The Straight Edge Superstar and the Charismatic Enigma

Chapter 2

August 2007
I'm supposed to be starting on my storyline with Punk soon. God I hope it's today so, I can stop teaming up with Barbara(Kelly Kelly). Yea she can hit hard, but I don't depend on her winning us the match most of the time.
Right now I'm going to meet Matt at catering since we travel with Smack Down. I'm walking down the hallway and Morrison bumps into me.
"Hey, watch where you goin'!" I say a little pissed.
"I don't have to watch my way for some bitch who's the annoying cousin of my ex." Morrison grumbled.
Okay, okay, me and Johnny Fruitcakes have a history. I've never liked him since he started dating Melina. I knew she was gonna dump him inthe end.
"Just because me and Mel thought you suck as a boyfriend doesn't mean you have to call me a bitch." I hissed.
"Whatever, bitch."He hissed back.
"You need to stop walking around here like the world owes you a fuckin' favor for being born!" I say as superstars start coming around seeing what the noise was about.
"The world does owe me a favor for being born, can't you the goregousness." Fruitcake says showing off his abs.
"That's why Mel broke up with you!" I yell. "YOU DIDN'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HER!! YOU JUST CARED ABOUT YOUR SORRY ASS!!"
There were "ooh's" and laughter coming from our little audience. Which I seen Punk and Matt watching.
"You little hussy!" Fruitcakes hisses again.
"I should knock you down a few pegs, Johnny fruitcake!" I growl.
"It would take you 100 swings before you can bruise this goregousness!" he said with a smirk.
" Not if you can hit as hard as some men." I say throwing the 1st hit.
I punched him in his cheek and he stumbled a bit. Then he grabbed me by my hair and tried to throw me to a wall, but Ielbowed him in his stomach a few times until he let go. I then sweep him and he hits the floor pretty hard. I Then get on my knees and start punching him in his face.
Security had came and took John away, while Punk and Matt took me back to the locker room they were sharing. They satme on the bench that was in there.
"Why didn't guys let me finish him?" I whine "I could've beat him into a bloody pulp!"
"That's what we were afraid of." Punk chuckled.
"You could've gave him a concussion..." Matt was lecturing like he used to do me and Jeff when we were younger.
"Ms. Jones Mr. McMahon and Estrada would like to see you." Steve the tech guy said.
"Here goes my death sentence." I mumbled getting up.
Punk and Matt followed me so I wouldn't get into any trouble. When I got in there Mr.McMahon and Estrada were looking madas ever.
"Now that both parties are here we can start with you, Morrison." Mr. McMahon spoke."You are gonna start a feud with Punk and lose then you're suspension can start."
Morrison just nodded quietly from the couch he was sitting on with and ice pack to his eye.
"Now, Ms. Jones, I'm surprised that my newest addition to the roster has gotten intoa fight with a superstar, so," He said sighing." You will be transferred from ECW to where you were supposed to be in the first place, Raw."
Inside I was cheering, but didn't show it on my face.
"BUT, you won't start till the first Monday in October." Mr. McMahon said.
All the cheering stopped and I just nodded and left when told.
When I was about to leave, Punk came up to say goodbye.
"Do me 2 favors when you get to Raw for me" He said.
"Okay and they are?" I ask.
"Kick some ass and don't get fired." He smirked.
"Ok and I'll try not to." I smirk back.
"And here."He said handing me a piece of paper. "Don't open it till you get home."
" Ok fine" I sigh.
Punk hugs me and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I left and drove back to my home in Raleigh.
When I got home, I opened the piece of paper Punk gave me. It had his name and his cell phone number.
"No fuckin' way" I squeal.