Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


17 Sold To The Man With The Vampire Gang

Alpha’s POV

“How may I ask will you sweeten up this deal?”

I almost expected to bat his eyelashes at me, “I’ll throw in Gaskarth.”

Brendon had turned around and looked at William, “Wait! What? You can’t do that! He’s one of the best newborns ever.”

Now that had caught my attention, “Please don’t mean you’ll physically throw him.”

William sounded desperate, “Agree now.”

“William, this is a big deal. I have to talk to Gabe.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

I took off back to my apartment above this joint. I was walking up the stairs when I saw a bunch of Dandies lining the hallway. They looked at me and licked their lips. I gulped and slowly walk past them. One of them whistled and I glared at him.

“Aww come on princess, we don’t bite hard.”

“Touch her and I’ll drive a stake into all of your hearts.”

I looked at Gabe at my doorway. I whisked past a few more and felt a brush against my ass. Those sick fucks! I got inside my apartment and closed the door. I turned around and was faced with my boy and Gaskarth.

I leaned against the door, “What is he doing in here?”

Alex held his hands up defensively, “I don’t mean any harm. I’m serious. I just wanted to see Kaylene.”

I was fuming, “Get out! You are not welcome here!”

I looked in the corner of the room and Pete was in front of Kaylene. He had forced her in a corner and was watching Gaskarth like a hawk. The rest of Pete’s guy’s were near Pete. They really weren’t taking any chances.

Gabe came forward and held me against the door. I was still yelling as Alex, “You’re a fucking traitor! You…Trash.”


I looked at Gabe, “Don’t fucking ‘babe’ me you dick. He is a Dandie! A fucking pawn of William’s and you let him into MY home. What is wrong with you?”

Gabe fought to keep an emotionless face, “Babe, relax.”

“How can I fucking relax when you have a fucking-“

Gabe cut me off, “Enough.”

I looked away from Gabe and he pulled me closer. I wiggled trying to get out of his hold but he wouldn’t let me. I was furious. No livid. First off, I have William fucking Beckett in my club and taking over it and then my BOYFRIEND is protecting one of Beckett’s men. This was a joke. A bad dream.

“Are you calm?”

I looked at Gabe, “What do you think you stupid fuck?”

“Alpha,” He had a desperate voice with anger laced into it, “Will you PLEASE stop this childish behavior and listen.”

I just kept quiet and he looked back at Gaskarth, “Tell her what you know.”

“This was a chance to get Kaylene. He knows you’ll refuse. He wants us to burn it down so Kaylene has no where to go. I didn’t know she was here. I seriously thought she was somewhere else. I think William knew that she wasn’t here and then somehow he found out. I want to help her get out of here.”

“Lies!” I spat.

“They’re not. I swear.”

I let my eyes narrow, “Why should we trust you?”

“Because if you don’t all of us will die.”

Gabe spoke softly, “We need to get her out of here.”

“I don’t care Gabe. Give her to William for all I care. She’s the one that cause us trouble.”

Gabe shook me lightly and let his angry out, “Don’t ever say that. I won’t see this happen to her. Not like what happened to Victoria. So you’re going to calm the fuck down and help us.”

“And what are you going to do? Huh? There are Dandies crawling all over this place. William will know. Hell, just give him Kaylene and he’ll go away. We’ll be safe and William will be happy.”

“Babe, she’ll die.”

“You guys were the one that said she made William an easy target after all. So don’t give me crap Gabriel.”

Alex spoke up, “Maybe we could do that. She goes with William and I could keep an eye on her.”

Kaylene shook her head. I caught it with the corner of my eye. Pete stood still letting his guard down a little. Kaylene looked over at me and I returned her look.

Her words soft, “I can’t go back there.”

Gabe spoke softly, “You don’t have a choice. We out number you. I will do anything to protect Alpha and if that means giving you to William till we can think of a new plan I will do so. Understand?”

“Is this your way of help?”

I felt rage at that comment of hers, “We didn’t have to do shit for you. We’re not the police department. We didn’t have to come get you. We let you live another night.”

Gabe nodded, “Exactly. At least this way we can get plans together.”

I pulled away from Gabe, “Alex, grab Kaylene and I’ll strike the deal with William.”

Alex nodded and went over to Kaylene. Pete moved out of the way as I opened my door. The Dandies were looking at us and smiling. I booked it down the stairs and over to William yet again.

He smiled as I walked up, “So?”

“How about this William, Kaylene for you never coming back here ever again.”

“So desperate to save your own lives? Cowards if you ask me.”

“You know it.”

William offered his hand across the bar’s counter, “You have a deal.”

I shook his hand and he pulled me across the table. I squeaked lightly and gasped. I felt my heart rate increase. This close to William? Not my favorite position. He had a serious look on his face.

He spoke with a whisper, “A kiss to seal the deal”

My eyebrow raised, “Excuse me?”

“Aww come on. It’s just one kiss to seal the deal.”

“No offense William, but I prefer my men alive.”

He leaned forward and pecked my lips. After he let me go and I slid off the counter. I wiped my lips with my sleeve and William laughed.

“You sick fuck. Don’t ever kiss my woman!”

“Ahh Gabriel.”

I looked over and Gabe was with Alex who had Kaylene. Gabe walked over to me and held me against him. William looked over at Kaylene and smiled at her. She was so screwed. I felt a pang of guilt. I could tell William wasn’t looking for a dinner. He had other plans for Kaylene and I really didn’t want to travel there.

William slid of his stool and Alex brought Kaylene around the counter. Alex was hiding anger under his emotionless look. William grabbed Kaylene and brought her close. He leaned down to her ear and whispered. I don’t know what it was but Kaylene looked up at William Beckett with fear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to oemvacg
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