The Straight Edge Superstar and the Charismatic Enigma

Chapter 18

Wednesday (2 days after the draft)

Me, Mel, Phil, and Jeff on Smackdown. Melina was right when she said my life's gonna be hell. My birthday was a day before the draft and my present from the WWE is being drafted to Smackdown with my ex's. Oh I'm so excited. NOT!

Hopefully Phil will fall for Maria again and they'll leave me the hell alone. And Matt could fight Jeff, which will hopefully keep Jeff busy for a while.

"Thank God that you're with me Mel," I sigh sliding on the floor.
"But Phil and Jeff are here."
"It's like what I predicted, we're on Smackdown." I groan.
"You can't stay in the hotel all day and sulk." She said coming over to me. "We have a European tour and we're not missing our flight."

I sigh and get up then grabbed my stuff and followed Mel out the door. We take the elevator to the lobby and there was a line of WWE superstars and divas. I saw Phil trying to wave me over to get in front of him, but I walked to the back of the line.

"Why can't they get this through their thick skulls?!" I groan.
"Y'know you can't avoid them forever." Mel said.
"I know, but until I know what to do, it's gonna have to be that way." I sigh and look up. We started moving with the line, and Phil and Jeff kept talking and looking back at me. Soon they got to the front, checked out and left the hotel.

"Hopefully they'll stop bothering you." Melina said optimistically.

~~~~~On the Plane~~~~~

I boarded the plane and me and Mel were sitting next to each other. The other person is....Phil! And Jeff was sitting behind us.

"Why can't god kill me now?!" I mumble to Mel.
"`Cause he wants you to handle your problems." Mel muttered back.

Phil had the aisle seat, Mel had the window, and I was stuck in between.
As I was getting to my seat, Phil grabbed my waist and pulled me into his lap.

"Does this remind you of our first date?" Phil whispered into my ear.

My mind flashed back to the resturant, the park,.....the kiss in front of my hotel room.

My mind came back when Phil started kissing the back of my neck.

"Ph-phil w-we should stop." I say in the calmest voice.
"Or we should continue in the back," He said. I felt something hard against my thigh.

*Oh god! I like it when he's like this, but right now?*

Phil was turning me on. Soon his hand went up the back of my shirt and now he was kissing the side of my neck.
I look to the right of me and Mel wasn't paying any attention and I could hear Jeff snoring lightly.

"Join me in 2 minutes," I say getting off of Phil's lap.

Just as planned Phil did join me, in the bathroom and let's just say I really hope he wins my contract at Backlash. ;)