The World is Fading

One: Damn All Them Beautiful.. Boys?

[Ps: When it says 'mexican stripper' you know I mean that rafael is mexican and that he dresses like a stripper and not all of them are slutty right? If you have any problems with what I wrote, feel free to contact me. [: ]

Brendon bit on his bottom lip, his fingers typing furiously on the keyboard. His eyes scanned the faint metallic keys as he continued the next dramatic love story to post on his blog. Coming up with the names Aleesha and Farushia from the names scratched into the bathroom stall wall. It was with a vampire.. his name was Derrik. He was a vampire pimp in the story and he had to choose between Aleesha or Farushia to make his queen.

Brendon groaned and slammed his palms onto the keys, popping up gibberish words on the screen. His mind shut off and went into writers block, and Serena was nowhere near to give him some inspiration, as she always does. He rubbed his temple, standing up and walking out of the library, his in its case.

"Serena," he stood next to his girlfriend who had something different about her, but Brendon couldn't put his finger on it, "Serena, I'm lost in my story, can you help me?" Her eyes were glossy blue not the normal green, and her eyes were shaded with a light orange. "S-Serena? Are you wearing.. make-up?"

She began to stutter, as she ruffled her skirt, way to short to be in school, Brendon noticed. "W-Well, Misty says I l-look really pretty in the pink look and blue, so I took her ad-advice. Is that bad?"

Brendon sighed and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Not only was Serena girly not geeky, but she had also stilettos on, which made her at least half a foot taller then Brendon. She ruffled her skirt slightly, again, and glanced awkwardly around the room. "Brendon, are we breaking up?"

He sighed inwardly, "No, but we might because every girl I ever date turns into another Misty Clone and then she hates on me because I wont change into what her boyfriend Rafael looks like. I will not look like a fucking Mexican Stripper."

Serena bit her bottom lip, glosses with blue lip gloss, and she slammed her locker closed, "I think Rafael looks good, and if you think he looks like a stripper, then you don't see my view. Go ahead and hate on my looks, because frankly, I hated being a geek. But whatever, Brendon your a loser and that's all you'll ever be!"

Surprisingly, that brought tears to Brendon's eyes, even though this had happened many times in the past. Misty just had to show up, "Hey Brendon. I guess I win again. I took away Lizzie, and Sam and Laura. Now I have Serena. I wonder who I'll have to turn next." She giggled and walked away, arms locked with Serena's.

Brendon looked at them until they disappeared, then headed toward his next class. His body suddenly tense and ready to shoot out tears.


"Okay class," Miss Peterson had her 'Point Stick' in the air, and she was pointing at random equations on the board. To Brendon, math was nothing more then the alphabet for a genius. Easy as pie. But Brendon kept zooming out at random times. Luckily, Miss Peterson didn't feel the need to call on Brendon, even when everyone in the class got it wrong.

He twiddled his thumbs as Miss Peterson was giving out homework. When he finally noticed the glass, he noticed a girl in front of him. Since he only saw the back, he noticed she wasn't a girly-girl and she wasn't a dirty sleaze. His shirt was a normal t-shirt with jeans and Adidas. She was short, so she swung her feet under her chair as she thanked the teacher for the homework. Low voice.

The bell rung, and Brendon exited the class, but it was a complete pack of kids at the front, so he ran quickly to get to door before the second pack came through. But since the girl in front of him had not yet stood up, her feet stuck out, and Brendon tripped in his quick exit. She seemed really sorry as she helped me up. He picked up his belongings before looking at her. He stuck out his hand, hoping to find a new friend.

"Brendon," he smiled brightly as she gripped his hand and shook it, then returning it to her sides.

"I'm Ryan." He moved away some of his long hair and Brendon almost fainted when he noticed that the she was a he.

He smiled before looking at the clock on the wall, and excusing himself, saying that his locker and his next class were far apart as he quickly ran out. Ryan rose an eyebrow and glanced at Brendon, and shook his head, "Sure. You have a class at the end of school. You're just another person who hates me the second they meet me."


"Ryan!" Misty literally grabbed onto Ryan and pulled him to a bench. Misty Ross was Ryan's cousin and they were abnormally close, that they shared pants. Ryan adjusted his hat and sighed.

"What do you want Misty?"

"You seem down all the time. Do you have any friends?" She actually cared if you were her friends. If she hated you, she made your life a living hell. Ryan only sighed and shrugged.

"Maybe," Ryan sat down between two girls Misty called Serena and Bethany. "This one boy, but he ran away saying he was late for class or something along those lines."

Serena piped in, "Maybe he knows your gay? Maybe he didn't notice you or recognize you until you said your name?"

Ryan glared at Serena, "No one ever likes me, whether they know I'm gay or not. It fucking sucks, but oh well."

Brendon exited the school and noticed Ryan sitting with Misty, Serena, Bethany and Lizzie. Brendon just shook his head, and sighed.

Misty got him, before I even knew him.

"So who is this guy?" Misty asked, drawing lines with her shoes in the dirt.

Ryan looked up and zipped through the crowd, before his eyes spotted Brendon sulking out into the parking lot. He pointed towards him and Serena, Misty, Lizzie and Bethany stared wide eyed. "You-You don't have a crush on him, do you Ryan?"

"Well Misty," she slapped her forehead, "He is cute. But I know he isn't gay, I mean, didn't he date that one girl, uhm." He tapped the ground thinking, "Serena?"

"Yeah," Serena said, "But Misty turned me girly and took me away from him, and actually, I didn't really love him."

Ryan immediately stood up, "I'm sitting with a bunch of sluts that cause break-ups. You guys were an amazing couple, and you guys stuck together, but Misty has to be a bitch and take everyone away from him. Well Misty, if I get a chance with him, you won't be able to take me away." He stalked after Brendon, keeping a distance, as Misty stared at Ryan with her mouth agape, shocked at his sudden reaction.

"Wow. Will you try still Misty?"

"He's my cousin man, I don't know."


Ryan had followed Brendon all the way to his house, and he waited five minutes before knocking on the door. A nice lady with a bright orange apron answered the door smiling. She was hiding something though, he can tell. "Hi, is Brendon there?"

"Wow a visitor for Brendon other then the girls he dates? Wow, my Brendon is finally leaving his shell. His room is the one with the bright red door that says 'Author-ization In Progress' in white paint. Its dull white."

Ryan nodded and walked up the steps, and found eight red doors in the whole house, but luckily, only one said what his mother had told him. Ryan felt weird being in Brendon's house just to apologize, when he could of done that at school, but he already feels guilty about whatever made Brendon leave in such a hurry.

He knocked twice, and Brendon called back, "Mom, I'm changing, but you can come in." Not wanting to, he waited a second then knocked again. "Mom, you can come in. I'm only changing." Another second and he knocked. Brendon then opened the door, but screamed and slammed it shut when he noticed Ryan there, and the fact that he was stark naked and Ryan just saw his 'thing.'

Only a few seconds later, the door opened again, and Brendon simply asked, "What do you want?"

"We got off at a bad start," he stuck out his hand. "I'm Ryan Ross."

Brendon smiled and shook his hand, "Im Brendon Urie."