Vampire Academy

The Past and Pending

Mikey’s P.O.V.

Severed shadows danced on glowing white walls, leading me through corridor after corridor. Time didn’t only cease to exist, it seemed impossible that it ever had. The air that pulsated and popped around me carried an assailing sense of a dark, dark omen, and the shadows grew. My surroundings, as bold and as basic as they were, brought about a sense of deep transcending knowledge. I had a clear understanding that my body wasn’t my body. This thin flesh that so desperately clung to fibers of muscle and bone was merely part of my soul’s façade. I shivered as something thrashed inside of me, pounding against my innards like a ravenous caged animal. Somehow I knew exactly what it was.

The shadows seemed to sing to me as I walked through the halls of eternity. They sang deep heartrending songs of life lost and time wasted. I stretched out the (it suddenly felt odd to call them “my”) arms on either side of me and dragged the fingers along the walls, as I sort of swayed from side to side to the rhythms of their songs. I was extremely disappointed, but not at all surprised, that I couldn’t even feel the wall slide underneath the fingertips. The only thing I could feel was inside of me and even then, for the moment, it was somewhat distant.

I was dying. It was as clear as anything ever could be.
♠ ♠ ♠
To my readers: I am so incredibly sorry for not updating. I've run into a lot of things emotionally these past few months that have prevented me from writing further, but I hope to start again soon. I am posting this to tide you over until I can add to it, and make it a real chapter. Sorry for it's sucky shortness XD