Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


12 Obsession is Such an Ugly Word

Kaylene’s POV

William’s tongue gazed over my palm and licked away the spilling blood. He seriously needs a new hobby. I tried to pull away but instead he pulled me to him. I was pressed firmly against his chest and I felt his fangs brush my neck,

“So tempting.”

“Please don’t.”

He tongue ran over my neck slightly to the right of my jugular vein. I could feel my veins all pumping faster do to how scared I was. It made it easier for him to find one to drink from.

I felt his lick over the same spot, “You wouldn’t.”

“Watch me.”

I felt his fangs force into my skin. I screamed and he pulled my closer trying to stop my struggling. I kept trying to fight him away. Wasn’t working to well. I was getting weak. And weak quickly. Fuck! What am I supposed to do now?

“Wake up!”

I bolted upwards in bed and I tried to catch my breath. I looked around and I was alone in a bedroom. That’s right! I remember. The hunter guys are making me stay here to be safe. I guess here was their hideout. Not that I’m complaining. Safe is good.

The weird thing is that they were the ones that I ran into when I was out with William. They were shocked to see me. I was shocked to see them. The vampire was Pete. The one that William hated so much.

I had also learned that the others were Andy, Joe and Patrick. They were cool guys to tell you the truth. Very kind. I didn’t feel threaten at all. I guess Gabe started working with them after William took Gabe’s girl and killed her right in front of him. How cruel can someone get?


Who told me to wake up? That dream felt so real too. I touched my neck. Nothing. I hate nightmares. I let myself fall to the bed and I noticed I was sweating slightly. That dream really did scare me even when I was a sleep.



I looked towards the window that was open slightly and I saw William standing on the outside. I got out of the bed and backed away from the window. He smirked and placed a hand on the glass. He tapped it and looked down at the sill.

“I can’t come in there.”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to open this window all the way.”

“Fuck no!”

“I can’t come in until you invite me in. You’re safe.”

“I’m not risking it.”

“Want me to prove it?”

“Sure, if you can.”

He made a fist and punched at the glass. It made a small ting and led a path of cracks across the glass. Now it should have broken with such force that was impacted on it. I walked up the window and ran my fingers over the cracks. Why didn’t it break?

His fingers returned to the glass and they were near mine. I looked up at him and he had an emotionless face. I gulped and backed away from him. He ran his hand down and off the window to let it rest next to him.

“What do you want?”

“I want you to come out.”

“And if I don’t.”

“I’ll burn this whole place down and no one will be able to get out.”

“You like killing too much.”

“No, I just get tired of having to go after what belongs to me.”

I rolled my eyes and went closer to the window, “If you burn this house down them I’m not going to try to get out.”

William rolled his eyes. He wasn’t amused. He backed away from the window and spoke softly, “I can wait.”

Wait? For what? Ugh! Stupid men. He disappeared like a soft wind and I closed the window. Man, I’m and scared. That man is creepy.
Patrick’s POV

“Well, she’s his obsession. It’s making him weak. Obsessions make people weak. It’s a known fact. At this point, William is the weakest he has ever been. He’s going to be focusing on her and slip up so we can nail him.”

Power to my words! I sounded rather smart. Well, I at least appreciated them. Stupid unkind people! I looked over at Pete. He could care less about the girl. He was excited about William being an easy target.

“Him being weaker means he’s going to be more merciless.”

I nodded, “Yes Gabe but he’s not going to focus on us. Just Kaylene.”

I knew Gabe was still upset. His best friends were all taken from him. Hell that happened to us. Granted Gabe is tall and confident in on the inside he’s just as scared as the next person. Meaning me or Joe.

I looked over at the stairs and Kaylene was bouncing on her toes. She seemed innocent. Pete looked at me and to his hands on the table. He started tapping them lightly. Gabe smiled and nodded towards Pete and I.

Gabe’s voice was soft., “Viene aquí, no tiene miedo. Recuerde que estamos de aquí protegerle.”

“Yo no hablo español muy bueno. Usted protege no hace que bueno de un trabajo. Desde que William estuvo fuera de mi ventana. Justo permitirle saber.”

Gabe’s mouth hung open, “What? What do you mean he was outside of your window?”

Pete growled and push away from the table. He stood up and walked right up to Kaylene, “And you didn’t bother screaming of anything. What the fuck is wrong with you?”


He looked at me, “What?!”

“Leave her alone.”

Gabe looked at his watch, “Let’s get her to Alpha’s place.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Kay the Spanish I’m used is more of the proper Spanish so don’t freak on me. This person was my only hope and he only knows the Spanish from Spain not Mexico or Uruguay. So there might be slight differences I have no idea because I know French not Spanish.

Thanks to all the readers and subscribers. I appreciate it.