Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


30 Trust Is Not Love

Kaylene’s POV

How could he?

Ronnie moved out of the sun and encouraged Victoria to come over. She stepped forward and Alpha closed her eyes. I'm sure she was contemplating ways to kill Gabe. That’s what I was doing. He was an ass!

She walked to the edge of the patch of sun on the floor. Gabe held out his hand and she reached out hers. Her hand hit the sun and it started to burn. Gabe grabbed it and pulled her into the sun. She started to scream and thrash. Gabe wasn’t letting her go. Real terror filled her eyes.


That was her last word. I looked away disgusted. A vampire just burned to ashes in front of me. Gabe just killed Victoria and he looked like a hollow doll. He hung his head and Ronnie’s playful laughter filled the room.

“What a show! What a show. Mr. Saporta killing his love and now he has no one.”

Gabe slowly turned around and looked at us, “You can leave Ronnie Radke. I better never see your face again.”

Ronnie continued to laugh, “I don’t have to leave. You took Victoria for me to take Alpha. This is her bar so I get to stay.”

Gabe turned to Ronnie and tilted his head to the side, “You don’t have it in writing.”

Alpha spoke or rather croaked, “He stays.”

Gabe looked at her shocked, “How can you let him stay here?”

“We need all the help we can get.”

“This man won’t help us. He wants to tear us apart!”

Ronnie bit his lip, “No Gabe, just you. I’m proving you’re a heartless bastard.”

Alpha got up, “He’s not heartless Ronnie. He loves me just not in the way he pretends. Fuck, love is the only reason were all here. It is our glue. Call him a heartless bastard all you want but love is there. It’s just hidden.”

Gabe started towards Alpha, “Querida…”

She turned away and headed up stairs, “I’m going to go to bed. I suggest all of you do the same. This last day might be our last.”

Alpha’s POV

I woke up in a pair of tan arms. Gabe. He pulled me closer and I didn’t respond. My head was buried into the pillow and I wasn’t facing him. I rolled over and kept my eyes closed. Gabe kissed my forehead and was whispering lightly.

“If you never love me again I will understand. No. That won’t work. If you don’t want me to stay I will leave. I would understand. Fuck.”

I peaked an eye open and looked up at him, “Shut up Gabe. You’re not going anywhere.”

His arms wrapped tighter, “God! I am so sorry. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to make up for all of this. I put you though so much. Baby I am so sorry.”

I reached up while not looking and felt around for his face. I landed on his nose and I moved around and found his lips. He kissed my fingers and I reached his cheek. I smacked it, “Shut up.”


“Thank you.”

I opened my eyes completely and looked up at him. He looked so upset. He had red eyes and tear stained cheeks. My man was human after all. I didn’t want to forgive him but I loved him too much. It might be the thing that would kill me but I love him. So screw the world. This was my man.

“I know how you can make it up for me.”


“Go make me eggs, bacon and pancakes. Then a slice of ham and orange juice. Then I want you in those sexy shorts and that- You know what? No shirt. Screw the shirt. Then bring it all here and cuddle me.”

He laughed lightly, “Okay querida. How do you want your eggs?

“Sunny side up.”

He kissed my forehead, “Mkay.”

He got off the bed and I just laid there. I rolled onto my stomach and pulled the stuffed bear off the self above our bed and hugged it. I heard the door open and looked over to Ronnie.

I groaned and looked away, “Go away.”

I felt the bed sink and Ronnie laid like I was next to me, “The other hunters are here. Nearly killed me.”

I rolled my eyes, “What happened at that house?”

“We killed half of the Dandies and spared Brendon. He should be here with an update. How are you feeling doll?”

“How do you think I feel?”

He giggled, “Not so good doll? So when is Gabe leaving?”

“He’s not leaving. He’s staying. We need his strength.”

Ronnie huffed and got off the bed. He growled and walked out of the room storming and slamming my door. I groaned at the slam and buried my head under my pillow. I was tempted to suffocate myself with it just so I wouldn’t have to deal with this shit.


I lifted a corner and saw Gabe with food. I moved the pillow over and sat up. I moved so my back was against my headboard and he crawled up. He handed my the plate and sat next to me.

“Ah! I wanted sexy shorts!”

He got off and found the shorts I was talking about. He changed into them and came back up. While he was changing I took the pleasure and scoping him out. He is my man after all. He sat next to me and I noticed he made toast too.

“I didn’t ask for toast.”

He smirked, “I know but you always have toast with sunny side up eggs.”

“Mmm you remembered.”

We shared the food and after I got dressed. I was just too tired to shower. I followed Gabe to the bar and there stood some new faces. They were talking to Pete and his boys. I walked up behind the bar to rest in between all of them and smiled.


They stopped talking and a girl with fiery red hair offered her hand to me, “Morning, I’m Hayley. Hayley Williams.”

I took her hand and shook it, “Alpha. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m glad you came. We needed all the help.”

“No problem. So this Radke guy. His ‘clan’ is on our side?”

I nodded, “Yes. I guess he’s this hybrid vampire and only pretends to be weak.”

She nodded, “So what’s the plan?”

“Get all the weapons we can and wait till we know what to do."

William’s POV

“That wasn’t supposed to happen!”

I was furious. Ronnie Radke took out half of my Dandies like it was nothing. I was told he wasn’t strong enough! Yet he kills half my men off? I know my men weren’t weak. I knew how strong they were.

“Gerard you told me Ronnie would follow us!”

“I didn’t know!”

“Yes you did! You had to of known!”

“Relax William. We have enough of my men to take care of them.”

I looked at Synyster, “Get Shadows on to our side! I don’t care what you say but go do it. I’m not going to lose Kaylene over something as simple as land.”

Brendon rolled over onto his back. He was still healing. I couldn’t believe they spared his life. I don’t see why they did. I growled and he looked over at me.

His words so soft, “Obsession will kill you William. She’s not worth it.”

“Shut up Urie! You don’t know what you’re talking about you fool.”

Brendon laughed and coughed, “Rot in hell William.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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Thanks to the guys who do :D Means a lot to me.

Bored? I have a new story out that needs some love. Its called Unwanted Clemency. Please check it out. I think its going to be a pretty twisted vampire story.