Status: Hiatus. Not the bad kind. I'm just pulling a Fall Out Boy hiatus. lol Message me for details.


9 Face Yourself

Kaylene’s POV



William left and Alex scooted next to my “cell.” I slide over to him and he reached for my hands. I let him take them and he pulled them into his cell. He had bags under his eyes, “Are you ok?”

I laughed slightly, “I should be asking you that!”

He looked at my hands and he ran his fingers over the palms, “I’m just hungry.”

I started to pull my hands back, “I’m sure they’ll….”

He pulled them back in and whispered, “Kaylene.”

“Alex. Let go of me.”

He looked up at me, “Why?”

“You’re hurting me.”

He acted like he didn’t hear me. His grip tightened and I continued to pull. He definitely changed. I had the feeling if I didn’t pull my hand in it was going to be on his menu. He let go on one hand and I started trying to pry his hand off of my other hand. He slapped my hand away and pulled my other closer.

He leaned towards it and I pulled at his hair, “Alex! Stop!”

“I’m sorry. I’m just so hungry,”

He bit into my palm and I cursed, “Alex!”

Fuck! Now that really hurt. I beat at his head but he didn’t budge. I growled. I hate his stupid hard head! I pulled at his hair and he still didn’t respond. Eventually he pulled away and licked across me palm. Can you say disgusting?

I ripped my hand away from him and moved as far from him as I could. He really was one of these monsters. He looked confused and then sad. He hung his head, “I’m sorry.”

I continued to glare, “I hate you.”


“You’re horrible!”

“I didn’t ask for this! I don’t even know who they are! This is all new to me.”

I screamed back at him, “You’re acting like it the greatest thing!”

His voice also elevated, “What do you want me to. I don’t even have a fucking heart beat and more! How do you think that feels?”

“I don’t care how it fucking feels!”

“Will both of you shut up?”

Brendon was standing outside of my cell looking me. He looked tired and really annoyed. He pulled out keys and started looking for one. Alex looked up at him and then to me, “Where is she going?”

“No where. I owe her for biting me.”

Alex got off the ground and glared at him, “Don’t touch her!”

Brendon rolled his eyes, “Please. You wouldn’t be able to take me on if I was blindfolded!”

He found the key he was looking for and unlocked the cell door. He shoved the keys in his pocket and walked in. I stood up and backed away from him. He smiled, “Don’t worry. This won’t hurt…much.”

He waltzed over and I tried to run past him. He caught me and shoved my back against the cold metal bars. Alex growled and started yelling, “Stay away from her. One mark and I’ll fucking kill you!”

Brendon had placed his hands near the sides of my body and I gulped. A little close for comfort. I looked right at him and was staring me down. Hmm…I wonder. I shoved my knee up and nailed him where the sun doesn’t shine. I giggled lightly and he pushed off the bars and bent over.

I’m assuming that hurt. I took off past him and up the stairs. Yes, I know I left Alex but he’s a big boy. And yes, I know I’m going into even more danger but I want to get out of here. I forced the door opened and pretty much crashed into someone.

I ran past him and I heard him calling behind me. He had and aussie accent and I wasn’t going to stick around and find out where he was from I wanted to get out of here. I entered another room and vampires were everywhere. Aww shit.

They all looked at each other and to me. Damn it!I watch two guys walk in front of the exit I needed. I started to back up and I was pushed forward. I caught my balance and the started to get closer.

I felt a tug on my hand and it was Brendon. He pulled me close and I started to struggle. He held me tighter and led me out of the room. We walked around and he led me up some stairs, “You’re not going to kill me are you?”

“No, I’m taking you to William. You’ll be safer there.”

“Why are you helping me?”

“Just shut up. Its easier if you’re quiet.”

“One more thing…”


“What’s going to happen to Alex?”

He stopped at a door, “Truthfully? I don’t know.”

He opened it and held the door open. I walked past him and into William’s room. William was drying his hair and didn’t have much on. I gulped and Brendon closed the door behind me. William looked up and em and smiled, “How’s your hand?”

I glared at him. He laughed and he chucked his towel to land on a chair and started to walk over to me. Can I run now?
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you guys for the support.