Hollowed Hearts

Hollowed Hearts Zacky Vengeance 9

Ari’s POV
The biggest surprise I found at Chemical Reaction was Whaz - and thankfully not Cherry. The place was filling up fast yet I still managed to find him sitting at the bar.
“Whaz?” He turned and smiled when he saw me.
“Hey Arizona." I struggled not to cringe at my name. "What’s up with you?” Oh nothing much. Just trying to keep my boyfriend from finding you and me talking before he and Matt start a bar fight again. That’s all.
“Enjoying the party.” An awkward silence grew between us and he turned around to order a drink.
“Lemme have a Heineken. You want anything?” I nodded. “She’ll have a Corona Light.”
“You know I’m perfectly capable of ordering my own drinks.” I said as I sat down next to him.
“Yeah, just like your capable of keeping your boyfriend in tow.” I resisted the urge to tell him off and defend Zacky because in truth, he was just protecting the band. And me. Especially the band...but mostly me.
“Look...” How the hell do I apologize for my boyfriend? To bad I don’t have a script for this kind of stuff. “...Whaz, can I pay for your drinks?” Whaz raised an eye brow but looked away when he saw his drink arrive.
“What, I can’t be friendly?” He smiled and grabbed his glass to down it.
“Sure, you can pay for them.” That made me wince.
“How many are you planning on having?” The bartender brought him another and took his empty glass.
“A lot.”
“Ari?” I turned away from Whaz, even though I didn’t feel like talking with anyone else cause - I’ll admit it - I was having a lot of fun with him. Zacky will hate me. “Ari hi.”
Narrator’s POV
It was midnight. For the first few hours, Ari had looked around for Zacky, worry grabbing at every part of her until she drank herself silly, losing touch with reality. Around one, Brian had found her out cold on a sofa with Whaz and took her to one of the more private rooms so she could lie down. He stayed there to watch her until Johnny dragged him away so they could play a song for the crowd. A few people came into the room and passed out beside her, but she hardly gave it a second thought. Because everything was a blur to her. The drinking, the music, the party, and Travis ever coming to see her.....
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constructive criticism = :)