Hollowed Hearts

Hollowed Hearts Zacky Vengeance 8

Ari’s POV
The Halloween Party was tomorrow night at Chain Reaction. Since we had the rest of the week off and didn’t have to leave to go to San Francisco yet, the guys were already packing to go to Anaheim. The owners of Chain Reaction were setting the place up for us and would be ready by the time we got there. People were already paying for tickets to go see Avenged Sevenfold and possibly other bands who might come to the party.
And it’s only been two hours since we’ve made the call.
“Ari, you coming to bed?”
“In a minute.” I wrapped the pink towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom. “Have you seen my hairclip?” Zacky - holding a beer - turned and grinned when he saw me.
“Which one?”
“The one that looks like a banana with thorns.” He raised an eyebrow and shook his head. Then he looked down, grinned and tried to grab my towel. I jumped back but almost slipped, and Zacky pulled the towel off.
“Zacky give it to me!”
“If you say so.” He threw the beer can aside and started stripping down.
“Zacky! Not that! Stop! Give me my towel!” He pouted but pulled off his pants, showing off his heart covered boxers. A blush crept up my neck and burned my cheeks. I suddenly realized how naked I was - not that there’s more than one kind I guess....god I’m such a dork - in front of Zacky.
Zacky’s POV
“Zacky, can I have my towel? Please? I’m getting cold?” Goosebumps were popping up all over her and she rubbed her arms to keep herself warm.
Something red caught my eye as she walked back into the bathroom, searching for another towel.
Cuts covered her upper arms like glitter and shone in the light. Ari slept with me every night but I never saw the cuts. So.....what the fuck is she up to?
“Zacky? You mind if I use your robes?” Why? So you can cover up your cuts?
“Umm....sure.” I mumbled, pulling kicking off my pants and laying on my bed. Ari walked out of the bathroom, pulling my oversized black robe over her shoulders as she jumped on the bed and wrapped her arms around my waist. “Ari....can I ask you something?”
Ari’s POV
I looked up at Zacky’s face when he didn’t ask straight away, which worried me a bit. His hands grabbed the sleeves of my robe and pulled them down.
“What are these?” Blushing, I raised the robe slightly. Cherry’s fingers had dug deeper in my arm than I thought.
“That was Cherry from earlier digging her claws into me.” I shook my head. “Thank god she’s gone. She was a freak.”
“Yeah.” Zacky reached over the side of the bed and pulled up a beer. “Good thing to. What did that chick have against you anyways?” Zacky took three long gulps before looking at me and raising an eye brow. “Are you serious?”
“Woooow.” He said laughing. “See? I’m sure Cherry wanted me, why don’t you?”
“Cause your going to get drunk. Is that your third or fourth?”
“Neither. Fifth.” He said with a silly grin. I rolled my eyes.
“Fine. But when you have a hangover tomorrow the size of California, you better not complain.”
The Next Day
Scratch that. I should have said the United States. Zacky hasn’t even gotten out of bed and he’s moaning his ass off already.
“WHAT?” I yelled for the third time.
“Stop yelling!” I picked up the phone and dialed Brian’s number, listening to it ring five times before he answered.
“Meh?” I heard.
“Brian, Zacky got drunk again.” I heard him sigh over the phone and I could hear him scratching his head.
“Umm.....god do you want me to call Chain Reaction and tell ‘em we can’t come?”
“What? No! We’re still gonna come!”
“Johnny can’t move and Zacky....can’t move either. Are you saying we should leave them behind?”
“No. We’ll take ‘em with us. Zacky will be better by later.” I hope. If he satys away from the beer...which is not going to happen.
“Not for long...”
“What was that Brian?”
“Nothing. I’ll be there in a few.” And before I could ask, he hung up. Just like that.
Unenthusiastically, I watched Matt and Brian carry Zacky in the RV. When Brian came out, he nudged Matt and pointed to me. Instead of getting a ‘he’s-a-grown-man-and-he-can-do-what-he-wants-to’ speech from Matt, Val came over with two ice creams. I grabbed the strawberry swirl and began sucking on it angrily, ignoring the funny face Val was making.
“Come on Ari. Ease up. If he wants to go drink a bit, let him.” I shook my head and took an angry bite out of my ice cream.
“You don’t get it Val. Matt doesn’t drink excessively after almost every show.” Val raised an eye brow.
“Wow Ari. You only use big words when your really upset.” I silenced her with a glare but she smiled and slung her arm around my shoulders. “Ari, Matt drinks. All the time. So does Johnny, Brian, and especially Jimmy. And no matter how much Zacky wishes, he’ll never drink more than Jimmy.” I laughed at that because it was so true: you hardly ever see Jimmy without a drink. Good look to the girl who gets him.
“I guess your right Val. I just don’t want him to get sick, that’s all.” Val nodded seriously and looked over at Matt.
“I feel the same way.” Val then started laughing. “It’s funny. Even though they don’t want to admit it, guys are such softies. And they get just as sad as we do when their partner is hurt or in danger. Especially my Mattie.”
“Wow Val, that’s the smartest thing I’ve ever heard you say. I’m sure this is a very proud moment for you.” Val pushed me away as I laughed, the ice cream falling out of my hand. “Aww now look what you’ve done.”
“Fuck you Ari.” She said, although she meant it playfully, it did much more damage than she will ever know. I stood there watching my ice cream melt as Val walked back to the RV and into Matt’s arms.
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hope u liked it! :)

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