Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


1 No one touches her!

Kaylene’s POV

His lips met my neck and he crawled from his seat and on top of me, “How about we move to the back?”

I pushed him away slightly, “Nah. I rather stay in the front thanks.”

He smiled and he leaned closer, “Come on Kaylene.”

I pushed him off of me and he went back to his seat, “What the hell?”

I rolled my eyes and opened the door, “Get fucked Sterling. If you think I’m that easy then get fucked and definitely not by me.”

I slamed the car door shut and turned to walk away. I gasped slightly; there were people surrounding the car, but they didn’t look like people. They looked like vampires. They had fangs and everything. The word that ran in my head was “Shit” No, “Oh shit!” so technically two words.

I am one dead person.

William’s POV

I looked at her as she got out of the car. She was upset. That bastard upset her. I growled; he would pay. I wouldn’t let anyone upset her. I looked over at Brendon, “Brendon…kill the person in the car. Let the girl go but kill the guy”

He nodded and took some of the vampires with him. They surrounded the car and Kaylene froze. Brendon told her to leave and she took off running. I smiled and emerged from the shadows. They pulled open his car door and ripped the boy out.

I walked up to them and they held the boy to the car. Brendon was on top of the car glaring down at the boy. I moved closer and growled, “What did you do to her that made her upset?”

His face was white and he was shaking, “n…no…nothing”

I glared, “What did you do?”

“Nothing. She just got angry.”

I rolled my eyes, “Tell me and you might have a chance of living.”

“I…I,” He blushed slightly, “Made a move on her.”

I tilt my head to the side and my eyes narrowed. He touched her. I backed away from him and Brendon moved off of the car and in front of the boy. I watched as Brendon drove his fangs into him. The boy screamed and he tried to get away. Brendon wasn’t letting him. After he drained him dry he backed away and let the limp body fall. He turned to me and wiped his lips clean using his sleeve.

I turned away from them, “Go feed and go home. I want everyone home by one. Go. Now.”

I heard them start to walk away and Brendon caught up with me, “Sir? Where are you going?”

I started walking a little faster, “Relax Brendon. This is a personal matter. Just make sure everyone gets back.”

“The hunters?”

“Spare them tonight. Just feed and go home.”

“Yes sir…”

He turned around and ran with the others. I smiled slightly. I liked Brendon. He was a good man. Followed rules and never disappointed me. I left him in charge because I knew he could handle the job. I sighed and made my way down the dark Chicago streets alone for the first time in over two hundred years.

I made my way to her house. I let myself in. Her parents were out of town and invited me in weeks ago. So I could walk in anytime. I made my way through the house and up to her room. I leaned against the wall and opened her door slowly. She was asleep.

I move the door to open it more. I made my way in and pull the door back to close it. I walked over to her bed. She was on her back and sleeping peacefully. I leaned over her bed and kissed her forehead softly. Her brows furred together and she rolled on her side away from me.

“Kaylene? Are you up?”

Her mother was home early? They were supposed to be out of town. I walked over to her door and opened it slightly; sure enough he mother was making her way down to this room. I growled softly. My time would be cut short. I backed away from the door and thought of my own room. I reopened them and I was standing in the middle of my room.

Brendon’s POV

“Alright, William’s orders are clear and we must follow them. Spare the hunters tonight and just feed. After make sure we get back as quickly as we can. We don’t want William angry with us.”

My voice rang out over all the talk of the vampires. A few nodded while others rolled their eyes. I rolled my own and made it down the street first, looking for food. We probably weren’t going to be lucky feeding. The bar crowds were still inside getting drunk. But we follow William’s orders and with no questions. Well, except for me because I’m the lucky one.

He’s changing. We all notice his behavior has changed. He seems restless. Like there is something he needs to do. I don’t know what it is but I’m hoping he’ll tell us. He usually tells us when something is happening. Why am I bothering? This is his business. Not ours.