Sweet October

Sweet October

October 27, 2008

The wind ran its fingers through my hair as my feet thumped against the concrete. With my hands in my pocket, I glided effortlessly down the sidewalk. My red Anne Taylor’s Loft pea coat warmed my hands in response. It seemed as if every fall leaf layered the ground I walked on. I couldn’t help but sigh as a small blonde boy and his mother walked by hand in hand. As they passed me, I caught a sniff of the mother’s long blonde hair. Lavender and Vanilla. Not a surprising choice for a shampoo and conditioner. The middle aged woman kept her eyes glued to the ground when we crossed paths. The little boy was much more different. He held his mother’s left hand but continued to look back at me as I did him. His startling white dress shirt and sky blue vest curved slightly over his stomach to meet his tan Docker’s. I wanted to say something to the little boy but I was at a loss for words. With just a blink of his clear blue eyes he seemed to have me all figured out. I smiled in response then turned my head and began walking to the North just as I had started. I suppose he thought that since I turned my head I had something to hide. Well he was right, because I did. People like me are the reason that humans don’t go out at night. We are the reason that humans are afraid to be alone. Oh yeah. Did I mention that I’m a vampire?
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beginning is still being worked of all kinks