Vampire Academy

Bat Boy

Gerard’s P.O.V.

I was the misfit.
The drunk kid.
The loner.
The bat boy.
The dork.
The faggot.
The boy-whore.
The sinner.

And I didn’t give a damn.

“He’s such a creep.” The gaggles of girls would whisper as I passed by them, a black dot in the mass of pink.

“Look it’s bat boy!” Someone in the crowds of boys would shout mockingly as I passed by them, a black dot in the mass of blue.

“He’s troubled, he’s confused.” The teachers would mutter as I passed by them, a black dot in the mass of white.

“He’s such a poser.” The “Goth” kids would chuckle as I passed by them, a black dot disappearing and then re-emerging from a mass of black dots.

I finally reached my lunch table. I sat down and put my books next to me, taking my comic strip pages out. I faced away from all of the other kids, towards the back wall of the lunch room. I sat alone. Not even my little brother would sit with me. He was too good for me.

Mikey’s P.O.V.

My best friend Ray had been telling me high school horror stories from the moment I graduated Junior High, and even though I knew they weren’t true, they still shook me a bit. He told me that the seniors were going to rip me apart because of my glasses (which I quickly replaced with contacts!) and the fact that Gerard is my older brother. Ray told me that that fact, if nothing else, would make everyone in the school think I’m a total freak, just for being related to him. “But don’t worry too much; I’ll try my damnedest to let the other guys know that you’re nothing like him. That is, if they even find out. Which they probably won’t, but, you know.” And I thanked him from the bottom of my heart.

It was the second day of school and Ray, thank god, had been showing me where my classes were, giving me tips on how to get to them the fastest, telling me which teachers to avoid, and overall just being a great friend. He introduced me to a few of his friends, Matt, John, and Dave, who seemed to be really nice guys. They didn’t say anything about my brother, that is, until we saw his wispy, ghost-like figure floating down the hallway, a disconcerted look upon his face.

“Mikey Way…Way…Hey, is that your brother?” Dave asked pointing straight at Gerard and cocking an eyebrow. I froze. Gerard licked his lips, ignoring me and trying to maneuver through the hundreds of kids without much luck. I just didn’t understand why my older brother had to be such a freak. Even the Goth kids thought he was a weirdo and that’s saying something. All he had to do was put on some normal clothes and stop writing those stupid comics and he’d fit right in. And he’d make my life a hell of a lot easier. I realized that Dave and the others were still staring at me, ready to pounce, ready to deem me as an outcast.

“Uh, n-no. I’m an only child.” I lied straight through my teeth, praying to god that they’d believe me.

“Oh,” Dave said, his face relaxing and his broad smile back. “You guys just have the same last name…I think…Sorry ‘bout that!” I shook my head and was about to reply when Ray’s hand came down on my shoulder.

“Yeah, come on Dave! They don’t even look alike!” Ray laughed, looking me straight in the eye and then laughing again. The others laughed too; I joined them, glad that tense moment was over.

“Yeah, and they certainly don’t act alike.” Matt pointed out to my relief. “I mean, that fag just sits in the corner all day and reads or…whatever the hell he does. Just be glad he’s not your brother. I’d have to fucking shoot myself.” We all joined in another chorus of laughter as Matt mimed shooting himself in the head.

“Well c’mon, Mikes. I’ll show you where our lunch table is.” Ray said as we all walked down into the cafeteria, getting through the crowd with much more ease than my brother.

Now if my brother would just leave me alone for the rest of the year, everything will be perfect.I thought happily, knowing that there was no chance he’d come near these guys.

High school was going to fucking rock.