Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


29 Plea Deal

Alex’s POV

She looked like a mess. She was soaking wet and had a wound bleeding on her wrist. I swallowed hard. I was still a young vampire and the smell was driving me into frenzy. I looked up at the vampire in the room. I didn’t know who he was.

He screamed, “GABRIEL!”

His voice shook the bar. What shocked me the most was he was standing in the sunlight that was coming through the sky light. He took off his sunglasses and tucked them into his shirt.

He looked at me and spoke sarcastic, “See something you like cutie?”

I glared and heard many pairs of feet start down the stairs. I moved out of the way as Gabe was buttoning up his jeans. He wasn’t wearing a shirt but looked like a mess. He stopped at the last step and looked at Alpha. He looked up at the guy.

Gabe started forward but stopped as the new vampire held up his hand, “Don’t come any closer.”

Pete came next to me and looked confused. Kaylene was next to Patrick and the rest of the guys behind them. I looked back at everyone and Frank Iero broke through us and walked past us with an annoyed look.

He had a sneer in his voice, “Ronnie Radke came out of his hole and-”

He stopped as he hit the sun. He looked as confused as we did. He reached into the sun and his skin started to burn. He pulled his hand back and tilted his head to the side.

Ronnie smiled, “Frank Iero. The sorry excuse for a vampire.”

Gabe screamed, “You said she’d be safe!”

Ronnie leaned down and helped Alpha sit up, “She is, though she had a nasty fall down the stairs.”

I snorted, “You probably pushed her.”

Ronnie’s narrowed eyes reached mine, “I wouldn’t cross me Gaskarth.”

My own eyes widen in shock. How the hell did he know my name? I don’t even know this bastard! I looked away and I watched Kaylene step forward. She walked up to Gabe and slowly up to Ronnie. She didn’t taker her eyes off of Ronnie. She leaned down and checked on Alpha. Alpha smiled and nodded to what ever Kaylene whispered.

Ronnie grabbed Kaylene’s arm and shoved her away, “Leave her alone.”

“She needs a medic!”

Ronnie hissed, “She’s anemic. She just needs some food.”

Gabe moved over to the bar and reached over. He jumped back down and showed Ronnie he had a package of crackers. Gabe chucked them to Ronnie and he caught them. He opened it and gave it to Alpha. He stroked her cheek as she ate one. She looked up at Gabe and glared.

Gabe looked away, “I’m sorry babe.”

Ronnie shook his head, “No he’s not. He doesn’t care for you. If he cared he would have kept you with him.”

After Ronnie spoke some other people came through the door. It was the group that was with Max Green. He stood in the shadows and nodded to Ronnie. Ronnie clapped and squealed. He was happy about something.

He leaned down to Alpha, “Gabe has never loved you. He’s just using you to replace Victoria. Tell her Gabe, how on her birthday you were at Victoria’s ‘banging her.’ I’m sure she’d love to know the details.”

Gabe lunged for Ronnie and took him to the ground. His hands surrounded the pale neck of Ronnie and squeezed. He spoke through gritted teeth, “Give me a reason not to kill you.”

Ronnie giggled and shifted under Gabe, “I’ll give you two.”

“Name them.”

“One, if you kill me Alpha will die. Two, Victoria will die.”

Gabe glared and growled, “Victoria is dead.”

“Says who?”

“Pete killed her!”

Ronnie shook his head, “No he didn’t.”


We all looked over to Max and sure enough there stood Victoria. She was dead. If Pete didn’t kill her then who did he kill? Pete looked as shocked as we were. I watched Gabe let go of Ronnie and he started to step forward to Victoria.

Ronnie started to have a giggle fit and leaned over to Alpha, “See, what I told you doll? He never loved you. He just used you as a replacement.”

Gabe whipped around, “That’s not true!”

Ronnie stepped up to Gabe, “Is it? Then let’s make a deal. Give me Alpha and you can have Victoria. Don’t take it and Max will kill her. Though, before you decide you should ask Alpha about the truth about Justin. She’s known me for longer then she’s playing.”

Alpha looked up at Ronnie, “You promised!”

Ronnie shrugged, “I’m sorry babe but truth is needed in a relationship. Now you know of his little fling with Victoria. Now its time he learned yours.”

Gabe looked at Alpha, “What is he talking about?”

Alpha was breaking into a teary mess, “What do you expect Gabe? I knew you were off at Victoria’s every night. I knew it was only time before you left. You never told me you loved me and he did.”

“So what you slept with my best guy friend?”

“You wouldn’t even look at me Gabe! It was always you looking at Victoria! The only reason you said you’d date me is because you knew I had money.”

Gabe pointed at her and cursed in Spanish, “That is not true querida and you know it. I would give my life for you.”

Ronnie smirked, “Would you? Tell me Gabe, when she told you she was robbed that night by the pigs and we helped her? What did you do? Did she ever tell you what those vile men did to her? What was it? Oh I remember, you shrugged it off.”

“I did not! What did she want me to do? Call the cops. We both new they wouldn’t do anything.”

Alpha screamed at Gabe, “I could barely walk Gabe! You just left me outside! You said I was faking it!”

“Well how was I supposed to know? I thought it was a stunt for attention again!”

The room got quiet and Alpha shook her head, “Oh so I was a hassle for you? Then go to your vampire Victoria. See if I care when she kills you.”


She chucked the crackers at Gabe, “Don’t fucking call me that!”

She slowly got up off the floor and headed over to us. I walked to her and grabbed her. I helped her to a seat and Gabe kept looking back and forth at the two girls. He looked at Ronnie when Ronnie faked yawned.

“Chose already Gabe…I'm bored.”

Gabe spoke three words, “Come here Victoria.”

♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to: bubbly-dummy

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If you need a story to read I have a new one out. It's called Unwanted Clemency. Its another vampire story and I think you'd like it. I'm working hard on it. :D Though its going to be a little more mature.