Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


32 Pawns

Kaylene’s POV

It had been two weeks since the hunters and vampires took over the Dandie house. It was a scary thought to go there now. For the past few days Ronnie Radke has been showing his power. He has been torturing the crap out of each and every Dandie.

Shadows was the first to back off. He knew if he tried to go against Ronnie he would surely be overpowered. Then Gerard stepped down. Both stood on the side lines and let Ronnie take over. Alpha had tried to get Ronnie to stop but he said if she didn’t back off he was going to kill Gabe. He meant it too.

Boy, did she try.

The screaming from the Dandies has stopped about an hour ago. I think Ronnie was done. I was hoping because I couldn’t take anymore. Though, Ronnie insisted that the hunters stayed at the Dandie house till we knew we had them all. This explains why I was there.

Alpha and I had snuck down there to see what was going on. I didn’t want to go but a ting of curiosity stung. Now, we both knew that Ronnie would be able to tell that we were there so we had to be careful. The sight wasn’t pretty.

The Dandies were all strung out and a bloody pile. Most of them looked like they were near death. Honestly, death would be a release for these guys. Then there was William. He was still up right and chained against the wall. He looked the worse out of all of them. Ronnie sure knew how to take vengeance.

William looked up at us and I had to swallow my bile down. His face had gashes all over it and ruthlessly bruised. I heard Alpha gasp and stepped off the step towards William. I tried to pull her back and she stopped moving.

I felt a pang of guilt.

No one should go through such a torture.

I stepped closer and Ronnie came out of the shadows. His voice soft and harsh, “You do not belong down here.”

Alpha shook her head, “Ronnie- How could?”

She was speechless like I was. I understand these vampires were monsters but this? Alpha dodged past a Dandie trying to reach for her. He looked so scared. Ronnie walked up briskly and stepped on the back of the head of the Dandie reaching for Alpha. The Dandie groaned lightly before Ronnie’s foot came down. I looked away but I could hear the crack.

When I looked back there was a pile of ash and Alpha looked like she was about to pass out. Ronnie smirked and circled around Alpha before coming to me. He also circled me and then stood at my side.

“You caused a lot of trouble.”

I didn’t like the look he was giving me or the tone but I spoke, “I did not ask for this.”

He put on a childish smile before walking to Alpha. He looked down at her and point up at the entrance we came from. She slowly walked passed him and past me. I turned to leave and I heard Ronnie speak softly

“No, you stay.”

Alpha walked up the stairs and I heard the door close. I turned back to Ronnie and he encouraged me over. I walked over slowly. He held out his hand and I placed mine in his. He pulled me slowly to William. I wanted to look away so badly.

William was looking right at me and I just wanted to rip myself from Ronnie and book it out the door. Ronnie dug his nails into my hand and I hissed lightly.

“Do you remember what I said at Alpha’s?”

I searched through my memories.

I wonder what William would give me for you…

He release me and seemed rather cheerful, “You’d be surprised how power can get you almost anything.”

I nodded, “I know but then there are those with power who tend to lose it all.”

Ronnie nodded this time, “Yes and no. Like a game of chess.”


We both looked at William.

Ronnie smirked and walked up to him, “Pardon?”

William looked Ronnie in the eyes, “Check.”

Ronnie cracked up and patted William’s head, “Silly Bilvy. Our match is over. You already lost.”

William smirked, “Don’t be so sure.”

It was all a blur. Somehow William had escaped his shackles and had taken Ronnie to the ground. His fangs buried into Ronnie’s neck. Ronnie looked like he was choking. Ronnie forced William off of him and hissed. Ronnie held his neck as William licked off any blood on his lips.

Ronnie position himself to lunge for William. Ronnie was taken down by Brendon Urie. I have no idea where he came from but this was getting out of hand. I turned around and started for the stairs.

It was a good plan till one of the Dandies had tripped me and wasn’t releasing me. But the time I had gotten out of the grip William had found me. He grabbed me and ripped me off of the floor.

William spoke, “Time to go.”

I watched as Ronnie had released himself from Brendon and started for us. Another Dandie had gotten up off the floor and lunged for Ronnie. They fought and William told Brendon to hurry and leave.

Then we left.

I don’t know how but we were somewhere else. I had heard of the dematerializing slash teleportation idea but this was a little insane. I have no idea how far we gone. But here I was will William Beckett somewhere new. He released his hold on me and fell to the floor. Brendon was on his hands and knees.

Then I looked around me.

There had to be a good three thousand Dandies around us in this old warehouse thing.

And I?

I had to be the only human.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Thank you to all my lovely people who already have left comments and subscribed. :)

So what did you guys think? No EPIC battle but this worked.

Still no luck on my computer so updates are going to be slow. I don’t get much time on so it’s a lot harder.