Hollowed Hearts

Hollowed Hearts Zacky Vengeance 2

Ari’s POV
Most people who see Chuck for the first time would most likely think ‘how could this guy be the manager of Avenged Sevenfold?’ I mean, he looks like he should be shopping at Dolce & Gabanna for the entire day instead of managing an amazing band. In my opinion - although sometimes I truly disagree with myself - there is no one who can do it better.
Don’t get me wrong though; Val is the best assistant manager anyone could ask for and I love her to death, but I think Chuck is the only guy in the world who can get the boys to focus. Val would probably be number two because even though she’s just as good as Chuck and in some places better, when she’s around Matt...well, let’s just say that ‘get a room’ apparently doesn’t exist when they’re together. So that’s why Chuck would be the best....just not at the moment.
“Oh your leaving are you?” Chuck asked, slamming his phone and glaring at us with dark eyes. He shoved the phone into his pocket and folded his arms, waiting for an answer. Brian was the first to talk.
“Yeah Chuck...we all wanted to surprise you by going out and getting stuff for our Halloween show and party. You heard us talking about it before right?” I could see what he was doing now: he was trying to see how much Chuck heard. But apparently Chuck had just gotten here.
“No I didn’t hear anything. In fact all I should be hearing is the rest of Beast and the Harlot, then Bat Country, and the next five songs until your grand finale Seize the Day. But instead, you four decided to go on a little field trip and go get things for the show without consulting me. And where is Johnny and Jimmy? Wait, let me guess. The two nut cases have gone off to get the supplies for your little “idea” and you all were just leaving so you could go meet them right? Well? I’m waiting for an answer, not complete bullshit.” Unfortunately for him, I’m full of bullshit.
“Actually Chuck you almost go it right...except for the bullshit part.” Matt was about to butt in but I elbowed him to be quiet. I know what I’m doing. “Thing is, Jimmy left to go get beer for our Halloween party tomorrow. Johnny just ran off somewhere, probably to go smoking but we’re not exactly sure. The rest of us were planning on getting stuff for the Halloween party. Brian came up with this awesome affect for the show and we were also thinking of using something similar at the party. So we were just leaving to get the supplies and we’ll be back before you even know we’re gone.” I quickly grabbed Zacky and Brian, leading them past Chuck.
“Sorry Ari.” He grabbed the boys shirts and pulled them back. “Because part of the band is still present in the vicinity, they have to remain here until practice is over. Those are the rules. You however are free to leave to prepare for the party just make sure you make it in time for the concert.” Chuck smiled and turned to the boys. “Alright guys. Man up and quit making faces. We have work to do and music to make so since Beast and the Harlot sounds ok, we’re going to skip to Bat Country and - what is it now Ari?” Even though Chuck is still a great manager, he still manages to piss me off on a daily basis.
“Look Chuck, the guys sound great. Its obvious they know what they’re doing and the equipment is working fine so it wouldn’t be a crime if they missed...an hour and a half of band practice to go get a few things for tomorrow if its for a greater cause.” Chuck’s eyes narrowed - as if that were possible with all the botox he’s got - as he walked towards me menacingly.
“Oh really. A greater cause Ari? And what exactly would that greater cause be?” I’m not sure Chuck. How about saving Johnny’s leg if that’s more important than your stupid band practice? That’s what I should say to him.
“Giving me an early birthday present?” Brian sighed loudly and walked over to his guitar
defeatedly, with a pout on his face. Matt scowled and walked over to his mike while Zacky just stood next to me, glaring at Chuck.
“Enough of that, all of you! Arizona Vittessi, you are ruining my rehearsal!”
“Chuck, you are ruining my name!” Seriously who names their kid after a state? Especially somewhere that’s completely deserted?
“After all I’m dealing with right now Ari, I could care less.”
“Chuck, stop being a douche bag and treat her with more goddamn respect! Your pissing me off!” I looked at Zacky happily and kissed his cheek. What can I say?
“And your driving me insane! Enough with the attitude, all of you and get back to your instruments now! Zacky, this is not the time to suck your girlfriend’s face off! Get over to your goddamn instrument and get to work now! This is definitely one of the biggest shows of the entire tour and I am not going to let you all screw this up for yourselves! Some very important people are in this audience who are thinking of producing you so this is it! Do or die! Win or lose! In or out! Decide now what the hell you want to do, otherwise you can go on home!” Chuck marched off the stage angrily, only to bump into Val, who smiled eagerly at us.
“Hey guys! How’s rehearsal goin’?” We all glared at Chuck who was blowing off steam in the corner. “Well you all sound great in my opinion. I think you guys are going to be amazing tonight.” Matt walked over to hoist Val on stage and kissed her deeply.
“Thanks baby. I’m glad you have so much faith in us.” He began nibbling on her neck and she laughed out loud.
“Dear god you two, do you have any dignity?” I yelled as Matt almost fell over holding Val. Brian looked up from his guitar, plucking strings absentmindedly. Zacky sat down on the floor and pulled me down roughly on to his lap. “Try not to break my arm while bringing us closer together. I might actually need it.” Zacky rolled his eyes and snuggled his face into my neck. His hot breath made me tingle and I wanted to kiss him really bad.
“Hey Val, do you think maybe you can talk to Chuck and see if you can get us out of rehearsal early? We....have a problem we need to deal with.” Val looked away from Matt at Brian curiously.
“What problem?”
“Can’t really say.” Brian said slowly, pointing to the blanket and making a ‘shush’ sign.
“If you say so....” She walked over to the blanket, pulling a bit of it off and screamed. “OH MY FUCKING GOD IS THAT-” Brian grabbed Val quickly and kissed her. My heart stopped. Oh my god...this is not good.
Matt was literally dragging Zacky across the stage, who was trying to hold him back as much as possible. Brian let go of Val, turning bright red, and stuttering “And t-thats what we’re going to do with one of the fans. Bring one up here, scare them, and kiss them.” He said, letting go of Val and running away from Matt. “Don’t kill me Matt! I’m to handsome to die!”
Val wiped her mouth as if she kissed a rat and looked at me in confusion. Before Chuck could come see what was going on, I grabbed her arm and whispered quickly, “Johnny and Jimmy were screwing around but Johnny hurt his leg and passed out. We’re trying to get him medical attention without Chuck knowing so he doesn’t cancel the concert and screw up the tour.” Val nodded and walked over to Chuck before he could pull Matt off of Brian.
“Hey Chuck, I need to talk to you. Its really important.” She dragged him off the stage, mouthing ‘run away’ so Chuck wouldn’t see. I ran over to where Matt was strangling Brian and Zacky was still failing to stop Matt.
“Think of all the fans you would lose if I died! Matt, you’ll disappoint millions!” He said, trying to punch Matt.

“Guys!” I whispered urgently. “Guys!” They all looked up at me. I pointed to Val, then the door. “Let’s get out of here while we still can!” They all nodded and quietly got up as Val continued to talk cheerfully to Chuck.
We all got up quietly and ran for the door, until we heard Chuck exclaim, “Well let me ask the guys what they think about that. Boys I-” Oh no. We’re going to have to make a huge break for it and everyone knows that I can’t run for shit so I’m going to be left behind with Zacky. Trapped by security. Is this really fair?
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constructive criticism= :)
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