The Straight Edge Superstar and the Charismatic Enigma

Chapter 3

October 2007
Tonight is finally my Raw debut and trust me waiting 8 weeks just to be back in action is boring. All I did was sit on my couch and watch Scooby-Doo reruns. Jeff had just wished he was me doing that.
Speaking of Jeff, he volenteered to introduced me to the Raw audience.
So now I'm standing here waiting for Jeff to finally say the words to cue me to run out.
"I would like to introduce you lucky fans to a friend that hails from Cameron, like me, the newest female wrestler on Raw...Demi!!" Jeff shouted into the mic.
Then my entrance theme, "Time of Dying" by: Three Days Grace, blared through the arena. I ran out slapping fans hands, hearing cheers and doing rocker signs.
When I got a mic, I shouted "Hellllo Richmond!!". The fans went wild. I looked at Jeff and he smiled back at me. "Do you know how glad I am to finally be here!!"
Then Beth Phoenix's theme played.
"Hey newbie! You just can't come here and get the fans on your side already" She hissed.
"Well let's settle this in this ring right now!" I growled.
Then Beth ran towards the ring and Jeff hopped out.
~~~~FF to the end of match~~~~~~~~
I was in a head lock and kept trying to squirm out without passing out. Jeffwas hitting themat to get the crowd to chant "Demi".
Then Beth tried to get me in her finisher, but I flipped her. Which knocked the wind outta her. So I got ont the top rope to do my finisher Midnight Moon. (A moonsult) I hit it perfectly. 1...2...3 ding ding ding.
"And our winner, Demi!!" Jeff announced and raised my hand.
We headed backstage, where Shawn, Mickie, and Jeff congradulated me.
"See that's what I want to see you do in future matches." Shawn said with a big smile.
"Thanks, Shawn." I say.
Then Jeff and Mickie showed me around, until Jeff had to leave for his match againest Ortan.
"Ok, Mickie can show Dem around and-if necessary- post bail." He said with a smirk.
"Sure." she laughed.
"Thanks" Jeff said walking away.
We went towards catering and saw Mel.
"So I see you're keeping Punk's promise, huh?" Mel smirked
"Yes...No...I don't know" I say trying to keep myself from blushing
"What did she promise Punk?" Mickie asked
"That she'd kick some ass for him" Mel said witha small giggle.
"So do you like him?" Mick asked
"Maybe." I say not hiding my blush.
"You should ask him, he broke up with Maria 3 weeks ago." Mel encouraged.
"IDK" I say worried.
"You should do it soon." Mick smiled warmly.
"Ok I will...later" I mumbled the last part.
~~~~~@ the hotel~~~~~
I had seen Maria, looking slutty as usual, and she tired to talk to me about her and Punk breaking up. Like I care how she felt.
I then decide to call Punk to see how life's going.
Phone Convo
D-Hey, Punk it's Demi.
P-(enthusiastic)Hey, hows it going?
D-Good I won my first match.
P-So you are trying to keep my promise.
D-(blushing)Yea I guess.
P-So did you see my ex?
D-Yea she tried to talk to me about her problems. Like I actually cared.
P-(laughs) Yea she's like that

The conversation went on like that until we started to fall asleep on the phone,but not before he said that he missed me. God! We sound like a couple!!