Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


24 No Love For The Broken

Kaylene’s POV

I watched as Alpha served drinks. It had been two weeks since the ‘incident’ with M. Shadows and his circus of baboons. She still hadn’t told anyone else about Matt’s offer. I kept my own lips sealed because I didn’t want to in trouble. I was still a guest after all.

I decided to go back up to the apartment and find Alex. He was being rather lovey dovey lately. It’s kind of creepy but flattering at the same time. I started up the stairs and I bumped into someone.

I spoke first, “I’m sorry-“

I looked up to see one of Matt’s guys in front of me. I gulped and he smiled. It was Synyster. I think that’s his name. I wasn’t sure. His arms were stretched blocking my way up.

“Excuse me please.”

“Sorry sweet heart. I need some information.”

I folded my arms, “What do you want to know?”

His head acknowledged behind him, “Do they know the plan?”

“Matt’s offer?”

He nodded.

I shook my head, “Alpha told me and that was it.”

“Good.” He moved out of the way, “Don’t tell anyone we had this chat ok?”

I nodded and walked up the stairs. I reached the top and he spoke again, “Kaylene?”

I turned and Synyster was facing me, “Yeah?”

“You better send Gabe down. He might want to see this.”

I gulped.

Alpha’s POV

“Well, hello my darling. You look beautiful tonight.”

I turned and there sat Matt Shadows sitting on a stool facing me. I nearly dropped the bottle in my hand. Zacky Vengeance move to sit next to him and the Rev moved to the other side of Matt. Some of my costumers looked confused at me.

I put the bottle down and leaned over the counter to be near Matt, “What do you want?”

Matt chuckled lightly and let his hands clasp together, “I believe we have an offer to make.”

I gulped, “And what is it?”

“Don’t play games with me doll. I don’t have many patients tonight.”

“Why me?”

He rolled his eyes, “It doesn’t matter. Besides I like your attitude. I’m sure Vengeance would love to see you crack into a nice little obedient girl rather then this rebel.”

I looked over to Zacky and he smiled. I traveled back to Matt and spoke softly, “You promise everyone will be safe from William?”

His harsh voice spoke with a dominant tone, “I’m a man of my word.”

I giggled lightly, “Let me remind you you’re not a man….vampire.”

Matt’s arm reached over to my shirt and pulled me closer. As I was pulled over a couple of bottles and shot glasses were forced forward. I gulped as Matt’s face was near my own. I was scared now.

“Yes or no? Come on doll.”

“I need to pack-“

Zacky sounded desperate, “No you don’t.”

I shifted eyes from all of them and back to Matt, “Fine.”

Matt released me and I slipped off the counter. I straighten out my shirt and Matt looked pleased. I grabbed the money in my pocket and put in on the self under the counter. They would need it anyways.

A voice stopped me from thinking, “She’s not going anywhere.”

I turned and there was a furious Gabe next to me. I walked up to him and patted his chest. I made him look at me but he refused. I hugged him and I felt tears in my eyes. His arms wrapped around me and I couldn’t back away.

“Gabe let me go. It will be ok.”

His voice was emotionless, “No.”

“Gabriel. Let. Me. Go.”


“I will kick you in the nuts if I have to.”

He slowly let go and looked down at me, “You can’t do this.”

I winked at him and he could read me. He knew I was up to something. He was going to go along with it.

He spoke loud enough for them to hear, “If you go you will never be welcome here ever again.”

I glared and I felt my heart sink. I know he didn’t mean that but for him to say that killed me. I let a couple of tears fall and I could see Gabe’s eyes. I saw some sorrow. I leaned up and kissed him. I backed off and walked around the counter.

The three boys had turned around and Matt offered his hand. I took it and he led me out of the bar. It was cold outside. It felt damp and cold. I was so close to crying. I felt this lump in my stomach and it was sinking even more.

By the time we were a few blocks away I saw another group of men. I gulped lightly when I say the one in front when we got closer.

Ronnie Radke.

THE Ronnie Radke.

Ronnie saw my reaction and a smile, “Hello Alpha. It’s been a while.”

Ronnie came up to me and Matt released my hand. Ronnie game up and brushed the hair out of my face and I pulled away from him. I refused to look at him. He bent over a little and moved so he could try to look me in the eyes. I moved my head in the other direction and his long cold fingers found my chin. He forced me to look at him and I glared.

He pouted, “You said she’d be submissive Shadows.”

I heard Shadows grunt, “Come on now, I know you like them more when they aren’t.”

Ronnie nodded and licked his lips, “Indeed I do.”

I felt him release my chin and one of his nails drag across my cheek. He hadn’t really changed. He was the first vampire I ever ran into. He ‘spared my life’ because he was already full. His dirty black hair lay like a rat’s nest on his head. His face was still stern and still hinted some girl features. He had more ink on his skin then I remembered.

I hissed as his nail dug into my skin. I felt something warm and some pain. He moved his hand and licked across my cheek. I almost puked. He pulled away and smiled.

“I’m going to have fun with you.”

Matt spoke again, “No killing or turning.”

Ronnie looked at Matt and had a face of, ‘you’ve got to be kidding,’ “Oh come on Shadows!”

Matt shrugged, “That’s our deal. For your help you can have Alpha. After we’re done I need her back. You already agreed.”

Ronnie let out an annoyed sigh, “Fine! Can I at least feed off of her?”

“Do whatever you want. I just need her human after all of this.”

He smiled, “Ok. By the way….Did you tell her?”

Matt looked confused for a moment and then smiled, “I totally forgot.”

Ronnie smile took up his whole face and he got giddy, “You Gabanti doesn’t love you.”

I looked at him puzzled, “What?”

Ronnie leaned forward and his lips brushed mine and went to my ear, “He knew about this. I talked to him last week. He was so willing to get rid of you. He was happy he could buy protection.”

I reached forward and smacked Ronnie as hard as I could. He just started laughing and then he got serious. He grabbed me by the throat and pulled me next to him.

His voice was very quiet, “Do you think I’m lying?”

Gabe’s POV

I slide down the counter and kicked the wall. She was gone. My baby was gone and I had no idea where she was. My life was ripped from me. I looked at Kaylene and she was crying.

I was a failure.

I broke my promise to Alpha.

I broke my promise to myself.

I lost her like I lost Vicky T.

I balled my fists and hit the floor.


I look up at Pete with teary eyes, “What?”

“Where is Alpha?”

I couldn’t look at him anymore, “Gone.”

Pete bent down to my level, “Where is she?”

“Shadows….He promised she would be safe. He said he’d keep her until it was over.”

Pete face fell emotionless, “You traded her for help?”

I shook my head, “Gerard made me.”

♠ ♠ ♠
Dedicated to: MusicMadness

Ha! I did it! The skittles didn't go to waste! Ha!

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