The Straight Edge Superstar and the Charismatic Enigma

Chapter 10

September 2008

Yesterday was Unforgiven and let me sum the part that pissed me off the most. Phil got a "concussion" after Randy punted him in the head, and was unable to compete in his scramble match. And by "concussion" I mean that the storyline writers wanted Phil to take a week off from being the champ.

Then earlier he had the audacity to call me.
Phone Convo
P-Hey Dems
D-I bet you're happy
P-Yea. I got some laundry done, bought some shoes
D-(sarcasticly) Wow
P-So whatcha doing?
D-I just changed into my ring gear.
P- Oh, so what ya wearing?
D-This is not phone sex, so no
P-You're naked?! Wow me likey.
D-I'm hanging up now.

And I did. He was probably pissed, but he'll get over it. But sometimes that man's a fucking pervert.

It's 8:50 and I'm wrestling after Jericho finishes bitching and moaning about his win last night. Man he's such a piss off.

Melina's still not back yet, but I really don't care that much `cause I'm not being bugged.

~~~~~~~After her Match~~~~~~
My match was quick and meaningless. I went against Jillian and lost. I didn't care.Soon I felt blue and depressed, like normally. But the only difference mwas that there was a hole in my gut. I wasn't hungry nor was I full. I took a shower to see if the feeling would go away.

When I came out and I had a text from Jeff. I sighed and read it.
Punk may not b there but i will b @ da hotel waitn 4 u. We'll talk n (hopefully) do sum mor if u catch my drift
My eyes got wide and I hurry and got dressed in a shirt that read "Dying slowly" and a pair of black jeans and some black flats. I packed my stuff and rushed out of the arena.

I don't know why I'm happy to see Jeff in my hotel room waiting for me. Maybe actuall just want Jeff sexually. Or that our friendship is so good that we trust each other for, uh everything.

Don't get me wrong, Phil is great. But Jeff
*No wait I can't do this to him again.*

But my body kept going. I was at the hotel and Phil was there. I ran over to him and hugged him tight.
"I thought you were home." I said with a small smile.
"I was but they said I could still travel with y'all, I just can't wrestle." Phil said then he kissed me. And my phone vibrated. It was from Jeff.
Where r u? Im standn @ ur door.

L8R phils here-me


IDK bye. sorry-me

"Who was that?" Phil said.
"Jeff." I answer.
"What does he want?" Phil asked harshly.
"I don't know." I lie. "And he's my friend."
"I know, I know." He sighed and took my hand and we went to my room.

*Hopefully Jeff isn't too mad at me*

[What a nice way to end a chapter. Sorry if it was boring, but you'll understand why I made her depressed in the next chapter. It'll make since then]