Back to the Street

Yes, I do realize how sickeningly High School Musical this is, meeting this amazing girl somewhere, then getting the shock of my life as I see her as the new student in class. We even got into the school production for fuck’s sake! But at least I’m not some jock his friends are keeping away from the stage. I’m just the kid the director gets his songs from. That doesn’t mean I have to go on stage, right? RIGHT?!

It’s high school Panic! with different names in an old school (of which Jon had no facial hair, the Ryhawk was slowly coming to existence, and Spencer was at his thinest.) look set this year, their junior year. Bring on the Rybangs!

Ross George (Ryan Ross) – Yes, George, Regina George-George. Rather quiet, usually seen writing on his black notebook. Been playing guitar since he was twelve. Taught his friends how a year later, except Seth—he begged his ‘rents for a drumset, not to be outshun by Ross. Abnormally thin, but still very hott—have you seen those hips? His eyes seem to occasionally shift from the deepest brown to the most breathtaking gold—no, not one of Stephenie Meyer’s vampires. Keeps Brent sane.

Brent Boyd (Brendon Urie) – Hyperactive and a major loudmouth, Brent is pretty much a child stuck in a sixteen-year-old’s body. Very friendly and easy to get along with, but he can be menacing when he needs to be. Chocolate and any form of caffeine are no-no’s—give them to Seth instead.

Seth James (Spencer Smith) – Met Brent in the second grade when Brent was giggling about how Seth and Ross’ surnames would make good first names. Yes, Brent had chocolate that day. Has bitch brows to go with histantalizing blue eyes. Never picky with his food. Ross’ neighbor and best friend since FOREVER, except when they were in Grade 1. Wants Ross to get over the girl he spent a year without Seth for in the first grade. Has his gay moments; the only reason others don’t bring that up is because Seth is big and his bitchface is the scariest thing ever and they’re all scared.

Nathan Walker A.K.A. Walkman (Jon Walker) – Everyone else just calls him Nate. Known for his mandals, the reason he became friends with the boys in the first place. He was being bullied in the fourth grade—he was new and all he ever wore were his flip flops; not a sneaker in sight.SethRoss got sick of it and decided to feed Brent chocolate. Poor bully didn’t know what hit him. Nate has two cats, Dylan and Clover. Can cook and clean. Will make a goodmother father someday.

Katie Collins (Keltie Colleen) – She's really, really, really beautiful, and is just as smart. Is a wonderful dancer despite her slight klutziness. Has undiscovered talents liketurning shit blocks into trees. Just moved back to what her father said was where they used to live, a house she barely even remembers. Wonders why her early childhood years are a blur;hides behind the smiley face.

Disclaimer: This story and my ownership over the characters (except certain OCs) are as true as Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer. I realize the similarity of this plot to several other stories (like the Chemistry partner thing. It took me three weeks to realize how many others decided to use that subject.), but I'm not copying anything. As for other things I'll be mentioning in here that you may have heard of, I don't own them either. I only own my plot and my OCs.
  1. Insigne
    It was a sign.
  2. Passing Notes and Passing Auditions
    Seth's jaw clenched, his hands curled into fists, and his eyes widened. Suddenly, my eyes did, too.
  3. Bus Rides, Lettuce Seeds, Magic
    And Sulking at the End of the Table
  4. Offensive, Progressive; Traumatic, Therapeutic
    I won't be surprised if she hated me now, if she never wanted to speak with me ever again. I can't blame her.
  5. Migraines, Blogs, and the Word Association Game
    My heart sank at the words I read. Tomorrow morning, then. Better late than never, right?
  6. Not-So-Cousins and Influential Soap Operas
    Switch to Seth
  7. Frustration
    A take on third person
  8. Two Sides of a Coin
  9. Boring Cycles, Paper Planes, and Being Stubborn
    You’re pulling the trigger all wrong
  10. Drama Club Theatrics
    Seth’s blue bore into Nate’s brown, which seemed to have shined gold, blending into a frosted caramel.