The Straight Edge Superstar and the Charismatic Enigma

Chapter 7

March 2008
Phil and I have been dating for almost an entire month. Jeff doesn't hate me,but he did get suspended for drug usage. He also told me that it wasn't my fault he done them.
Right now, Mel is telling me to get laid so I won't be so crabby.
"I've never been laid and I don't want to right now!" I say not knowing Phil was behind me.(ECW is traveling with us)
"I can help you get laid." He said startling me.
"Oh crap you scared me." I say.
" how `bout I help you get laid." He said smirking, even though I knew he was joking.
"No, I'm a virgin and I'm gonna try to keep it like that till my wedding night."I say.
"What if you don't get married?" Mel asked smirking
"Then you stay out of my sex life." I chuckle.
"What about me?"Phil asked
"You are her sex life."Mel laughed and I rolled my eyes.
"Really?... Then come with me m'lady." Phil said taking my hand.
He'd led me around the corner and kissed me passionately yet gently. It wouldn't have gone farther whether or not Mel showed up or not.
"Punk get off my cousin!"
"I'm sorry Mel, but it was a tempting offer I couldn't refuse." Phil said with a joking smile.
"Yea you said you wanted me to get laid." I say.
"But you said you didn't need or want or need to get laid."
"Wow you do remember what I say." I said sarcaticly.
Mel rolled her eyes and sighed. Then she walked away saying, "I give up."
When she was completely out of ear shot, Phil and I laughed.
"Oh my god she's wierd!" I laugh.
"I'd thoght she was gonna do something!" Phil said laughing.
"Hahaha... that was so not funny." Mickie said coming outta no where.
I stopped laughing and moved from under Phil.
"What's up,Mick?"
"Your phone rang, here." She said handing me my phone.
I looked at it and I had 2 voicemail messages. 1 fom each Hardy. Matt's was 1st.
"Demi we have some problems. Jeff's house burned down and he lost everything even Jack! So please come see us soon!"
My jaw dropped and I almost did too. I couldn't believe it! Before the tears could fall, Jeff's message played.
"(depressed) Hey Demi. I'm guessing Matt told ya. But something else happened that I haven't even tlod Matt about. *sigh* Beth broke up with me. She said she can't deals with the craziness that comes with me anymore. You really gotta help me. I only have you, dad, and Matt left in this world. Call me please."
Now is when my legs gave out on me, and the tears were pouring out. Phil was trying to comfort me even though he had no idea what was going on.
"It's gonna be okay,"He said
"No it's not ok,Phil!" I say in between sobs.
"Why not?" He asked
"Jeff's house burned down and his dog died." I blubbered. "I need to see him!"
"Ok, I understand." Phil said pulling me tighter while I cried into his CM Punk shirt.
An hour later, I called Jeff.
Phone Convo
J-(depressed) Hey Demi
D-Hey Jeff, I'm sorry about your house.
J-Don't be it's not your fault
D-I'm comin' over in 2 weeks
J-I'll tell Matt ya holdin' up?
J-(sarcastic) Fine
D-Jeff, I really wanna help
J-(depressed) Fine you can, see you in 2 weeks.
Jeff had hung up before I could say bye.

~~~2 weeks later, 1st Saturday in April~~~
I walk up to Matt's house with my bags and knock on the door.
"Hey Demi!" Matt said opening the door.
"Hey Matt, where's Jeff?" I ask
"Getting checked out by the doctors."He said. "Let me help with your bags."
"So when will he be back?"
"In an hour, now stop playin' 20 questions." He said putting my bags in the guest room.
"Sorry, I'm just worried about him." I sigh.
"Well he's not moping around as much." Matt said.
"Well that's good." I say relieved.
"I wonder where Beth is?" He asked changing the subject.
My stomach twisted in a knot. Jeff still hasn't told Matt about the break up. God why did trust me with this kind of information.
I then shrugged.
"Well, I hope she gets back soon." Matt sighed and left the kitchen.
I don't know what Jeff told him, but he better tell him soon before I do.
When Jeff got home, I hugged him.
