A Nightmare On Elm Street.

A Nightmare On Elm Street.

“Don't break it, you ass!”

What? 'S not my fault you-”

Watch it!”

“I am, I am...”

“Fucking hell, Eric!” I shrieked, snatching the cardboard box out of his arms before he could go down another step. “Go and help Andreas pack up the sound system,” I hissed, glaring.



He grumbled, crossing his arms. “Bitch.”

Maybe it was a bit of a bad idea to let my bandmates help rather than hire those removalist guys. But, they offered and they were doing it for free. In saying that, they were also more likely to break something important. Well, Cat was anyway.

There were four cars parked outside – Skinny's, Bone's, Whip's, and my own. Cat was too much of a princess to drive himself around if someone else could do it, and didn't see the point in 'wasting valuable money that could be spent on more useful things, like salon visits'.

His exact words.

Sliding the box into the back of one of the cars, I contemplated telling Cat to go and buy us lunch.

But when I walked back into my apartment to see him getting amazingly frustrated over tangled wires, I laughed and decided I'd make him suffer.

At least for another half hour, anyway.


“What street is it?”

“I don't know.”

I couldn't help but laugh at their expressions.

“So,” Bone started, looking at me as if I belonged in a daycare center. “You've got all of your stuff in four cars, and you're going to a different house, and you don't even know what street it's on?”

“Yeah,” I nodded, smiling.

“And I thought the Princess was an idiot.”

“Hey!” Cat squealed, smacking Bone on the arm.

I rolled my eyes. “Look, when I went and looked at the place, the sign had been vandalized.”



They drove past the house four fucking times before pulling into the driveway. I was sitting on the front porch with a cigarette, in plain sight, and yet they still missed it. Four fucking times.

Fucking idiots.

When they finally stopped at the right house, Cat came bouncing out of the car like a six-year-old on a sugar rush.

“Ooh! Ooh! Guess what!” he squeaked, bouncing from one foot to the other.

“What?” I asked, not particularly interested, because knowing him it was something totally stupid.

“We found the street sign! They fixed it!”

“...Joy?” I shook my head, laughing. It was when he acted like this that he seemed even younger than he was.

The other three stepped out of their cars. Whip was silently laughing, Skinny biting back a grin and Bone had his face in his hands.

“What?” I asked, my eyes going wide. “What did you do? Hey? You didn't do anything, did you?”

“No,” Bone muttered, groaning. “Oh god, this is so awful.”

“You did something.”


“Well then-”

“Elm Street,” Whip managed between chuckles.

I raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“Nightmare.... Elm Street,” he totally fell into a fit of uncontrolable giggles.

I shook my head. “Did you drink anything-”

Skinny interrupted me. “Your street. Your street is Elm Street.”

It took me a minute, but it clicked.

“Oh, god. Very fucking funny.”

“You're a Nightmare on Elm Street!” Cat screamed, giggling just as his boyfriend was.

I made a mental not to never, ever invite them over again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm apologizing again for the awfully lame pun, but I simply couldn't resist.

Comments and constructive criticism are much appreciated.