Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


33 Back Of A Hand

Alpha’s POV

Gabe had my hands behind my back as Shadows held back Gerard. We were ready to kill Ronnie. Even if he looked like a mess. He said that William over powered him but that couldn’t have been possible. Ronnie turned to me and hissed and Gabe released me.


I stood up straight at Ronnie leaned closer to me. His black eye was beginning to turn a deep purple. His fangs barred and he growled at me. I wasn’t scared. I smack him across his bruised cheek and he lunged for me.

When I hit the ground with him the other vampires had moved in. They started to grab him off of me and with ease they pulled him away. Max offered his hand and I took it. He pulled me up.

Ronnie struggled under them. But they were top of their game. William’s men were tortured and weak. It was possible for more then one to take him on but it would have to been all of them.

I shook my head, “Let Ronnie go. He’s too weak to do anything.”

They dropped him on the ground and he glared up at me. I knew I was a dead woman when he healed. Though, I pretty much just cleared his name so he better be happy. I turned to Gabe and he gulped.

“You know, you’re a coward.”

Gabe looked offended, “I am not!”

“Yes you are! You let me go!”

He pointed past me, “Well, he is a scary fuck!”

I growled, “You’re bigger then him!”

“So? He’s a fucking vampire. Incase I need to remind you querida!”

I rolled my eyes, “Incase you forgot chéri, you’re surrounded by vampires. Yes, some are more powerful then others but still.” After my mini rant I turned to Gerard, “So what’s with Brendon? William took him back or what?”

Gerard shrugged, “I have no idea but he isn’t here.”

I shook my head in frustration, “Find him.”

I looked at the other vampires. I knew they would be getting hungry soon. It would be out of my hands and all I could do is hide what humans we had with us. I wanted to go to my club and that might be the good idea. Leave here and let the vampires handle themselves.

What are a few more dead bodies?

Kaylene’s POV

A vampire was at William’s side in an instant, “William are you alright?”

“Do I fucking look alright?” He glare seemed to stab through the person next to him, “Get me a human.”

The vampire back off a little too unsure of what he was supposed to do.

William’s voice filled the room, “Now!”

The vampire dematerialized and Brendon looked at William, “Can I quit?”

William looked over at him, “What?”

“Can I quit? I want a different job.”

William collapsed to the floor, “Shut up Urie.”

Well, it’s worth it to try to escape. I decided to run towards one of the ends of the rooms. A few vampires started after me and a few appeared in front of me.

“Leave her be. Let her run. Just don’t let her leave.”

With that statement William had said they backed off. I didn’t waste anytime leaving the room. I really didn’t want to see what happened when that guy brought a human to William. I mean I can guess but I don’t want to.

I had entered a kitchen. Why they would need one is beyond me but I wasn’t going to worry. I looked at the screen door and there was a vampire leaning against it. What are the odds of actually tackling a vampire through a screen door? I mean he is stronger. Hell, it’s worth a shot.

When I had lunged towards him he just seemed to grab me by my shoulders and stop me. He pushed me away as if he was afraid to touch me. Though, genius over there forgot he was a vampire and pretty much forced me across the room.

He hissed at me. Which, I’ve come to learn that if it’s the right vampire it’s scary but this guy seemed pretty innocent. Or a newborn. I had learned they were more afraid of getting too close. They had no real self control. That didn’t help him nor did the fact that he wasn’t allowed to touch me and here I am making that hard for him.

I spoke as calm as I could even though I was shaking, “Look, just let me go and you’ll be fine.”

He shook his head. It was in a fashion of more of a denial kind of shake. It was like he was battling something himself and not really listening to me. Thus, could have been the whole newborn stuff that I had read about. Which make me think of Alex. He never really had it or maybe he did but didn’t show it.

“Andrew enough.”

I turned around and was faced with a new face. The vampire brushed past me and out of the room. The new vampire smiled at me as if he was some old time friend. He walked up to me and offered his hand.

I took a step back and he spoke, “There is no reason to be afraid. I won’t hurt you.”

I got sarcastic, “Im sure.”

