The Straight Edge Superstar and the Charismatic Enigma

Chapter 6

February 2008
I've been trying to avoid Jeff and Phil these past few weeks and Valentines Day was coming up. I keep getting texts, voicemails, and little cards from them. And the worst part is that I have dreams about them.
Today was an exception, Matt had come to see Jeff. So I went to see if I could talk to him, by himself. But by the time I got to him he was with Jeff.
*Crap! Why couldn't he be alone?! Ugh!!*
"Hey Matt...Jeff." I say as calmly as I could.
"Hey Dem." Matt said looking up at Jeff.
"Hey Demi." Jeff sighed.
"I'm gonna go wait in the locker room." Matt says leaving.
*Shit! Plan A's ruined.*
"Jeff, can we talk...please?"I ask
"Fine." He said and started walking
"Jeff, I'm sorry."
"For avoiding me or not wanting me?" He hissed.
"For avoiding you. C'mon Jeff,we're the best of friends why change that?"
"I thought if I dated Beth, it would make you jealous." He sighed. "But if you want Punk..."
"Right now I don't either of you."
"Why can't you choose?" Phil asked coming around th corner obviously eavesdropping.
"`Cause we're good friends and if we break up cuz we can't stand each other, I don't want to lose our friendships." I explain choking on the tears.
"Go on a date with both of us," Punk started
"Then choose." Jeff finished
"Just consider it." Phil said with pleading eyes.
"Please Demi, we both have strong feelings for you." Jeff peaded.
Damn it! Why did they both have to be hot and have great personality?! I just wanna cry and wish life wasn't full of choices.
But shouldn't I give them a chance? Yea I should. But what if I break one of their hearts? God! Why couldn't this be more easier?
I just swallowed the lump in my throat and said, "Yes, I'll give it a shot..but whoever I don't pick, don't get pissed at me."
"Okay." Jeff smiled
"Sure." Phil smirked
*Oh fuck! What have I done?*

Date with Jeff after Raw
Jeff took me to an arcade, where we ate and played. Then he took me to play mini golf.
"How are we gonna play mini golf at 1 am?" I ask.
"I know a guy that runs the place and will let us in." Jeff smiled.
"Wow, Jeff's got connections." I smile back.
We picked out the clubs and balls(get ur mind otta the gutter!) that we were gonna use. I chose black and he got green. Jeff took my hand and led me to the 1st hole. He places the ball on the ground and swings.
"Hole in one!" I cheer.
"Ok now your turn."
I place the ball on the ground, swung, and missed.
"Your forms wrong." Jeff chuckled.He stood behind me, placed his hands on mine, and hunched me over just slightly.
"Then you aim, and swing." He says still hunched over me.
My ball made it in the hole and I hugged Jeff."Thanks" I smile.
17 holes later, we left and the guy closed up the place.
"Well I think I should get you back to the hotel." Jeff said wrapping his arm around my waist.
"What time is it?" I yawn.
"3:12 am."
"That's why I'm tired." I said leaning my head againest Jeff's shoulder.
"Don't worry, the hotel's `round the corner."He said. Then he he kissed my forehead.
We get back to the hotel and Jeff walks me back to my room.
"I had a good time, thanks" I say.
"No problem" Then he leaned down and kissed me passionately. His hands slid to my back pockets from my waist. My hands slid around his neck.
Soon we pulled away breathing heavily. I smiled when I looked into his green.
"Nighty-night,Jeff" I say still smiling.
"Night Dem." He said and went down the hall to his room.
*Phil may have a hard time doing better.*

Date with Punk (Wednesday)
Phil had taken me out to TGI Friday. We ate and talked about other things we had in common. Then we went to a park.
We had started on the swings.
"I bet I can swing higher than you!" I laugh
"Ok then, you're on!"
I was swinging higher then him then he stopped swinging completely. Then I followed. Phil curled his finger at me to signal that he wanted me to come to him. And again I followed.
"Wanna swing with me?" He asked
"Sure" I smile.
Phil grabbed my hips and placed me in his lap. We started swinging and Phil nuzzled his nose into my neck and I blushed.
We soon got off the swings and we started to walk back to the hotel. Phil slid his arm around my waist, but this was different from when Jeff did it. When Jeff did it, it felt friendly,but when Phil did it I felt this spark or burning tingly touch.
We got back my hotel room and Phil's arm was still around my waist. He used that to his advatage, he put me in front of him and leaned down and gave me a passionateyet slighty rough kiss. My arms were around his neck while his hands slid down to my butt. Then he pressed my body againest the door without breaking our kiss. His hands went into my back pockets and he squeezed. I gasped and Phil stuck his tongue in my mouth.I moaned the second his tongue ring hit the roof of my mouth and I wanted to just melt.
I didn't want this end,but I'm not ready to die just yet. We pulled away and I looked into his brown eyes.I didn't know what came over me, but it felt good.
"I had a great time." I say giving him a smile."Thanks Phil."
"You're welcome and thanks for giving this a chance." He smiled, which made me blush, and Phil smile harder.
"It's ok, night Phillie." I smile again.
"Night, Dems."
Today's the day I where I have to make a decision. Phil or Jeff. Phillip or Jeffrey. Jack or Nero. Brooks or Hardy. And believe me it was a hard thing to do.
Jeff and Phil walk into the room and I am nervous as hell.
"Hey guys, hows it goin'?" I ask
"Good" Phil said
"Fine now tell us please." Jeff responded
"Ok, just whoever I don't pick, please don't be pissed." I beg. Both men nodded. "I choose...."
[Cliffhanger!! Who will she pick? Look out for the next chapter. Bye...]