The Straight Edge Superstar and the Charismatic Enigma

Chapter 9

June 2008
I'm still not cleared to wrestle yet, but tonight is the draft and everyone is here. Well except for the injured.
Every brand was in a diiferent room and the 2 brands that were fighting againest each other had to stand at curtain.
Raw had won the first match and we got Rey Mysterio.
"Woo! Another high flyer on Raw, Oh yea!" I cheered.
"Dang, Demi calm the fuck down." Jeff said.
"Well since I know the injured aren't gettin' drafted I'm gonna take my happy ass to the locker room." I say turning to walk away.
The next draft pick was for Smackdown and they got Jeff. He didn't look all that happy going out there.
"Aww don't worry Jeffy, now you can team with Matt." I say hugging him when he came to get his stuff.
"Yea but I'm not gonna be with you." He sighed. Then grabbed my face and kissed me sweetly and left for Smackdown's room.
I didn't pay too much attention to the draft for a while `til Mel said something to me.
"You should be happy now." She was pointing to the tv in the locker room.Phil had gotten drafted to Raw. I smile and tried to forget about Jeff getting drafted.
"Yea I am." I mutter.
When Phil got to the locker room, he hugged me tightly.
"Yay you're on Raw with me!" I cheer.
"And I get to spend more time with you." He whispered.
"And I don't have to share a room with Mel." I smirk.
"Hmm..sounds good." He smirked back. Then I was pulled into hislap where we watched Raw.
Matt and Jeff went out to face The Fruitcakes of ECW. (Morrison and Miz)
The fans were suprised that they reunited even though it was short lived since Matt was sent packing to ECW. [Where he needs to go back to after wrestlemania-A/N]
Then a techie came in saying, "Mickie and Melina to curtain and Demi to the nurses office.
I went to the trainers and Phil followed. Hopefully I get these ichy bandages taken off of me.
"Hello." I say walking in.
"I see you brought Punk again. "Larry said
"No, I didn't,he just follows me like a bad smell." I say hopping up on the table.
"I'm not a bad smell." Phil said. "I'm your boyfriend."
"Well you create them." I say.
Larry was already working on my bandages and had laughed at what I said.
"Thank ya, thank ya very much." I smile. "I'll be here all week." Phil rolled his eyes at me.
Then I look down at my stomach and noticed blue and black blotches.
"Ew waht happened?" I asked.
"Your ribs are still bruised but not broken."
"So when will I be able to kick ass again?" I ask.
"In 2-3 weeks."
I put my shirt down as Larry wrote words on the papers.
"You can go now Ms. Jones." Larry said.
"Thanks Larry." I call. "C'mon bad stink." Phil rolled his eyes again and Mel came in being carried in by ref's.
"What happened?"
"I fell on my ankle." Mel cried
"I'll come check on you later." I say walking out.
~~~~~~~~FF to end of show~~~~~~~~
Smackdown won the battle royal and a bunch of us superstars and divas were going clubbing. So I put on a light blue tank top and a black finger tip length deniem skirt and some flip flops.
Phil had been happy since we left the arena.
"Why are you so happy?" I ask while dancing.
"Something's gonna happen next week." he smirked.
"What?" I ask
"You'll have to wait and see like the rest of the Raw audience." He smiles
"Aww" I whine.
"Does this makeup for it?" Then Phil leaned down and kissedme passionately.
I wrap my arms around his neck as away of saying yes.

June 30, 2009
I was sitting in the locker room watching the beginning of Raw. J.R's saying his final good byes, until Edge-that son of a bitch- interrupts him with his "goons". As they take J.R away, Edge starts bitching and moaning about how we don't have a champion, and how we are without GM.
Then Dave (Batista), comes out looking pissed as hell, and starts the beat down on Edge. Then I realize, I haven't seen Phil since we arrived earlier.
"Have you girls seen Punk?" I ask.
They all respond no, and I turn my attention back to the screen. Then as Dave was heading back up the ramp, Killswitch Engage blared thru the arena.
*Well at least I know where he is now*
He had the briefcase in hand running with a ref. He ran in the ring hopping around telling Lillian to hurry up with the damn introduction and for someone to ring the got damn bell.
It rang, GTS, 1...2...3. ding ding ding
"And our winner and new World Heavyweight Champion, CM Punk!"
I had walked out to the curtain and waited for him to come back.
When he got backstage, I walked up and hugged him tight.
"Congrats babe!"
"Thanks." He said smiling.
"Ya know I thought you were gonna kiss that title more than you do me." I smile.
"That's not gonna happen." He said leaning down.
He kissed my lips and held me close. I kissed back, knowing he was excited.
"Just because we are without GM doesn't mean you two can make out in the middle of the hallway," Mickie said.
"Shut up hater." I laughed.
Then Phil, had to do an interview with Todd Grisham, which Justa Born Loser(JBL) interuppted. Saying he was head marshall of Raw and that he wants a shot at the title. And Phil agreed.
~~~~~~~Punk vs JBL(end)~~~~~~~
JBL had his personal security team, outside the ring. Then when Phil was getting beaten down, Cryme Tyme and Cena came out and started beating on the team. That distracted JBL and Phil was able to perform GTS and won. Then helped CTC by hopping over the ropes and landed on them. Soon Raw went off the air.
I was sitting in Phil's locker room, lying on the couch. He came in looking hot, sweaty, and sexy. I sat up and he came over and embraced me and started kissing my neck.
"Phil, no." I say breathing heavily.
"C'mon, your ribs have healed and I won and retained my title in one night." He whispered in my ear, which sent shivers down my spine.
I gave in since he did have a good point. So I pushed him down on the couch and got on top of him and started kissing him. I trailed kisses down his neck. He let out a throaty moan, then flipped me over.
"My turn." He said
He kissed my lips hungrily and his hands slid up my shirt. I start running my hands up and down his sweaty chest. He thentook off my shirt and kissed the skin above my bra. I let out a moan and he smirked into my skin thenunhooked my bra. That's when the messaging and fingering started.
*Thank goodness I'm wearing a skirt.*
{I'll let you come up with the rest.}