The Straight Edge Superstar and the Charismatic Enigma

Chapter 14

February 2009
Phil and I had to move the wedding back a month, because the day aftre is the draft. So just un case one of us gets drafted, we'll be there. Plus we have to.

Right now I'm stting on the couch while Phil's changing in the bathroom. Then a techie came in.
"This is a note for you."He said.
"Who's it from?" I ask.
"I don't know, I was just told to give this to ya." Steven said
"Ok,thanks Steve." I say opening the note.
By now Phil walked out of the bathroom.
"Hey Phillie listen to this." I say about to read the letter.

"Dear Demi,
Congrats! You're getting married to Phillip Brooks, but I can and will change that. You're not supposed to marry or be engaged to him!
You won't even see it coming.
From, Your worst nightmare."

"Wow...who'd you piss off?" Phil asked
"I don't know." I say.

Please don't tell me Jeff turned on me. God damn it! Why did I go and do that!? Why am I in love with 2 men?! But I'm marrying one of them. I'm so stupid!!

"What's wrong?" Phil asked.
"Nothing just trying to think of who would want to hurt me." I say trying to keep calm.
"Why don't you hang inthe divas' locker room during my match, okay babe." He said. I nod and grab the letter and my phone. I kissed Phil and left.

I first talk to Mick and Mel.
"You think Jeff might've wrote this?" Mel asked.
"I don't know." I whine." He said he'd always love me even if I'd married or date another person."
"Maybe it wasn't him." Mick said.
"Call him to be sure." Mel said. I nod and pull out my phone.

Phone Convo
J-Hey Demi, what's up?
D-Uh...I got this note and I'm probably goin' crazy.
D-Because I don't think you wrote it.
J-I didn't send you anything. But what did it say?
D-That someone's gonna kill me for marrying Punk.
J-I told you I wouldn't hurt you. I still love you.
D-Thanks Jeff, I love you too.
J-See ya later.
D-Ok bye.

I hung up and sighed with relief. Mel and Mick looked at me like I was crazy.
"What?" I ask.
"Well...?" Mel ask
"Did he write it?" Mick finished
"No" I say.
"Then whodid?" Mick asks. "Who else hates you?"
"I don't know." I groan.
We sat there debating until there was a knock on the door. Mel opens it.
"Do you have any idea who wrote it yet?" Phil asked from the door.
"No not yet." I sigh.
"Ok then let's go to the hotel. We'll be safer there." He said.

We walked out of the arena to the parking lot. Phil was putting our bags in the trunk and I heard a girl screech.
"What the...?" I say before seeing a figure in the darkness.
"He was mine before you came along." A annoying voice said.
"Maria." I say thru clenched teeth.
"That kid you have is supposed to bein my uterus!" She yelled.
"Maria, go away." Phil said a bit annoyed.
"I was with you for a year and you wouldn't even have sex with me!" Maria yelled."But you're with her for only a few months and she's with your child!"
"She's different!" Phil protested. "She doesn't look at other guys sexually!!"
*I wish that was completely true myself*
"If I can't have your babies, she can't either!" She yelled. Maria kicked Phil in his man parts, then she punched and kicked me in my gut.
I pushed her off of me and grabbed her hair. She kicked me in my stomach again. I let go and hit the ground. Phil was trying to crawl over to me, holding himself.
Maria kicked me again then said, "You shouldn't have stole him away from me."
I soon black out.
~~~~About 10the next morning~~~
I woke up in a white room. I look around and see Phil sitting next to my bed. Around his eyes were red, has he been crying?
I poked his forehead so he'd wake up.
"'re up." He groaned.
"Phil have you been crying?" I ask
"Why?" I ask
Phil had dropped his head and a tear escaped his eye. He finally lefted his head back up and said, "We lost the baby."
My face went blank, I felt queazy, I wanted to die. I started shaking with tears falling. Phil got up and hugged me.
"I'm gonna kill that bitch." I say thru clenched teeth.
*Maria went too far. She kicked Phil, she took the life of my first child. I need to at least break a limb on that bitch.*

[I told ya hating Maria would make the story flow better. Let's see what the next chapter!]