The Straight Edge Superstar and the Charismatic Enigma

Chapter 19

April 26, 2009 Backlash

I walk out to my new theme, "On My Own" by Three Days Grace and walk over to the announce table with King and Micheal Cole.

"It's nice of you to join us, Demi." Cole greeted.
"Thank you, Micheal." I nod putting the head set on.
"So Demi what do you hope the outcome of this match is?" Cole asked
"Both of these men are my friends, yet they both love me more than just friends." I say as Jeff's theme plays.

When he got on the top turnbuckle, he4 did the Hardy guns and and pointed at me. His face was painted my 3 favorite colors, black, red and white.

Phil had came out and King said,
"Many of our fans voted for who they want to win your heart. 57% said Punk while 43% said Jeff."
"Wow that's amazing." I nod looking at Phil.

Phil got in the ring, smiled, winked and pointed at me. He was wearing his red and black trunks.

*God I'm gonna hate myself after this is over*

The bell rang and they locked up. Jeff pushed Phil into the turnbuckle, and tried to charge. But Phil moved. Jeff fell to the mat breathing heavily. Since this was a No D.Q. match, Phil slid out of the ring and went under and got a kendo stick.

*I wonder if that's the same one Sandman accidently hit Phil in the ass with..."

I was so into the match that I didn't hear King ask his question.

"Demi!" He called
"Huh?" I say confused,
"Do you think this is the way your 'friends' should try to win you over?"
"Well King, both guys have been trying to get with me for the past year and it's getting really annoying." I sigh. "And if this is how they want to end it, fine. They can."

By now Jeff had the upper hand and had 2 chairs. Then Matthew came out.

*I'm getting real sick of that fucker!!*

I take off the head set and run over to Matt. Some cameras followed, but I didn't care.

"What the hell, Matt?!" I say
"This doesn't concern you, Dee." He said.
"And that," I say pointing to the ring. "..doesn't concern you!"
"My brother deserves to pay." He growled at me.

Anger went through my body, so I slapped him.
"I'm getting sick of you fighting with your brother!"

He looked at me pissed and looked as if he were ready to charge, but something stopped him. And that same something stopped my anger momentarilly (sp?). The bell sounded.
My head turned back slowly towards the ring.

"And our winner is...."
♠ ♠ ♠
The fans on the last site picked the winner by voting so if you don't like the results i'm sorry but i didn't pick `em and the results in this chapter were the actual poll results.