The Straight Edge Superstar and the Charismatic Enigma

Chapter 11

October 2008

I messed up big time. No way Phil's ever gonna take me back. I was so fucking depressed, so I took the painkillers. Well the whole bottle anda half a bottle of vodka. Soon I'd just blacked out. I don't even know how I got here. Phil must've found me passed out in our hotel room.

Now I'm in the hospital, alone in a white room. Usually Phil would be by my side or in my room after I got hurt. But I'm not hurt physically, just emotionally.
The machines were hooked up to me. I mean, I'm hooked up to the machines. My mind is so screwed!
*Ugh Phil where are you?!?!*
Then the nurse came in. "Oh great you're up. You have visitors."
Then Phil, Jeff, Mickie, and Mel walked in. I tried to make eye contact, but all I saw was shame, hate, and betrayl.
"Hi guys." I say dropping my head.
They all said hey, but it sounded like a big groan. I know that they're mad, but sounds like it's way more than that.
"Guys, I know I messed up, and I need someone to help me get through this," I say with my voice breaking. "You guys have to be my support group."
Jeff was the first one to look up and he sighed. "You know she's right guys."
"We know, we just hate to be the bearer of bad news." Mickie sighed then continued. "You're gonna be watched by us for the next 6 months."
"And you can't go for any title for the next 8 months." Mel said.
"And for the next 2 months you'll have to get treatment," Jeff said.
"And we'll be willing to help." Phil said
"Well it's better than being suspended for 30 days." I say. "Hug?"
I held out my arms and they all gave me a hug. Phil was last to hug me and when he did he said, "Please don't turn down the help. Don't go down the path of death and destruction."
"I won't, I promise." I whisper back.
Theyall hung around until the nurse told them visiting hours were over. She also told them that one of them could stay, if they wanted to.
Both Jeff and Phil looked back at me hopefully, but Jeff said, "I'll see you bright and early tomorow." I nod and the the others leave, but Phil came back over to the bed.
"Dems, why did you do this?" He asked.
"I've been depressed lately and...I don't know." I sigh,"And if I ruined the day before your birthday, I'm sorry."
"You didn't, it's not your fault." Phil sighed. "I've been noticing how down you've been since I started focusingmore on my career than you."
"Phill it's not your fault. I've been depressed since I was 10." I sigh
"But when you're happy around me." Phil sighed. ""And I want the Demi I fell in love with."
"You love me?" I sqeak.
"If you don't feel the same way, I understand." He sighed sadly.
"Phillip Jack Brooks, stop talking like that. I love you too." I smile and he smiles back.
"That's the Demi I fell for!" He said hugging me.

He smelled so good like Axe or Tag, but it was good to have him hold me again. He turned his head and kissed the side of my neck. I giggle and turn my head to nibble on his ear.
"Don't make me come in that bed." Phil said in a sexy growl.
"Maybe that's what I'm trying to do." I giggle again.
Then the knob on the door turned and Phil let go of me. The doctor walks in.
"Ms. Jones you can come off of the machines now." He said
"Yea" I say pumping my arm in the air.
10 minutes later I was off the machines and I had 2 little red dots where the needles were in my arm. The doctor had told me I could leave tonight if I was well enough and left the room.
"And we were doing what 12 minutes ago?" Phil said with his devious smirk.
"This." I say.
Let's just say Phil got to unwrap his gift a day early.