Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


6 A Done Deal

Kaylene’s POV

“Hurry up!” William’s voice was a hiss.

“Geeze, chill!”

William had chucked a suitcase at me and told me to pack quickly. Now I had no idea what I just agreed to. Me for Alex? Well, what good was I? I mean I was a normal HUMAN being. Though, I’m still not sure about William.

Well, I carefully packed in clothes. William was busy looking over my stuff while I continued. I reached my bureau and rummaged though a drawer. I had the time to make a stake out of a piece of wood from the bottom of my bench. It was a cross bar that fell off anyways.

If he indeed was a vampire I could kill him. If not, it would hurt him so I could get help. I gripped it tightly and William’s words shocked me, “Who is this next to you?”

I walked with the stake behind me and up to him, “What?”

I reached him and William picked up the photo. He leaned it in my direction and I smiled, “My little brother.”

“He is only in this picture. Why?”

“He…” I swallowed the lump in my throat, “He was killed when he was young.”

I was glad he didn’t ask for any more details past that. He nodded and turned to my shelf. He placed it back and continued to look. Now or never. I raised it and started to drive it forward.

It happened so fast. William had whipped around and caught my hand. Yup, he was a vampire. I gulped and felt his grip tighten. He wasn’t happy. He held a glare and I watched the bottom of one of his eyelids twitch in anger. He forced me to walk backwards, keeping his hold on me, as he came forward.

“Do you honestly think you can take me on?”

He ripped the stake away from me and chucked it across the room. I watched it fall and I felt his hand grip my chin. He forced my chin closer to him so I would look at him. He brought his face closer, “Do not test my patients.”

I was shoved backwards and laded on my bed. Well, that plan failed. I grabbed a couple more things and closed my suitcase. William grabbed it and he held out a hand for me to take. I slowly placed my hand in his and he winked, “Close your eyes.”

I did and I felt my whole body go numb. Nausea overcame me. I felt William’s hand let go of mine and I opened my eyes. We weren’t in my house anymore. I fell to my knees and force the bile back down.

I heard a thump behind me, “You did good for the first time. Most humans puke the first time.”

I felt like I was going to, “Where are we?”

I looked over at him and he had folded his arms, “Where do you think we are?”

I nodded, “Dumb question. So this is the Dandie hide out? I was expected something more ragged.”

It was true. I was excepting these night crawlers to live in a dump. While the truth was it was a very nice place. This room was a good three times the size of my own. This room I was in had burgundy colored walls. The curtains seemed to match. I stood up and took in the room a little more.

A few, very comfy looking, chairs we placed by the fire place and a few yards away was a desk. It was piled with god only knows what. I turned again and saw a bookshelf next to a bureau. When I finished my turn I saw an object I really didn’t want to see. It was a bed resting in the darkest part of the room.

Vampires sleep? And on a bed? Man, my life just flipped flopped. I looked at William and he had an emotionless face. I tried to return it but it failed. I spoke softly, “Let go of Alex.”

He turned away from me and walked to a wall. Yup. I was without doubt that he was nuts! I watched as he leaned his head against it. He closed his eyes and stood completely still. I watch his lips move as if he was talking but I heard nothing.

I whispered, “Crazy.”

He growled, “Telepathy you idiot.”

I shrugged and he backed from the wall. He came over to me as the door opened to his room. In came two males dragging Alex behind them. Oh god! Please don’t be dead. They dropped his body in front of us and I went to Alex immediately.

I cupped his cheek, “Alex?”

No response. I leaned my ear to his chest. Well, there was a heartbeat. That’s good. I pulled back and watched him take in shallow breathes. Please just be passed out. I watched the two guys back up and William bent down, “He’s just been knocked out.”

I leaned closer, “Alex. Come on. Wake up.”
William’s POV

I don’t like the way she looks at him. I can’t stand it. I’m not going to take this. I shouldn’t have to. I watched her caress his face. It almost made me puke. And all her lovey dovey thoughts where killing me! Granted I’m already dead but you get the point.

I stood up and walked over to her, “Ok enough.”

I pulled her arm away from him and started to pull her away. She struggled to get away from em, “No!”

I rolled my eyes and I wrapped my other hand around her. As I continued to pull her away she kicked her feet out trying desperately to get away from me, “NO! Alex! Let me go!”

I pulled her to me and held her still, “Enough.”

“No! Alex!” She wiggled in the weirdest positions frantically trying to escape my grip.

I tighten my grip and looked over at the two men, “Go. Leave us.”

And the men did leave.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to: Tim, SilencedPoet_, secrets-that-die….You guys are awesome!
Banner by moi: Image
