Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


7 Back To Square One.

William’s POV

I chucked her towards the bed and she landed a flop. She scrambled of the bed and looked at me. I whipped around and headed for Alex. This ends now. Right here and no later. I knelt down and grabbed him by his neck. I stood up dragging him with me.

Kaylene’s eyes grew to the size of the harvest moon and she rushed over. She got two feet of me and I hissed, “One more inch and he’ll receive even more pain.”

She gulped and stood up straighter, “You said if I came he’d go.”

“I didn’t say how he would go.”

I watch her tear up but she refuse to back down. No, William. Bad William! Don’t give in. Stay strong. She needs to learn the rules of the house. Her eyes we’re pleading with mine trying to get me to let him go.

I moved my hand and plunge my teeth into his neck. Just next to the jugular vein. I let his blood fill my mouth. Not exactly good but you do what you have to. I felt the blood rush down my throat and I counted. After ten seconds I pulled my teeth out and let him fall.

Kaylene rushed to him and I wiped my mouth clean on my sleeve, “He won’t live, but…”

She cut me off and started to, “I’m sorry Alex.”

“There is still enough time to save him.”

She looked up to him, “Do it. Save him. Please.”

I rolled my eyes; Women. I shrugged, “I'm not gaining anything in return. So there is no point to save him.”

“I’ll do whatever you want just let him live!”

Well, this is easy, “Swear to it.”

She gulped, “I swear.”

“Swear what?”

Now she looked pist, “I swear that I’ll do whatever you want.”


I pulled up my sleeve and looked at my pale arm. I was going to turn him. Let him suffer. I didn’t care. I needed amusement anyways. I brought my wrist to my mouth and bit into the prominent vein. I pulled back and knelt back down. I pulled Alex to me and shove my bleeding wrist over his mouth. Drops hit his lips and eventually his jaw opened. He was regaining his consciousness. I let my blood keep seeping down his throat.

Eventually, it got to the point where he pulled my wrist closer and was trying to get the blood from it. I hissed in pain but let him. I pried his hands off of my arm and I back away from him. He pass out again and Kaylene sighed.


Within seconds Brendon came in, “Yea sir?”

“Take him. He’s going to be going through his transformation soon.”

Brendon nodded. He knew what to do. He’s done this tons of times. He lifted Alex of the floor slightly and they both disappeared. I looked away from the spot where they where and back to my wrist. It was almost completely healed.

“You turned him?”

Kaylene’s voice was a whisper. I looked over to her crumbled form on the floor. She banged her fist on the ground and I smiled, “Yes, I turned him.”

“You made him a monster.”

I snapped back at her, “Be happy he’s alive. I didn’t have to save him.”

“You wouldn’t have had to if you didn’t bite him!”

She was glaring at me and I returned it. I whispered under my breath, not that I have any, “Wrench.”

She wiped her tears away and I stormed past her, “Stay here. The other vampires might get friendly if you wonder off.”

I walked out my door and shut it. I was tempted to lock it but decided not to. Let her self get hurt if she chooses to leave. See if I care. Well, I will but she needs to learn the house and rules. All that lovely crap.
Kaylene's POV

Stay here? What am I supposed to here? Well, I can look around. I got off of the floor and went over to his desk. It had tons of papers. Bills? I don’t think so. I brushed through some. Most of them were family trees and old papers. I dug deeper and found a note book. I pulled it out and saved he pile from falling over. I collapsed in the chair. Time to read! I opened it and found lyrics.

It was called: You might have noticed. It was cute. I liked it. Well, it was interesting. Kinda hard to read with his handwriting but it could always be worse. I went through the other pages and found three that I liked. Ghost, Everything We Had, and We’ve got a Big Mess on Our Hands.

“Do you not understand what privacy means?”

I gulped and looked up at William. I closed the notebook and placed it on the table, “Sorry.”

“You should have asked.”

“How could I? You were gone.”

His eyes narrowed and I imitated him. I saw the corner of his lip raise. Sucker! He came around the desk and I gulped. I felt really small next to him. I mean this guy was HUGE. Well, when you’re sitting down.

He leaned against his desk and crossed his legs in front if him. Yup, he’s all legs. Some chest but mostly legs, “Why do you wear suits?”

“To show class.”

I rolled my eyes, “Lame.”

Now he crossed his arms over his chest. I eyed him weirdly, “So? Why am I here? Or I should say. Why do you want me here?”

“He’s lonely in bed!”

He growled, “Mike! Enough!”

I leaned to the side and saw a guy in the middle of the room. Mike had to be a few inches taller then me. His hair went past his ears and almost to his shoulders. He had high cheek bones and his eyes seemed sunken in. Other words? CREEPY!

“What do you want Mike?”

Mike looked over to me and back to William, “We’re bored! Can we please go terrorize the city now?”

I looked over to William, “We just got back!”

“You’re no fun!”

“I know. I do have to say I’m kinda bored. Let’s go have fun!”
♠ ♠ ♠
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Thank you guys so much for understanding. It means a lot to me.
It really does.
So I have my pop tarts and yummy goodness. I’m ready to write!
And why didn’t anyone tell me Midol actually works?
Kay this part is short and I don’t care!
Banner! By Moi: