Status: Hiatus

Memories remain, As time goes on


Soon !
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Hello everyone!
I know it's been a while since i have updated anything. The reasons for that are:
1. My laptop problems. I started to have problems with my laptop last November and it was impossible to write anything on it. It would always turn off when i start doing something.
So I don't have a laptop anymore and I lost all the files in it including this story with already written chapters.
2. School. that explains everything. You don't really have much time to write if you have a lot of homework and other stuff like waking up at 5 am to get ready to go to school and you have to be there at 6:30. we were working at schools cafeteria since i am studying culinary and everything that is about that type of profession I guess you could say. and it's not easy.
3. having to work on my dad's computer. since it's my dad's PC obviously i wasn't able to spend a lot of time on it.

But I finally got a new PC and now I am able to write more and since it's summer i will have a lot of free time so I will probably continue writing this story or If you guys don't wan't to read it and don't have anymore interest in reading this story then i will probably delete it.

So leave me a comment tell me If I should continue this story or just say fuck it and delete it?