Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


3 Eliminate The Competition

Kaylene’s POV

“Pow! Yea that’s right! Take it you stupid monster! You’re going down!”

I leaned over the counter, “Gaskarth!”

He didn’t turn, “What?”

“Shut up over there. I can hear you all the way over here!”

I’m sure he rolled his eyes. I shook my head. God, my best friend was an idiot. I watch his body move with the controls. If he went any rougher he was going to break the controls right off. I giggled and got myself a drink.

I turned and opened the fridge. I grabbed a wonderful carbonated yummy. And let the fridge close. I turned around and opened it slowly to make sure it wouldn’t explode on me.

“Fucker! You fucking piece of shit!”

I looked up, “ALEX language!”

He hit the machine and came over to me, “Sorry.”

I shook my head, “It’s just a game.”

His eyes pleaded, “I was going to have the high score!”

I returned in a whinny voice, “I don’t care!”

He climbed over the counter and over to the fridge. He grabbed a drink and sat on the counter. I returned to my stool and took a quick sip. He sighed, “So who was the guy you were flirting with?”

I laughed, “I didn’t flirt with him. I thanked him from saving me from the pervert that came up to me.”

He looked at me suspiciously, “What? You didn’t call me for help! I’m offended!”

I giggled slightly. I loved this boy. He has always been really nice to me. Not to mention he was so adorable. He has lightened his hair recently. It was a light brown with blonde highlights. It looked a lot better now then it did. He had definite male features across his face. Except his eyes. His eyes were beautiful doe eyes. Round and always open with joy.

I stopped staring, “Well I thought I could handle it myself and then William just came.”

He shrugged, “I still say you should have called me.”

I returned the shrugged, “So, When you getting your tattoo done?”

He smiled, “Tomorrow! I’m so excited. You wanna come?”

I shook my head, “No, I’d rather not.”

He pouted, “You hurt my feelings and now you’re not going to come tomorrow?”

I giggled, “I’m sorry.”

He fakes cried, “You owe me!”

I laughed, “I don’t owe you at all!”

He cried harder, “Why are you so mean to me?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know.”

I reached up and pulled his head down to my level. I pecked his cheeks and let him back into his previous position, “Better?”

He smiled and nodded, “Yup. All better!”

William’s POV

I looked back at Kaylene. She was blushing as the boy kissed her forehead. I growled quietly and I heard a shuffle next to me, “Is that her boyfriend?”

I looked over to Brendon, “No. He’s her crush.”

Brendon chuckled, “You have to be more competitive now.”

I looked back at the boy and back to Brendon, “Or I can eliminate the competition all together.”

He stood up, “Just hope she never finds out it was you.”

I smirked up at him, “Who said I was going to do it?”

He eyes pleaded, “Come on! I haven’t reached the god damn high score yet!”

I laughed, “I didn’t say now!”

He wiped his brow in relief, “Thank god!”

I shook my head and got up. I started walking over to Kaylene.

Kaylene’s POV

“So…Uh, I have a question.”

I smiled up at Alex, “Shoot.”

“What are you doing Saturday?”

I shrugged, “So far? Nothing that I know of.”

“You want to go on a…never mind.”

“No, tell me.”

“Do you want to go on a date with me on Saturday?”


William came and leaned against the counter and smiled at me. I returned it, “Bored already?”

He nodded and I looked up at Alex. His eyes were begging me to say yes. I bit my lip. One date couldn’t hurt. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I wanted to say yes but a part of me didn’t want to.

“Sure. It’ll be fun and it’ll make up me not coming tomorrow.”

He beamed, “Awesome! I’ll pick you up at seven. Well I need to head off. Stupid curfew!”

He kissed my forehead and he jumped off the counter and landed next to William. William glared and Alex returned it. Alex walked off and left the arcade. William turned his face back to me and met my own glare, “You have a problem with my best friend?”

William smiled, “No.”

“Good. Now excuse me.”

I walked away from William and went to talk to Jodi.
♠ ♠ ♠

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