His smile fell, “If I wanted to hurt you I would have already. You serve no purpose for me anyways.”

“Who are you?”

He let his hand fall and he gave a light laugh, “Ah! Where are my manners? My name is Craig. Craig Mabbitt.”

“What kind of name is Mabbitt anyways? Mega rabbit?”*

He cracked up, “My, for being so scared you have a vile tongue. I hear Alpha rubbed off on you.”

“Where am I?”

“Somewhere safe.”

“Are you kidding? You’re the enemy!”

He pointed at himself, “I am salvation. What I am doing for William is a god damn gift. Besides, I can’t stand Radke so I might as well step in.”

I was sly and bitter, “Like you could take him.”

“I created him. I know his power. I can take it away too. He is no threat to me. He just made mistakes and is not welcome in my presence.”

“Honestly? He’s scarier.”

In a blink of in eye this thin guy was in front of me, “In that time I could have ripped your neck out. Believe me hun, I can be scary.”

I took a step back, “Look. Just let me go live my life before all this happened.”

He walked away from me, “I wish I could. Honestly, I would do that and I have the power too.”

“Then why not?”

“Let me explain something to you.” He turned to me, “This is a war you are in the middle of. It has been going on for centuries. Anyone involved stays involved. You are a chess piece.”

“I hate chess.”

“Mmm. I’m the same why. I was more of a draughts kind of guy.”

I got a good look of him finally. He was shorter then Alex for sure but he had some height to him. His hair reached past his chin and it was as dark as the night. It had to be dyed. His eyes reminded me of Alex’s. Very doe shaped. Brown as well. Im not going to lie, he looked thin and frail. His lips were full. He looked like a typical bad boy with piercings. He had three. One on each side of his lips. Though he relied on posts today. The third was in his angel kiss area. That was a new one on me.

“Are you done staring at me?”

He seemed to shake my senses, “Look, I don’t know why you’re helping William but you won’t get away with this.”

He rolled his eyes, “Look, Im not teaming up with him because I want to. I’m doing this so Ronnie Radke learns his place and stops fooling around.”

“He was dragged into this! Like I was!”

He spit at the floor, “Lies! Filthily lies!”

I didn’t care anymore.

I just wanted to forget it all, “I have no reason to lie to you! It’s not going to gain me anything ok? I just want to go home and have a normal life. And you tell William that he thinks this is going to make me love him he is sadly fucking mistaken!”

Another vampire walked into the room, “Mind how you speak in this house.”

Craig turned to him, “It’s alright Francis. I have it under control of the situation.”

The new vampire leaned against fridge in the kitchen and his thin long finger intertwined and resting against his lower chest, “Never speak to a woman in such tone in my house.”

Craig spoke through gritted teeth, “Yes sir.”


Craig looked at me one more time before leaving the room. The new vampire stood up straight and started towards me. He seemed like a vampire that would work for Shadows or Gerard. Though, it might be the tattoos that give me that impression.

He held out his hand and I placed mine in his, he shook my hand softly, “My name is William Francis. You may call me Wil.”

“Great! Another William.”

He released my hand and chuckled softly, “It was quite a popular name back then. Though, do excuse these fucktards. I can’t stand them or how they behave.”

“Let me guess. You created Craig?”

“No. I am my own kind of vampire. They are several types of vampires. I am considered a hybrid for my ways. Though, with great power I have to keep these little fucks in line. Honestly, I’d kill them myself if I didn’t need them.”

“Why do you need them?”

“Their blood. I feed off of their blood. I can’t drink straight human blood. Honestly, it’s stupid but for some reason I just can’t.

“Look. I’m not going to lie. I’m scared but I want to leave.”

“I know. If you leave this house you will die. That’s how these vampires are. Believe me, you’re safe for now.”

“I will try to leave.”

He nodded, “Yes, you will. You will fail too.”

♠ ♠ ♠
* Thank you Silas!!!!

Thanks to all my readers and people who comment. It honestly is the only reason I am still writing. So I thank thank thank them with my whole heart.

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Also, I added Craig Mabbitt cause some Escape The Fate fans don't like him too much so he is a perfect enemy for Radke :)