Hollowed Hearts

Hollowed Hearts Zacky Vengeance 6

Ari's POV
As soon as the concert ended and the boys ran off stage - while Johnny was carried off, I walked over to security and showed them my backstage pass along with a few giggling girls. They all looked like blonde bimbos who wanted to suck some rock star dick and didn't belong or fit in at all. Only one other guy with a green mo-hawk and a tattoo of a tear under his eye including me looked like a real Avenged Sevenfold fan. We were led past the familiar corridors until we were told to wait for them to come back for us. Behind me, I noticed the guy take out an ipod and turn the volume full to block out the girls excited conversation.
"I want Brian so bad right now. He looked so delicious up there tonight. He is such a music god." Yep, they're all idiots. I totally saw this coming.
"Well forget drums. Jimmy's gonna be banging on me all night." Oh god these girls are in for it. I turned my head slightly to get a good look of them. There were three of them, all wearing whorish outfits. The girl who was talking about Brian had overdone her make-up and was wearing no shirt, a push up bra, and a see through skirt. The other girl who just talked was wearing booty shorts and the tiniest halter top I have ever seen on any human being. The last one - who looked like she was wearing the tightest dress known to man - didn't look like she was breathing in that black dress.
"As long as you all stay away from Zacky tonight, we won't have any problems with each other. God, he's so fuckable." I turned and walked over to them, facing the girl in the tight dress - the one talking about my man - glared at me.
"Move out of the way emo. Just because I’m beautiful and the band wants us doesn’t mean you have to be all jealous.” My fingers just itched to punch her but I did something better instead. I smiled. “I’m sorry, did you say beautiful? I could’ve sworn I heard you call yourselves trailer trash but you had me fooled. Silly me.”

The one hitting on Brian pushed in front of queen trailer trash but was pulled back.
“Let me handle this Shelley.” She whispered angrily, walking slowly towards me until our noses were almost touching. “What makes you think that a stupid little idiot like you would ever be noticed by Avenged Sevenfold? I’m way out of your league so stop trying to get attention and run back home to mommy.”
“Look here fucks-a-lot, you better treat me with some goddamn respect before I have Avenged Sevenfold kick you out of here so fast you won’t know what hit and laughed at you.” I never saw her lunge but I heard someone yell “Cherry no!”, before I was slammed into the wall and pushed onto the floor. Before I could throw a punch, Cherry was pulled back by security as well as the other girls.
“She hit me! She hit me first! Grab her!” Cherry screamed as four hands grabbed my arms and yanked me and the others towards the exit.
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yes! finally get 2 post. i cursed a lot in this chapter, its very different from ch.5. very short but the next chapter will be longer. enjoy!