don't say anything."

"I want to know what happened over there," I said quickly. She turned to me and put her hand on my chest.

"Nothing happened," she whispered and kissed my forehead.

"But what did you guys do?" I asked, putting the hair out of her face.

"We talked, I told you that," she smiled.

"About what?"

"The old times. Way before we even knew you, Love."

"What were the old times like?"

She kept her hand on my chest and I put my hand on hers, grabbing her wrist and not moving it.

"We dated for two years, and that was a lot for highschoolers, you know," she whispered. "We went to Prom together."

Alyssa smiled and started laughing. "That was a weird night," she laughed.

"Why?" I asked completely serious.

"Stuff... happened," she said.

"What kind of stuff?"

"Billie this isn't the sort of conversation a married couple should be having."

"You two banged didn't you...?" I asked, almost shocked.

She laughed. "Couldn't you have said it more properly?" I smiled at myself and realized that I had sounded stupid.

"Well, since you're wondering... yes, we did. But it was Senior year, school was ending in a week, and we thought we were staying together after that."

"So I've fucked Jason, too?!" I asked. Alyssa started laughing really hard and had to hold onto me to keep her cool.

"Not technically," she said. "It was only once though, so don't worry. I'm sure you've had other girls in your life too." I shrugged.

"He could have gotten you pregnant," I told her.

"I know that Billie, but he didn't."

I took a deep breath then let it out slowly.

"Don't go back to Jason," I pleaded.

"I love you Billie, I'm not leaving you," she whispered and put her finger under the part of my button up shirt where it comes together between the buttons.

"Would I do this to Jason?" She asked, unbuttoning them. I shook my head slowly. She kissed me gently.

"How about that?" I shook my head again.

"And this...?" She put her fingers through my belt loops and pulled me closer.

"No," I smiled and I kissed her.

"But too bad you're not getting anything," she laughed and kissed me back.

"You cock blocker!" I yelled, half laughing. She laughed too and I hugged her.

Jason's POV.

"I just don't know what to do," I said. I had told Mike everything that happened from Prom night all the way to this morning.

"You're stuck, man," Mike said bluntly. "I'm sorry. You'll find someone. How about you take yourself down to the mall or something and find yourself a girl."

"You really think it can be that easy?"

"Sure! It doesn't hurt to try."

"Thanks, Mike. I'll try that," I said and hung up, forgetting to say bye. I called back quickly.

"Yes?" Mike laughed.

"I forgot to say bye, so... bye Mike," I laughed. He laughed too.

"You're such a nerd," Mike said.

"Hey! I am not!"


"Okay, maybe a little bit, but that doesn't matter!"

"Alright, whatever puts a smile on your face," Mike said still laughing. "Bye, Jason. Good luck."

"Thanks," I said and hung up again. I walked into the entrance where the house split off into two seperate sides and looked at myself in the big mirror that could fit the whole band, including their wives.

"I need a shower," I mumbled to myself and walked away, grabbing a towel from the closet and taking a quick one.


I ended up being in the shower for an hour, which I was pissed off about. I fixed my hair and tried to cover up the 'bald spot' as Tre and Marty called it. But I wasn't going bald, I was the youngest in the band. I looked at myself and I added just a dab of eyeliner.

"Now I need clothes," I said, realizing that I was standing in my bathroom naked almost embarrassed of an empty house. I looked in my closet and saw a majority of stage outfits. I sighed and tried to find a normal attire. I found a Pinhead Gunpowder tee and a black pair of jeans with my converse.

"That's good enough," I sighed. I went back out to the living room, grabbing my car keys and heading out the door to the mall.

Tre's POV.

I woke up again and realized that it was now 11:00AM. I decided that I had to used the bathroom, so I did that, then I realized that I was hungry, so I fixed that. Now it was 11:15 and I was bored. I had nothing else to do I walked back to the bedroom. I walked in and saw that Marty was still sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to wake her so I was going to go downstairs and finish sleeping on the couch.

"Tre?" I heard her ask. I turned around and saw her sit up slowly. "Where are you going?"

"I was going to sleep on the couch, I didn't want to wake you."

"No, sleep here," she told me with a smile. I smiled back and I laid down next to her.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me on top of her.

"Yes, I'm sure," she said quietly and smiled.

"What do I do now? I don't want to start kissing you then have to be cock blocked again!" I whined.

"I'm not going to cock block you," she laughed.

"Well... alright," I said and kissed her.

Jason's POV.

"Hey! I'm Jason," I said, approaching a girl who sat at a table by herself at Starbucks. She looked up at me from her laptop, nodded her head, then looked back at the screen and began typing again. She had blonde hair that reached her shoulders and it was parted on the left.

"Um, what's your name?" I began to get a little nervous.


"That's a pretty name," I smiled. "Mind if I buy you a coffee?" She held up her coffee that was sitting right in front of me and I felt really stupid afterwards.

"Maybe... we could hook up again and have a chat," I said, looking from my hands and up to her face back and forth.

"I'm not from here," she said bluntly. "I'm only visiting my sister."

"Oh! So how do you like it here?"

"Oakland sucks, I don't understand the people who live here."

"I love it here..." I said quietly. Neither of us said anything but she kept looking at me like she wanted me to go away.

"Well Melanie, would you want to hook up again sometime?"

She held up her left hand and I saw a shimmering wedding ring on her finger.

"Oh..." I said. She got up and moved herself and her precious laptop to another table. I felt completely hopeless and embarrassed after that and I walked out.

"Why can't I do anything?" I asked myself angrily. "I can't get a girl, I can't play guitar... no that's a lie, I can't even keep Alyssa." I sighed and got in my car. "She left you a long time ago, Jason. It's time to pull it together," I told myself. I started up the car and drove home in silence.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title is a lyric from 'Mechanical Man' by Billie Joe. (: If you havn't heard that song, then you're insane. ^_^ It's amazing. That's the only part of that line that I could put without it being creepy. Lmao.

xoxo- Adie.