"I missed you"
"Yea me too." He sighed and went upstairs to his room.
*What crawled up his ass and died?*
30 minutes went by and Jeff is still sitting in his room so I went to his door. knock knock knock.
"'s Demi... can I come in?"
"(depressed,slurred) Fine" He sighed
"Jeff what's wrong?" I ask sitting next to him.
"(slurred) Like you don't house, Beth, my dog"
"'re drunk!!" I exclaim
"(slurred) So?"
"It won't help you get over with your loses."
"They're only 4."
I was confused. Beth, house, Jack...that was only 3.
"Jeff, there's only 3. What's the 4th?"
"You haven't lost me." I say shocked.
"Yea I have, to Punk." He said looking deep within my eyes.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, dropping my head. He lifted it so I'd look at him.
"Don't be...I'm just greatful you're my friend."
I hugged him and Jeff turned his head and breathed on my neck. I shivered.
"I love you Demi always, no matter who you date." He whispered into my ear.
"You really love me?" I ask.
"Yes to prove it," Jeff let go off me and took out a piece off paper out of his pocket."I always keep this with me"
I took the poem and read it aloud.
"You were 5,and I was 8
I can remember our first playdate
Oh God I wished it were real
So you'd know how I feel
You don't know how I've longed for you
To kiss all over you..."
I stopped reading and was in shock. Jeff had kissed me more passionately then before. His hands were around my waist. I kissed back and my arms went around his neck. He stopped kissing my lips and finished the poem.
"Demi, I love you
No matter what you do
My heart is yours
Forever more
Give me youf heart
I won't tear it apart
I won't decieve you
Now let me have you."
Jeff had kissed down my neck during the poem so now he went back up to my ear and nibbled on it. I moaned in pleasure.
"Let me have you, Demi! Let me have you!" Jeff said in a sexy growl.
"Yes, Jeff, yes!" I moan
By now I forgot about Phil. Jeff had ripped my shirt off, literally! I unbuttoned his shirt while he kissed, sucked and nipped on my soft spot. I moaned his name and he smirked into my skin. Jeff undid my bra clasps and started massaging mybreasts. I moan again and he kissed on my breasts. Then automatically outta no where I unbuttoned his pants and I've never done this before.
"Wait." Jeff said out of breath.
He went in his dresser and pulled out a condom. He came back over and helped me put it on him. Then we continued with our fun.
About 20 minutes later, the deed was done. I'm lying on top of Jeff, both of us naked. My head on his chest, my legs in between his, and my hands are under me. Jeff's left hand is playing with my hair and his right hand is on my lower back.
Then there was knock on the door and Jeff and I scrambled to get under the covers.
Then Matt barged in.
"Hey Jeff, have you seen De- Holy shit Jeff!"
He exclaim. Matt lifted my phone back to his ear and said, "She'll call you back, Punk."
Oh hell!! I forgot about him!! Why did I do this? No! No! NO!!
"What were you thinking?!" Matt yelled at us when our clothes were back on.
I was quiet, too ashamed to speak. Then reality hit me, I'm no longer a virgin.
"I guess I wasn't." I mumble
"You're dating Punk! How could you do this to him?!" Matt asked
*I hate this damned lectures!*
"Stop yelling at her! She probably feels bad enough!" Jeff said standing up for me.
"And what about Beth, Jeff?!" Matt yelled again
"Why should I care?! She doesn't want me anymore." Jeff hissed.
"So you fuck Demi to comfort yourself?!"
"No, that's what the booze was for." Jeff retorted.
"You were drunk?! That makes it worst!!" Matt yelled walking out the kitchen
I look up at Jeff and lay my head on his shoulder and cry.
"I won't tell Punk." Jeff said sweetly.
"But, I'll have a guilty concious. (sp?) "
"Then break up with him." He suggested.
"But I still wanna date him." I cry.
"Ok then...if he breaks your heart you can come back to me." Jeff suggested.
"But, I don't want you to be my rebound." I sniff.
"I love you too much to care." He says
I look up into his green eyes and sighed.
He leaned down and kissed me again.