Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


8 "Just a girl"

Kaylene’s POV


“Oh shut up!”

Brendon continued to drag me behind William, while I on the other hand was trying to get out of his hold. Damn, he’s strong! He stopped for a second and I bit his arm. He yelped and looked back at me. I kept my teeth around the skin and he reached for my hair. He pulled and I stopped biting him.

He was fuming, “Bit me one more time and I’ll…”

William cut him off, “Brendon. She is just a girl.”

“She,” He pointed to me, “is a monster.”

I rolled my eyes and William turned to him. He gave him a “bitch please” look, “She’s a human. A human GIRL I might add.”

Brendon glared at William, “You take her then.”

I gulped and William rolled his eyes, “Fine.”

By now all the other vampires had their eyes glued to William. I even stopped fussing. William walked over to me and grabbed my other arm. Brendon let go and I instantly tried to escape. He was definitely stronger then Brendon. It felt like he was going to break my arm if he tightened his grip any more.

He started to walk again and I stumbled to keep up his pace. Wasn’t exactly easy. This guy is all legs! He pulled on my arm, it popped by the way, and I was forced closer. I wanted to kick him so bad.

“Do it and I’ll break your leg!”

“Then I wouldn’t be able to walk!”

William stopped and I ran into him, “Go ahead of us. We’ll regroup in an hour.”

The other vampires took off running looking ready to eat at a buffet. One had stayed. It was Brendon. William looked at him. “That means you too.”

“I’m not hungry.”

William smiled and nodded. He turned his attention to me. I looked up at him and tried to show no fear. He kicked my legs out from under me and I fell to my knees. He kept his hold and lean down, “Behave. You don’t want me showing how evil I can get.”

“You don’t scare me.”

Brendon started laughing, “You’re terrified!”

Indeed I was. I was scared but I wasn’t going to let him see it. He smiled and caressed my cheek. I moved away from his hand. He growled and there was a bang behind him. I looked and saw a vampire on a car hissing. Brendon walked past me growling.

“No Brendon. Take her back to the house. I’ll deal with Pete.”

“None of you are going anywhere!”

To my right I saw a man with a really weird gun. He was aiming it at William. Brendon looked from the vampire to the guy. He took in a deep breath, “HUNTERS!”

After Brendon’s scream vampires started to come back and ready to fight the intruders. I started to struggle against William’s hold. He rolled his eyes and pulled me off the ground and forced me against him.

The vampire on the car jumped off and landed in front of William, “Beckett.”


The air shifted and it grew colder. These two didn’t get along well and had some major history. Pete was eyeing me and William. William shifted and Pete growled, “What is she to you? She is just a human. Why haven’t you bled her dry yet? Isn’t that what you always do?”

“She is none of your concern.”

“If she’s a human trapped by you then yes, she is a concern.”

I could hear William rolling his eyes, “Oh please. Spare me the heroic bullshit.”

I watched as the vampires attack three other guys. On was with a sword, one with his hands, and the one with the gun. Who where they? I didn’t know them but I think they could help me.

Pete was rather short actually. He was about my height. Black hair and his head seemed small for his body. He had feminine lips and looked like an average teenager but was at least 24. Must be the clothes.

He took a step forward and William hissed, “Stay back!”

Pete started take steps forward and we started to take steps back. Pete looked right at me, “What’s you’re name?”


“You’re Gaskarth’s friend aren’t you? You work in the arcade.”

I nodded, “William turned him! He’s trapped now.”

“I can’t save him but I can save you.”

“False hopes.” William’s words caught my attention, “She’s staying with me.”

“Why do you want…oh.” Pete looked like he understood everything.

I’m glad one of us does. He smirked and pulled out a stake, “Has William been lonely in the bedroom?”

My eyes widen. Oh hell no. Eww. Oh god eww. Seriously? Can I puke now? I mean the boy’s hot but I usually prefer dates and what not before we go straight to home plate. I looked up at him. And I thought of something. He had my hands in front of me. I shoved my elbows back.

FUCK! OWW! That hurt.
I’m convinced this guy is a rock. Man that hurt like hell. Damn. Why is he so hard? Eww sounds wrong. I started to struggle again and his grip tightened.

“Enough, the hunters have ruined our fun.”

We disappeared like air and Beckett and I arrived in a basement. It was filled with cages. He led me to one and shoved me into it. He locked it and looked back at me, “Be careful.”

He nodded his head to the next cell. It was Alex. And he looked different. He came to the bars and looked at me, “Kaylene?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to:
Quizilla]: Thanks to all of you. The list is already to long to name! But I’m happy about that.

Mibba: Saying-I'm-So-Sorry, littlemissSmileZ, secrets-that-die, RealWorld, SilencedPoet_, and Tim!

Have you ever wanted a sneak peak to the next part?
All you have to do is email me five pics of one of these dudes (cause I need them for banners!): Gabe Saporta, William Beckett, Brendon Urie, or Alex Gaskarth and I’ll give you a sneak peak.
OR you can make me a banner.
Message me for more details
