Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


11 "You Took Mine"

Kaylene’s POV

I was forced back closer to William because someone was coming through the door. I caught myself and I watched two guys drag in a familiar face. Gabe Saporta, the perv, was passed out.

They stopped in front of William and dropped him. He landed roughly and I went over to him. I may hate the guy but he and I were in the same boat now. I reached down and his eyes opened slightly. He looked at me and winked. He closed his eyes and I smirked.

I looked over to William and he was talking to one of the guys. Gabe got up quickly and pulled out a gun. He had it faced at William and I stood behind him. I watched Gabe’s hand snake into his pocket and he pulled something out. It was a small cross on a chain.

I grabbed it from him and he whispered softly, “Put it on.”

I did and William had turned to us. Gabe kept it pointed at William and forced himself around me and stopped behind me. The gun was right next to my ear and the two vampires started to walk forward.

“Not one more step.”

They stopped at William’s command and I looked at him in confusion.

“Gabriel Eduardo Saporta, I never thought you would stand up to me.”

“Eh, someone has to.”

I felt myself being pulled backwards and I started walking backwards. William smirked, “Mind telling me why you’re taking my girl?”

“You took mine.”

“Ah,” He nodded, “Victoria or Vicky T in your case and I didn’t take her. That was purely Brendon. Take it up with him.”

“I’ll consider that. But right now this Señorita is coming with me.”

“You won’t get five feet in this house.”

“That’s what you think.”

I watched smoke erupt around us. Ah, smoke bomb. Explains why I can’t breathe. I was pulled close to Gabe and we started out of the room. It had filled the hallway we were in but he was leading me like he knew where we were going.

Eventually missing almost every vampire we made it out of the house. He pulled me around the block and shoved me to the wall. I gasped as he leaned closer and put his gun away. One of his hands rested near my head while the other started searching through a phone. I started to move away and he moved to keep me pinned to the wall.

I glared at him and he winked, “Hang on.”

He brought the phone to his ear and he was tapping his foot anxiously, “Hey dude. Yeah I got her. No I couldn’t get Alex. Um…we’re at. Where are we?”

He backed up slightly and looked up at the building. I smiled as he squinted to read the sign. He told who ever it was where we were and he hung up. He placed it back into his pocket and he turned back to me, “Are you hurt in any way?”

I shook me head, “Who are you? I mean really?”

“Gabe. Vampire hunter.”

I made an “oh” face, “Ok….”

He smirked and looked at his shoes, “Look, I’ve been watching William for a while now. He’s be stalking you. That’s why I wanted to get to know you. Help you avoid him.”

“Ok. So you’ve been stalking me as well?”

“No, just William.”

A car pulled up and he leaned his hand to the door and offered me to go first. I looked scared and he opened the door. He reassured me that it was to be safe and I could trust him. I felt I could and so I did get in. He closed the door for me and walked around the back.

He got into the back with me and I noticed that there were other people in the car. A nerdy guy as the driver and in the passenger side was an interesting person. He looked familiar. He had jet black hair, which he probably dyed, and he occasionally flicked it out of his face. It reached just passed his ears and he was dressed in jeans and Misfits hoodie.

I was sitting behind the driver. I couldn’t really see who he was. He looked up at the mirror and looked at me. I looked back at him and he looked away.

“Dude! Move your seat up.”

I looked over at Gabe and he was trying to shove the passenger seat forward. The male in front placed his hands behind his head at the seat moved backwards.

“Fucker. No vampire powers! It isn’t fair!”

The seat slid forward on is own and I started to flip out, “He’s…”

The gears shifted and we pulled away. Gabe nodded, “Yeah, a vampire but he’s cool. He’s never had a drop of human blood. He just wants revenge on William.”

“I’m assuming all of you want revenge against him?”

The driver nodded, “Yeah.”

“He has a name.”

I looked over at the guy in the passenger side, “Excuse me?”

“He has a name and its not ‘driver’.”

I furred my eyebrows and Gabe laughed, “The boy has mind powers. Be careful. He might make you go crazy!”

I laughed at Gabe’s hand movements showing what I might have become. The passenger seat slid backwards and nailed Gabe’s foot. He hissed in pain and moved his feet to his body, “Geeze sorry.”

I shook my head, “So what is his name then?”

“Patrick and I’m Pete.”

“Pete Wentz?”

“Yeah.” he looked back at me, “Why?”

“You’re Alex’s friend. I remember. I didn't when you brought it up that night but I do now.”

He nodded and the conversation stopped for a while.

“Where are we going?”

Gabe answered, “Some where safe.”

“I need to go home.”

“You can’t.”

“Why not?!”

Pete looked at me, “Because William is looking for you.”

“Ok. Who the hell are you people and what is with William?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks all of you guys. There is just too many to name. So you know who you are. Hope you liked the updated. Sorry for the delay.