Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


14 Vicky T

Kaylene’s POV

“Bitch! That’s mine!”

“Saporta! Stop!”

I looked up and Patrick was fighting to keep his cupcake. Gabe was glaring at Patrick with burning eyes. All of us had stopped and looked at them. Alpha was holding Gabe’s arm trying to keep him from exploding. Meanwhile, Patrick was smirking and he brought the cupcake closer to his lips.

Gabe’s lips were pursed, “If you eat that you’re a dead man.”

I smiled and watched Patrick take a huge bite out of it.

Gabe took a step forward and Alpha was being dragged, “Gabanti! Stop!”

Gabe shook his head, “I hate you so much right now!”

Patrick finished the cupcake and smiled, “Go in the fridge.”

Alpha let Gabe go cautiously and he made his way to the fridge. I looked over at him as he opened the fridge. He giggled and pulled out a box. He opened it and showed me. It was a dozen cupcakes. Gabe moved away and closed the door.

He sat next to me, “Cupcake?”

I giggled and took one. I looked down back at the journal I was reading. It was filled with all kinds of things vampire related. So I was studying to maybe understand it a little more. Though, it was going over my head.

“Umm babe?” Alpha was holding in her giggles as she walked up to Gabe

“What?” Gabe spoke through a mouthful of food.

She laughed and wiped the icing off of Gabe’s top lip, “Saving it for later?”

He blushed lightly, “No. It was so I could do this.”

She looked confused and he took her hand and forced the icing on her face. She gasped and punched Gabe with her free hand. He laughed and let go of her hand. His face held a huge grin and he took off. She whipped the icing off of her face and took after Gabe.

Pete smiled, “Remember be safe!”

Alpha’s voice screamed back, “Shut it Wentz!”

“Do they always do that?” I asked curiously.

Joe pretended to gag, “Always!”

“I have another question.”

Patrick grinned, “Shoot.”

“Who was Victoria?”

They all looked at me. Even Andy had lifted his head from his book. Pete looked angry. I felt bad for asking. It was obvious that what ever had happened…it still hurt them. I was going to say never mind but Patrick spoke.

“She was a really sweet girl who had the worst luck.”

Sounded a lot like me.

Pete spoke up, “She was Gabe’s best friend. They were so close. It was like family because it was so close. Though, they never would date because they were so close. Didn’t want to fuck things up. You know?”

I nodded and he continued, “She was walking home late one night after she got dumped by this asshole. She was supposed to make it to Gabe and Alpha’s place. She never showed up.”

“So is she missing?”

Joe’s tone was cold and hard when he talked, “Oh yea! Just like the other fifty million people in Illinois that have gone missing. Connect the dots. William got her!”

Andy spoke, “Joe calm down.”

I stuttered out god only knows what words, “I’m sorry. I never should have brought it up.”

Andy gave me a sympathetic look, “It's ok. It’s just a little rough for us.”

Pete continued the story, “In the morning when Gabe couldn’t get a hold of Vicky T he called the cops and reported her missing.”

Joe growled, “Do you know what they told him?”

I shook my head and Patrick took over, “We are sorry but we can’t do anything. We have more important cases right now.”

My jaw dropped, “Are you serious?”

Joe hit the table, “Yes! Some mayor’s daughter is more important.”

Pete looked at Joe and then to me, “That’s when Gabe started lurking around at night. He ran into me fighting William. Patrick, Joe, and Andy thought he was a vampire. Nearly killed him. But he was so confused. So we took him back to our place and talked to him. He told us about his friend and we told him we saw her.”

“That night I became a hunter.” I whipped my head around and Gabe was looking at me, “I wanted her to be alive. But William had one of his men turn her. I couldn’t do anything.”

I watched Alpha rest her head on Gabe’s arm, “Its ok Gabanti.”

“No, it’s not. He killed her for no reason!”

Pete spoke softly, “William had completely wiped her memory clean. She didn’t know or remember anything. She came after Alpha and Gabe told me no matter what I had to protect Alpha. I ended up throwing Vicky T over to William. One of his men killed her for not being successful.”

Gabe spoke lightly, “That’s when we all vowed to kill William and kill any other vampires. Well, except Pete of course.”

Pete nodded, “And I the only vampire here became nice.”

Gabe nodded, “Yup, and when Alpha opened ‘VA’ for Victoria.”

I looked puzzled, “VA?”

Alpha smiled, “Her initials.”

“That’s so sweet. I’m sure she loves it that you’ve did that.”

Alpha sat down at the counter, “I hope so. Now, you are the new problem.”

“Sorry guys.”

Gabe laughed, “Don’t be. It’s our job to protect this city.”

“Are there other hunters?”

“Not that we know of.”

These guys were going to be my superheroes. Hell, I didn’t even know them. But I am grateful for them. We started talking of other things but I couldn’t stop thinking of Vicky T and who she was. All I knew is I didn’t want to end up like that.
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel horrible! I love Victoria! I felt so bad having her dead! NO! *cries* I love you Victoria!
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