Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


21 Unwanted Clemency

Alpha’s POV

“He is a bitch. I’ve never liked him. He stands with a stick up his ass and thinks he’s god.”

Alex and I turned to see a new face. Well more then a face, five new faces. All in dark clothing like Gerard’s group of vampires but different at the same time. They seemed to have more dirt and more punk. All shared a little ink on their skin. Some more then others.

The lead guy was built. Now I mean built. He could probably bench Alex; then again I could probably bench Alex. He has dark hair, a high forehead and prominent lips. He had gauges and –

Ok these guys are scary why the hell am I observing them?

I spoke to Alex quietly, “Alex, who are they?”

He didn’t look at me, “I have no idea.”

I moved closer to Alex and the one in front tilted his head, “So what did you do to piss William off?”

I spoke with a little vile, “That’s not your business, vampires.”

Gerard came walking by me and Alex, “Shadows! Leave them alone.”

The one in front spoke, “I haven’t done anything yet.”

Yeah, that “yet” scared me.

Gerard, “I didn’t expect you to come so fast.”

“What can I say Gerard, I’ve been waiting for you to break the treaty so I wouldn’t have to.”

“Matt, that makes you sound weak.”

I whispered, “Ok, no offense Gerard, but you’re smaller then him.”

Gerard turned to me and glared as the guys smiled lightly.

Matt Shadows, as I collected, looked at me, “I like you.”

“Sorry, I’m taken.”

He pointed to Alex, “By him?”

Me and Alex looked at each other and spoke at the same time, “Ew fuck no!”

The guys cracked up and I walked to them shaking my head. I walked up to Matt Shadows and I felt small. I stuck out my hand and he shook my hand. Afterwards, he leaned down and kiss my hand,

“Pleasure to meet you--?”


He smiled, “That’s not your real name, Jess.”

I looked at him and smiled, “Smart one you are.”

“I know but, please, meet my men.”

One walked up to me and he offered his hand, “Johnny Christ.”

I smiled, “Pleasure’s mine.”

Another male laughed, “Better watch out for Johnny, he’s a newbie.”

Johnny looked back at the one who spoke, “You’re one to talk Zacky.”

The one called Zacky walked past Johnny smirking, “I’m not as new as he thinks I am. I’ve been along for a while. Anyways, I’m Zacky Vengeance.”

I nodded and looked to the other two, “You guys have weird names too?”

The one with the oval head smiled and nodded. He seemed shy on the outside but I doubt he was. He came forward and I noticed he had to be the runt of them. I know, rude, but he was definitely the smallest of them.

He stuck out a gloved hand, “The Rev.”

I smiled and shook his hand, “Nice to meet you.”

His grip tightened and the smile fell, “Don’t underestimate me.”

Um, you’re breaking my hand, “Mhm No problem.”

He let go and the last guy hand a smirk. He waited till I walked over to him. He had what I think is make up under his eyes but nowadays you never know. He was pretty tough looking.

I stuck my hand out this time, “And you are?”

He didn’t offer a hand, “Synyster Gates is the name.”

I dropped my hand. Well fuck you! Geeze. You’re already dead so it’s not like I can give you a disease. Asshole. I glared and turned to Gerard. He looked at me and smiled slightly.

I turned back around, “So who the hell are you guys?”

Gerard spoke, “There a clan. Like The Dandies. They are from California though their men range to Illinois.”

I looked back at Gerard, “All of that?”

Matt Shadows laughed, “Hun, We’re one of the strongest clans still existing. We earned that.”

I tilted my head, “So you’re here because Gerard broke the treaty cause of me?”

I could hear Alex, “Good going Alpha.”

I rolled my eyes, “But why are you here?”

“To kill William.”

Gerard spoke up, “Woah woah back up. I’m here to calm him down. There will be no killing.”

Synyster yelled, “Come on Gerard! He screwed you over!”

I place my hands up, “Gentlemen, gentlemen, let’s not kill. Just plan things. Hear all sides of stories first.”

“Alpha! What the hell are you doing?”

I hung my head, “Gabe, go inside.”

Gabe walked right up to me and grabbed me. I squeaked and he continued to ramble, “Fuck no. Who they hell are they?”

Gerard looked at Gabe, “Gabriel relax.”

I looked up at Gabe and he glared at Gerard, “Relax? Fucking relax? You have my Alpha out here with vampires that we don’t know! They could fucking kill her!”

Alex waved his arms, “Am I invisible?! Geeze Gabe! Thanks for feeling confident in me! I could totally save Alpha if I needed to.”

I looked over at the guys and they were trying to hold back their laughs. I wiggled around trying to get out of Gabe’s hold and it just wasn’t working. He started to pull me back to the club and I stopped.

I spoke one last time before Gabe dragged me in the club, “You guys can come in! Just no feeding! Gerard! Don’t forget, you have sound check.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I never thought talking about the Rev would be so hard to do. God, now I’m depressed.
Thanks to: panicloverxxx, MotoXgirl505, oemvacg,
Thanks to the reader and guys that comment
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