Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


34 Déjà Vu

Kaylene’s POV

“William? What is all this noise about?”

Will turned away from me and towards the women in the entrance. She had placed a hand on her forehead and seemed very distraught. I took a good look at her and noticed she wasn’t in typical clothing. It was a maroon color dress that hit the floor.

She removed her hand and looked at me. I could finally see her face. It held perfection. She was a brunette and very pale. Her hair was styled to follow the curves of her cheeks. I was surprised to see someone so elegant looking in a place like this. Her blue eyes seemed to sting into me. Searching into my soul perhaps.

“Clanthe, you should rest. You are still weak my dear.”

He walked over to her and grabbed her gently by the arm and tried to usher her out of the room. She kept staring at me and avoided Will’s persistence. She rested a hand on one of his hands and he stopped. She pulled herself away and started to walk to me.

Her voice was almost velvet, “You. Who are you?”

Will walked up to her and tried to distract her, “Dear, she is nothing, just a human that the pathetic vampires have. One is in love with her or so claims.”

“William, I did not ask for your opinion. I asked her.”

I swallowed, “I’m Kaylene.”

“There are many scents of vampires on you. Do not allow such a thing again. Not in my house at least. One vampire to a human. No more.”

She turned and slowly made a departure. I had no idea what she meant but I wasn’t going to take too much thought about it. I felt like her face was a mask almost. There was no way a young person had so much trouble walking.

Will seemed to answer my questions for me, “She is very old. She is one of the first vampires ever. Though, her appearance my not show it but her body feels it. She takes weeks to strengthen but when she is-” He paused, “Well, we won’t get into that.”

“Is she your wife?”

He nodded with a smile, “Yes. She is. I must go. I need to check on her. Just try to stay away from the vampires.”

He turned and exited. I leaned against the screen door. There were too many people to remember. I couldn’t even remember who was on what side anymore. What about Brendon? Wasn’t he a little of both?

I sighed and slide down to the floor. I really just wanted my old life back. I started to think about my parents. I missed them. I never thought how much I could miss someone. It was sickening. It literally was driving my stomach to rumble.

My head leaned back and I hit the cold class. I winced and pulled my head forward. I wasn’t expecting it to be that close. I need a helmet. I sighed and stayed in my little ball till the familiar face I knew walked into the room.

William Eugene Beckett.

“Hello Kaylene.”

I felt an actually heat from my legs run all the way up to my face and arms. I was fuming. This one man is the reason my life won’t ever be the same. He still looked like a dead zombie but there was a little color in his cheeks. He sauntered towards me in a nonchalant way.

“Touch me William and I will rip your heart out.”

He stopped in front of me and bent over. I don’t know how his long legs folded over so nicely but he was eye level with me. I held a defiant stare almost to test him. He seemed to wear one to match.

He spoke as if it were a sin, “You need to eat.”

“I’m not hungry.”

William rolled his eyes, “Don’t lie to me.”

He stood up and I could hear his bones creak. I was beginning to wonder how old these vampires really were. He offered a hand to help me up and I smacked it away. I wasn’t interested.

I’d rather starve to death.

WiL Francis’s POV

My wife climbed back into bed after she changed into nightshirt. She still looked weak to me. I doubt she was but I wasn’t going to take any precautions. I pulled the blankets over her and moved to lie next to her. She sighed and let me hold her.

“I want that Kaylene removed from this house.”

“Done. I can send one of Mabbitt’s men to kill her.”

“No. I want her memories erased and sent back home or Beckett to remove himself and her.”

I nodded, “Yes dear. I will tell him.”

My arm tightened around her and she yawned, “I don’t want her turning into me.”

I moved to lean over her to see her face, “What are you talking about?”

She turned slightly to look at me, “When I saw her, I saw myself. I was her age when I was turned. I was ruined and never had the chance to do what I wanted to. I don’t want that to happen to her.”

“But, you are a beautiful woman who has everything she needs.”

She shook her head, “ No I don’t. I want. I want the sun William.”

I looked at her confused. She could walk into the sun. We both could. She turned away from me and laid her head down. I hugged her tightly and she just rested. I’m sure the blood wasn’t adjusting too well in her system.

“I don’t understand.”

She mumbled, “What?”

“You can go in the sun.”

She smiled a little, “I know. Just not for hours. I would kill to be able to sit on a beach all day.”

I guess every side of life has a twisted con.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to: nobody7of7importance(Quizilla), KatieInStereo

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This is an amazing story. I read this and fell in love with it. It is a Brendon Urie fanfic but it has great talent behind it. I would love it if you would look at it. It’s called Blackjack by summerlin
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