The Straight Edge Superstar and the Charismatic Enigma

Chapter 16

April 5,2009
It's Wrestlemania and I'm with Jeff now. As he promised, he would love to be my rebound. I don't feel like I'm using him, because I really do love Jeff. Phil wouldn't stop calling my phone so I tossed it in a near by lake. Jeff had got me a new one yesterday.

I'm getting reeady for the 25 diva battle royal. So I'm walking to the locker room I share with Jeff.

I walk into the locker room and Jeff was changing, so I just stood there waiting for him to notice me. Right before hatook off his pants, he finally saw me.

"So how long have you been standing there?" He asked pulling up his pants.
"For a good 5 minutes." I say smiling.
He blushed a little, then I walked over to him. I hugged him and he kissed my forehead. I breathe in his scent of cigerette smoke and Axe or Tag or something like that. I then move my head up and let him kiss my lips until there was knock on the door.

"Why does someone always ruin the good times I have with you?" Jeff groaned.
I giggle and went over to the door. I open it and see my oh-so-lovable ex.
"What do you want, Phil?" I ask a little harsher than what I meant it to be.

"Demi, please take me back," He begged." My life and locker room are empty without you."

I sigh and roll my eyes to stop the tears. "Phil, I loved you but you threw it all away." I say.

"Please, Demi I love you." He said. "I still want you to be my wife."

A tear escaped my eye. "Phil," I sniff. "You hurt me and I moved on like you did with Maria."

"I didn't move on with Maria!" He said a bit pissed. "She came in amd jumped on me! She was the one moaning not me! Demi, I fucking love you!"

My mascara was running and I was about to collaspe.
"Phil I loved you but I moved on. I'm sorry it had to be this way." I say thru clenched teeth to keep myself together.

"Okay, I see." He sighed and started to walk away.

I took a deep breath and said, "But I will keep your promise and kick ass."
He turned around and smiled at me. And I seen a tear roll down his cheek. Then he turned and walked away again.
*I know deep down inside, I still love Phil, but I can't trust him too much anymore.*

Later that night

~~~~~The Match~~~~~
I was definately gonna beat Maria into a bloody pulp. So I charged at her and punched her repeatedly in the face.

"You bitch, made me break up with him and lose some trust in him!" I say with every punch.
"He was supposed to be mine!" She cried out in pain.

I pcked her up and bulldogged her, then I picked her up by her hair and slammed her face into the mat. Blood had already started pouriong out of her face. I then threw her over the ropes saying "Bye bitch."

Everyone else in the ring looked horrified, especially Melina. I then muttered, "That slut ruined my personal life."

The match continued and I was one of the last four. It was me, Mel, Beth, and a drag. Beth and Mel were fighting so I went for the drag. I went over to it and it screamed. I punched it in the face then dropkicked it. It fell and I did Dark Moon perfectly. That knocked the air outta it and it's wig. I threw Santino out of the ring and Beth looked shocked after throwing Mel out.
*I knew he was gay, but come on! Didn't he learn his lesson after the mankini incident?! My eyes burned like hell that night* (A/n: Seriously my eyes burned)

Beth and I started circling the ring, until she jumped and grabbed my leg. I kicked her off and she fell. We both were tired and looked quite beaten up.
I went to charge at her, but she moved and I hit the tunebuckle. I slid down and breathed in slowly catch my breath. Beth came charging at me but I rolled out of the way at the last moment. She cried out in pain. I picked her up and threw her to the other turnbuckle. I waited for her to stand back up to pull off something that'll make Shawn happy. I pulled off a Sweet Chin Music and the crowd went wild. 1..2..3 ding ding ding!

"And our winner and the first Ms. Wrestlemania, Demi!" They announced.
I got a tiara and a slash that read Ms. Wrestlemania.
When I got backstage, Jeff was standing there clapping for me. Mel and Shawn were also there smiling. It was like my first win on Raw except at Wrestlemania.
Jeff hugged me tightly, then said "Sorry I didn't get you anything, but I didn't know you'd win." He kissed my forehead and whispered. "I'll make it up to you later."

I smiled and looked over to Mel. "Were you scared?"

"No, I knew you had some unfinished business with her." Mel smiled. "Congats, cous." She hugged me.

"Thanks" I say hugging back.
"I wish I had a camera." Jeff said.

I let go of Mel and playfully slapped Jeff in the chest.

"Ok, my turn." Shawn says."You did great, especially with the Sweet Chin Music. Now to celebrate, I'll sing the Spongebob song."
"Uh let's go Jeff." I pull Jeff and Mel ran away.
On our way to the locker room, we ran into Phil.

"Congarts,Demi." He said.

"Thanks, you too." I say. There was an awkard silence and Jeff decided to break it.
"Well we have to bye."

"Bye."Phil sighs sadly.
"Jeff, can I talk to Phil...alone?" I say. Jeff nods, kisses my cheek and walks down the hall.
*This is the hard part*

"Phil you have to-" Phil interuppted me with a passionate kiss. I was suprised, but I missed those lips. His lip ring, tongue ring, and his scent of Tag and sweat. But I had to pull away.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I'm with Jeff." I say with a tear rolling down my face. Phil wipes it away and kisses my cheek.
"I know, I just needed one more kiss from you." He says.
My body froze. Again trying to choose between Phil and Jeff.
"I-I can't do this anymore." I studder.
"You can't do what anymore?" Phil asked.
"Get Jeff I need to explain to both of you." I sitting on a near by crate.

Phil came back with Jeff about 2 minutes later.
"What's wrong, Demi?" Jeff asked.
"I can't do it anymore." I say again
"What can't you do?" Phil asked again.
"I can't hurt both of you anymore." I sigh. "When i'm with one of you, I hurt the other." The tears start to fall. "And I realize that I love the both of you too much. So I can't date either of you if you're gonna make me choose." I start to cry harder. "I can't stand to hurt you two anymore. I'm so sorry."

Phil and Jeff stand there stunned and I don't blame them. I can't love 2 men. I can't deal with the emotional pain anymore. I can't hurt them both, so what else is there left for me to do?

"Dems, you don't have to break-up with Jeff. I'll just back off." Phil said.
"No,no,no! " I yell. "This is the only way. To stay friends or I end up hating you."
"Demi, choose Phil, since I won't be able to see you as much as you can. " Jeff says. "And I'll go back to bein' your friend."
"No, no NO!" I cry. "I can't do this! I gotta get outta here!" I turn around and ran.
"Wait, Demi!" Phil shouts as they both run after me.
"Leave me alone!" I cry. "I can't do this to y'all!"
"Demi!!" They yell still running.
Then the both of them stopped running and looked at me stunned again. But I kept going `til I got to my rental and drove.

[I wonder what happens next...]