The Straight Edge Superstar and the Charismatic Enigma

Chapter 17

Raw (next day)

Even when I try to go away, the editors call me back to have a speech for me winning Ms. Wrestlemania. Then we have the draft next week. I can't escape them no matter how hard I try!

I walk into the arena wearing a gray hoodie with the hood up. I see Mel and I grabbed her arm.
"Whoa!" She said while I pulled her.

I dragged her into the locker room.
"Mel you gotta save me!"
"Phil told me what happened." She said.
"Then save me!" I whine.
"You're doing good already!" She said. "Don't talk to them."
"Then they're gonna hate me!" I whine some more.
"Do you want some cheese with that whine." She said crossing her arms smirking. I roll my eyes. "Then talk to them again You're gonna have to see them these next two weeks."

I groan. "And then what if Phil and I stay on Raw and Jeff comes back?"
"Your life's gonna be hell."
"I'm serious, Mel. Think about it."
"Why won't you try talking to them again?"
"I tried yesterday and look what happens! They try to make me choose again!" I pause to breathe. "And if I ignore them, they'll bother me more!"

Mel tapped her chin then left the room. I sigh and sat on the bench. Mel came back about 3 minutes later and grabbed my arm and led me out the door. We turned the corner and there stood a Punk and a Hardy.

"Mel I'm goin' to kill you." I say through clenched teeth.
"Not right now you're not. You're gonna try talking toyour 2 boyfriends." She says crossing her arms.

I sigh and look up at Phil and Jeff.
"Look guys, I really need to think." I start then gulp. "Like I told you, I love you both and I can't stand to hurt either one of you. So please stop making me chose."

I look at them with pleading eyes, but I could tell they were thinking something else.
"Demi we love you. We don't know how we're gonna do this, but we'll find a way." Jeff said.
I sigh. *Now I know they aren't listening.*

"I know...but I can't hurt you 2 anymore." I say looking both of them in the eyes. "And don't say you're not hurting when I'm not with you."
"Dems, you don't understand, " Phil said. "One of us needs to be with you and the other will be happy with your choice end of story."
"You don't get it!" I say pissed. "I. Can't. Choose. I know if I did you'd hate each other!"
They looked at me and sighed.
"We'll finish talking later." Jeff said.
"Yea, we have a match to win." Phil said.

They walked away; Jeff holding his back and Phil with his Money in the Bank briefcase.
*God I wonder what they had in mind*
~~~~~~Demi's Speech~~~~~~~

I came out wearing my favorite dress:
black heels and my tiara.

There was a lot of applause when I got into the ring.

"Thank you, thank you." I smile. "I'm proud tobe your first Ms. Wrestlemania, and that Santino or "Santina" didn't get away with that BS he pulled off."
There was more cheering as I continued. "I was able to fend off 24 divas-well 23 divas and a drag." The crowd laighed. "And I want to thank me fans, friends and family for support."

Then Phil and Jeff came out to the top of the ramp and the fans cheered for them.

"It's nice that you thank your friends." Phil said.
"Because we did help you, and since you can't choose between which friend you love the most...." Jeff started.
"We'll help you." Phil finished. "At Backlash you're contract we'll be on the line and whoever wins...."
"Get's you." Jeff smiled.

Shocked crossed my face and tears formed in my eyes.

"We hope this makes things a lot easier for you." Phil says looking at me with apologizing eyes.

They went backstage and my legs gave out on me. I was on my knees and Raw went to commercial and the refs carried me back to the locker room.

Mel tried to comfort me.
"I'ts gonna be okay, Demi"
"No it's not! How could they put our personal lives out like that?!" I cry. "You'd think they'd respect my decision, if they loved me!"
"I know, D, I know" Mel cooed.