Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


13 Alpha

Kaylene’s POV

We reached this club. A typical night club. I wouldn’t read the sign but people seemed to be leaving happy. We pulled into a staff parking spot and we all got out. They locked the doors and everyone except Gabe rushed into the place. He walked slowly with me.

“Who is Alpha?”

He laughed, “A very special person.”


“You’ll see. She’s a great woman. She really is.”

He nodded to the entrance guy and the guy smiled back, “Gabe!”

“How are you Adam?”

He smiled, “Pretty damn good. Though, Alpha is a little antsy. I’m not sure why though.”

Gabe nodded, “She needs a break. That’s all.”

“Or maybe some action.”

Gabe smiled, “She gets plenty.”

Adam laughed, “I’m sure.”

We walked in and Adam went on greeting people. I was hoping he was checking IDs too. It was sort of packed and I was pulled closer to Gabe. He kept his eyes scanning the room. I was slightly confused. He mumbled “William” and he turned to me. I was forced against the wall. I felt his lips collide with mine and I couldn’t do anything. I tried to force him away but he kept them against my own.

“ Mister Saporta!”

Gabe pulled his lips away from me and bit his lip. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a girl with her hands on her hips. She was pissed. She glared at the back of his head. She was very simple looking and far from a real beauty but she held up her own. She was about my height and I’m assuming she was older then me but I wasn’t sure how much older. He turned away from me and looked at her.

He smiled, “Hey Señorita.”

“Don’t fucking ‘Hey Señorita’ me!” He gulped and she continued, “If you’re kissing her I better get something a whole lot better!”

He sighed in relief, “You know I give you better then anyone.”

“Good. Now is that Kaylene?”


“I saw William come by. Why he’d…” She trailed off, “Anyways, good by thinking fast but you owe me. Your mouth shouldn’t be near her mouth.”

“I know,” He rolled his eyes and then he gave her a seductive smirk, “Just wait till later tonight. I can make it up to you. You know I can.”

She made a disgusted face, “I didn’t want anything like that.”

He pouted, “But….But you said you liked...”

She has holding back her laughter and she cut him off, “I lied!”

He looked as if he was going to cry. The giant was actually a teddy bear. He hung his head and started to fake sob. Patrick came by and looked at Gabe with a puzzled look. I giggled and the other girl was trying to hold it back.

Patrick offered his hand and I took it. He dragged me away and left the two alone.
Alpha’s POV

I waited till Kaylene and Patrick left, “Gabanti.”

He lifted his head and I could see the corner of his lips raise. I raised my arms to offer a hug and he complied. He wrapped his arms around me and I giggled at the height difference. He was a good foot taller then me but I didn’t mind. I don’t think he did either. Though sometimes I think he wouldn’t mind if I was a good inch taller. Or maybe five...

He nuzzled his head in my neck, “You tease me.”

I bit my lip, “I know.”

“It’s not nice.”

“Kissing another girl is not nice.”

I felt his lips lightly drag across my neck, “Mmm but that was to hide from William.”

“I know.”

He pulled away and kissed my forehead, “So we’re even?”

I shook my head and he nodded, “I thought so.”

“You so owe me!”

“I know. I know. Geeze. I’d make it up to you later but you said you hated it.”

“I was lying!”

“I knew you love it.” His lips found my ear, “That’s why you begged for more.”

I reached forward and smack him on the chest. He laughed and groaned in pain at the same time. I smacked him again and he laughed harder. I kicked his shin and he started to stop.

“I did not beg.”

“Yes, you did!”

“I did not!”



He shook his head and sighed, “How’s the club tonight?”

He looked around us and it was fairly active, “It’s been an ok night. No one has been kicked out. Though business is down thanks to William.”

He took my head, “Lets go upstairs.”

I nodded, “Yes, let’s see how much damage you’re friends have done.”


“Yes, damage.”

He shook his head and started to pull me away from the crowd. We past through a back door. My apartment was above my club. The nice thing was that I didn’t have to walk far for bed. And I only had to pay taxes on this building. Not to mention Gabe was living with me. He didn’t seem to mind but it paid our bills. That is until William kills off all my customers. Which might be soon.

I sighed and Gabe looked back at me. He stopped on the stairs. He turned to face me and he smiled softly. He knew something was up. He let go of my hand and took a step closer. He pressed his lips against my forehead. I let my eyes flutter shut.

“Things will be ok.”

He had spoken against my skin and I lightly nodded, “I know.”

“Come on. It’s safer in our apartment. They can’t come in there.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all of you guys! Means a lot. Not to mention the comments make my day.
* = Ok. This scene is for me so bite me! And Brendon I love ya and I’d do this with you but I’m writing Gabe cause of the story. :( *Pats Brendon’s shoulder.*)
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