One of Us Is Going Down

Sarcasm and Leather

“How’d the project do?” Brian asked as Ashlyn walked out of her last class for the day.

“I got an A-minus. I had a little trouble working with the leather, which I suppose was obvious on the inside seams, under the lining, but they said the lining was cool and everything else about it was great, good design, nice stitches and extras.”

“That’s awesome!” Brian high-fived Ashlyn as they made their way to the car.


She whipped around, hearing her name called, Josh was running her way.

“Hey,” he smiled at Ashlyn, giving Brian a sideways glace. “We’re all heading out again tonight a new club just opened, interested?”

“Um, no thanks, I’m actually working on some homework tonight,” Ashlyn said politely, not wanting to be rude, but also not wanting to go back out with them again, once was enough for her at this moment.

“Come on, you could ditch that one night,” Josh cooed.

“No thanks, Josh, not tonight.”

But he wouldn’t be turned away that easily.

“Come on, Ash, I thought you said you wanted to have a little fun,” Josh said, silkily as he moved closer to her, Ashlyn was uncomfortable and Brian could see it.

“Come on, Ash, time to get going,” Brian stepped in.

“She’s talking to me now,” Josh turned on Brian.

“I suggest you leave,” Brian snarled back.

Ashlyn noticed that a crowd was starting to form, in the hopes of a fight. She really didn’t want a fight to break out over her. She looped her arm through Brian’s and tugged gently.

“Come on Brian, let’s go please.”

Brian took a step back to glare at Josh a moment, then they carried on towards the doors to the parking lot.

Ashlyn cooked a stir-fry that night, they ate in front of the tv, then she worked on some homework. She put away her books finally as Brian flipped through the tv channels. Ashlyn stood and walked to her room, Brian followed her with his eyes.

“Going to bed?” he asked, looking at the clock and noticing that it was early for her to be going to bed.

“No,” she said walking back into the living room with the leather jacket that had been a project of hers for class, the one she had just gotten back that morning.

She crossed the room and went into Brian’s, he stood and followed her into his room now, wondering just what she was doing. He watched as she hung the jacket in his closet.

“What are you doing?” He asked, his brows knotting together.

“I ran out of space in my closet, so I’m hanging it in here,” she turned around
and grinned at him. “It’s for you silly, I made it for you, your size and everything.”

Brian was awe-struck. He stood, jaw slack a moment looking at the pretty brunette with her hands on her hips smiling at him.

“But, but, how did you know my size?” he fumbled.

“I took notice of what jackets fit you best when you wore them, then on your last night out, I snuck in here and took the measurements of said jacket. Voila! Handmade, leather jacket, one of my first. It will be worth thousands some day,” she nodded at him, still grinned.

“Thank you,” Brian said, smiling back at her, still a little surprised that she would make one of her projects for him.

She could have very easily made the jacket for herself, it would have been easier on her, being able to try it on every few steps to be sure she was getting the size , but instead she had made something for him. She’d had the thought of him in her mind as she made the jacket, Brian very much liked the idea of being on her mind.
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Holy Schnit! Look who updated?! You could say I lost my muse for a while on this story. Guess what? Ittt'sss baacckk! The Muse that is. I'm tearing up some new chapters thanks to all of you who messaged me to update! You guys kicked my butt to update, thanks for that! So here's a new chapter, enjoy!! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. Also, I know it's kinda filler-ish, but trust me, we're hitting the meat of the story in the next chapter, serious shit is about to go down my peeps. Love you all! - Ash <3